What You Need to Know About the Anti 27 Club in Seattle

The Anti 27 Club is a drug and alcohol harm reduction public health campaign presented by Musicians Access to Sustainable Healthcare (SMASH) and Public Health – Seattle & King County. 


Wed, August 31, 2022, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM AT SOUTH PARK HALL

The Anti 27 Club Overdose Rapid Response workshop is a free 3-hour workshop for venue owners, staff, show promoters, and other music industry professionals to learn how to spot and respond to an overdose.

Every attendee will receive a free overdose response kit that includes Narcan and a Fentanyl test strip dispenser for your venue or event space.


The 27 Club is a phenomenon that popular musicians die at the age of 27, most of which are from overdose and suicide. We believe that mythologizing these artists’ drug use is harmful to musicians by creating a belief that in order to create their best works, they have to use drugs or leave mental health struggles untreated, just as these artists did. But we know this is not true. 

We’ve already lost to many great artists to untreated substance use and mental health struggles. 


Drug and alcohol use is pervasive within the music industry. Addiction and overdose have been deadly to many musicians. Some research shows that musicians have higher rates of depression and anxiety than the general public. Establishing a music career is also challenging, adding stress to existing mental health challenges. It’s tough being a musician; musicians often face extreme financial instability in the gig economy and lack access to affordable mental health care. Combined with increased access to drugs and alcohol and the cultural ties they have to the industry, it’s no wonder many artists struggle with substance use and addiction.

But, they believe it is time to make a change. That’s why they are launching the Anti 27 Club, a harm reduction campaign in partnership with Public Health – Seattle & King County. We are here to address the cultural role drugs and alcohol play in the music industry and provide resources for musicians to make safer, informed decisions about substance use. 


SMASH helps Seattle’s low- and limited-income working musicians stay healthy by providing access to free and low-cost medical, dental, and mental health services, plus support for navigating the complicated and frustrating healthcare system.


  • Primary care sessions with traditional and naturopathic providers 

  • Hearing screening and protection

  • Comprehensive dental care at local partner clinics

  • Low barrier mental health treatment

  • Health insurance navigation

  • Health service navigation

SMASH is here to support musicians’ health. The membership process is free and confidential. Your contact information will never be sold for any reason. SMASH is not a health insurance provider, and if you have insurance you can still qualify for SMASH services. 

soberscribe to the sober curator
Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.