What is Conscious Consumption and Why Are the Holidays a Great Time to Start Eating More Consciously?

The holiday season is one of the most exciting but often the most stressful time of the year for many of us. We tend to plan too much and go overboard because, well, “it’s the most wonderful time of the yearrrrrrrr.” Which, it might be for some, but what if we tried to slow down a bit more? Be more present with it all, do less, but be more “all there” for what we decide to participate in. Well, it is a sort of magic.

I refer to it as conscious consumption, and we can apply the practices to eating, drinking, traveling, our experiences, gathering information, and even socializing.

Here are my top 10 tips for conscious consumption over the holidays:

#1. Tune into your senses

What are you tasting?  Texture?  Sounds?  Smells?  Really absorb the charming environment, the reflections of candles and little white lights.

#2. Add music!

It relaxes our nervous system and primes us to receive more fully, digest better and absorb the most out of the experience.

#3. Holiday H2O

Hydrate more between meals than at meals.  Drink a big glass of water 20 minutes before an event or meal.  I guarantee you will make better choices on what and how much to eat.

#4. Make eye contact

Make eye contact with your loved ones, or even the stranger at the store.  Make it a little game to smile and make eye contact with someone every day.

#5. Take a moment

Take a moment before you start eating to trace the story of the food on your plate.  All the hands, the soil, the sun, the water, the time it took to create this food you are about to enjoy. Gratitude puts our system at ease.

#6. Slow down

Read that again. Slow down.  It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you are full.  Wait between courses or second helpings.

#7. Be present & enjoy it!

Whatever you choose to eat – ENJOY IT fully.  Be all there, no guilt, just presence.

#8. Tell yourself a story

Tell a story about the last time you ate this meal.  Who was there?  Who prepared it?  Is there a story to the recipe?  A funny time you didn’t have all the ingredients and had to get creative?

#9. Turn it off!

Turn off the news and take a break from social media, even if it is just for a few days.  Most certainly at meals.  Notice how you feel.  Maybe consider making it a weekly habit in 2023.

#10. Just breathe

Take 3 deep breaths before you eat to help you be more present in your body as you eat and present in the moment in general.   

The holidays are perfect for trying out one or more of these practices. Consider incorporating it into your life at least once a week into the New Year. Positive lasting changes happen gradually over time. You have all of 2023 to make a change—no need to hit the ground running after overindulgence in December. Slow down, indulge, be present for it, and take it all in. Naturally, you will consume things more consciously, enjoy yourself, and feel great going into the New Year.

#QUITLIT: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. #QUITLIT is our curated list of addiction and recovery book reviews. From addiction and recovery memoirs to fiction and self-help, we believe all Sober Curators should be well-read. You can also find us on Goodreads here. 

What’s on your nightstand? We want to hear about what you’re reading right now and the addiction and recovery books you can’t live without. Email us at [email protected]

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