Want To Understand Why You Feel The Way You Do And How The Planets Play A Part? Check Out This Month’s Sobercast With Six For January 2021

The Sobercast with Six may help shed a light on why you feel the way you do and how the planets play apart of it. It’s Dry January, so settle in with your favorite alcohol-free beverage of choice and explore what the heavens might be trying to tell you. (Need ideas of what to drink? It’s always Happy Every Hour somewhere)

Happy New Year Sober Warriors!

Analisa here to give you the scoop on the astrology of January 2021. For about the last 4 years I have been consistently writing a weekly astro-blog. It has been tedious work at times. That said, it has helped my knowledge grow over the years when it comes to tracking the cycles of my own life, as well as the cycles we are under as a collective. While for most people, looking at astro-jargon may seem confusing, I believe that introducing these concepts helps to expand our subconscious awareness on a deeper level, whether we realize it or not.

Astrology is not just horoscope writing

For you the reader,  I included all of the major transits for the month. My hope is that it will spark curiosity in you and perhaps even inspire you to dive deeper into the art of astrology. Astrology is not just horoscope writing. It is the study of planets and their cycles. While we follow the Gregorian calendar and tropical zodiac here in the western hemisphere, we are able to see how cycles repeat themselves and how that plays a role in our experience as individuals.

Some of you may ask yourself, what is a transit in astrology? 

A transit is when a planet makes an aspect to another planet or celestial body. You can understand it as the planets are “talking” or communicating with each other. Creating a specific frequency of energy that we all may experience a little differently. These transits are mathematical and hold particular frequencies that are associated with archetypes. We look at the archetypal energy of the planet and the sign. We also look where it is in the chart, and how that is telling a story.

This is how we as astrologers make predictions or give spiritual guidance. I am what is called a “transpersonal” astrologer. My forecasting is not done for the sake of predicting physical events. I use astrology as a way to better understand myself. Astrological forecasting is used as a tool to utilize the frequencies of energy to get the most out of my day, myself, or the world around me. 

This helps me understand why some days are harder than others. Why I wake up feeling funky or “off.” Using astrology as a tool of empowerment, rather than looking at it as something I am a slave to, is something I love to do. I believe that I have the power in my own life to control my feelings, perceptions, and how I wish to let something affect me.

However, we all have our own weaknesses and strengths. By understanding our weak and strong points, we can make sense out of why during certain times of the month, week, or year, we are feeling stronger or weaker.

By understanding the archetypal nature of the energetic influences in the sky, we can better understand the themes that are likely to unfold for us here on earth. This is an art that has been used for thousands of years and proves to serve a purpose in those who seek meaning outside of the mundane obvious parts of our lives. 

January 1st Article: Ring in the New Year in our 1st annual “Sobercast with Six” Astrological Forecast Predictions for 2021 by Analisa Six

January’s major transits:

1 /6 

Mars enters Taurus

If you read my full 2021 article posted on January 1st, you would have noticed that I dubbed January as the month that begs for structure. A big reason for this is that Mars, our planet ruling war, aggression, action and assertion, is finally leaving the sign of Aries. It has been there since late June of 2020.

Mars will be in Taurus until early March. This energy kick starts our ability to get real and serious when it comes to taking action in our mundane and physical reality. Taurus is the fixed earth sign ruling the 2nd house in astrology, which is the house that represents our values around how we make money as well as create material security for ourselves in the world.

With Mars in Taurus, we may feel a pressure to act fast when it comes to career and finances. Mars in Taurus will be an interesting time as we try and get our economy back in order after such a challenging year. As a collective, our focus when it comes to our economy and personal ability to generate financial security will be a major theme in the first 3 months of the year.


Mercury enters Aquarius and makes a conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius 

Venus enters Capricorn, Venus in Capricorn makes a trine to Mars in Taurus

Mercury enters the fixed air sign of Aquarius and teams up with Saturn today. This is a powerful energy when it comes to our perceptions around the groups we associate with, whether it be friendship circles, political groups/identities, or community organizations.

This is a great time to either volunteer your time in your community, or if you need help from your community- find out what programs will help you regarding your particular circumstances.

Pay It Forward!

Looking to be of service with volunteer work? We’ve curated a list of great organizations to check out here. 

We may feel overly critical of others who have differing beliefs when it comes to progress as our planet Venus, which governs relationships, enters the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn today as well. Venus in the sign of Capricorn represents traditional values when it comes to how we relate to others. Many people with Venus in Capricorn enjoy traditional ways of being courted in a relationship.

This energy may help us to become more grounded and practical in our approach to how we desire connection. We are able to ask basic questions such as; are my needs getting met? Does this relationship or job support my growth? Am I able to provide basic resources for myself?

With Venus making a trine to Mars in Taurus, we could feel extra inspired and motivated when it comes to goals in our material reality and we do well taking advantage of that energy by putting together a game plan.


New Moon 23 degrees of Capricorn

Mercury in Aquarius makes a square to Uranus in Taurus

New Moons are a time for setting intentions towards things we wish to manifest or cultivate in our lives. With the New Moon being in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, we do well setting intentions when it comes to our physical goals around money and career. 

Mercury making a challenging aspect to Uranus could have some unexpected news present itself to us that we are not ready to receive. We may need to be open to seeing things from a new perspective and embracing any changes to our plans, even if it is hard to accept at first. 



Mars in Taurus makes a square to Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn makes a trine Uranus in Taurus

In astrology this would be one of those “don’t leave the house today” kind of transits as Mars, our planet of action, makes a challenging aspect to Saturn, our planet of structure and stability. We could feel easily reactive today and it could end up not serving us well. We may have to find creative ways to address old problems. Consequences of previous actions may present themselves today and we may have to face things that we were hoping we could put off a little bit longer. 

Venus also makes an easy aspect to Uranus today which could cause some significant changes  in regard to our mundane structures we had in place whether it be with work, or in relationship dynamics. We need to be extra mindful with what we put in our bodies at this time as well.  We may feel extremely motivated to change something about our physical appearance or rearrange something in the home. 


Uranus stations direct 

Sun makes a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn

Uranus, the planet of destruction and change, has been retrograde since mid August of 2020. Uranus overall is a difficult planet whether it is direct or retrograde. It brings in change and disrupts anything stagnant. In some ways it is extremely beneficial to shake us up out of our boring routines and comfort zones, but it isn’t always something we embrace willingly.

Uranus and Mars both rule the Tower card in the Tarot, which is the card that represents everything falling apart. Hopefully with Uranus stationing direct, areas that we have been experiencing too much instability will get a bit of a break, while other areas that have been feeling stuck begin to move into a new direction.

Our Sun in Capricorn also makes a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn which is also known as a combustion. In astrology it is said that any planet that meets up with the Sun is overshadowed by the light of the Sun. However, Pluto also shares a similar M.O. When a planet is conjunct Pluto, it is often said that Pluto overpowers or dominates the energy of the other planet, weakening its abilities.

What is interesting to me about this conjunction, is that we have two powerhouse planets together. I see this as a battle of willpower that also gives us a huge personal sense of empowerment when it comes to taking action in our material world.

Pluto being the ruler of Scorpio and symbolizing death, truly has the energy of the Phoenix rising from the ashes with its conjunction to the Sun. I think this is a powerful and yet needed energy for all us right now. It is time for us to rise out of our ashes and claim who we are in this next chapter. 


Jupiter in Aquarius makes a square Uranus in Taurus

Another day that may be best to stay home, not that we aren’t all doing that already. Jupiter, our planet that represents expansion and growth makes a conjunction to our disrupter, Uranus. For a lot of us we may feel a huge need to make some drastic changes to our lives, and for most of us we probably will be under these changes whether we want them or not.

As a collective, our world is changing fast. There is no going back to what was “normal,” but we are creating a new normal as a society while we push forward. Jupiter in Aquarius has visionary and humanitarian potential. We are able to see what needs to be done in the future for progress. Jupiter is often very optimistic. Whatever challenges you may be facing as an individual, you may feel some optimism amongst the hardship. 


Mars in Taurus makes a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus

OK just don’t leave the house this entire week. Mars conjunct Uranus is The Tower card incarnate. This is also a day that tends to be associated with accidents and hurting oneself in a physical way. This energy to me feels like a major earthquake taking place within and around us. Maybe we will even have one somewhere in the world on this day? It wouldn’t surprise me!

Expect more big changes in the days following this transit. Action, Action, Action, and many surprises await! Wherever this transit is hitting in your personal birth chart will indicate where you experience the most change in your personal life on an individual level. It is possible we also feel irritable, reactive, and frustrated by obstacles holding us back. We need to be extremely cautious with how we react to outside circumstances at this time.


Sun enters Aquarius, Happy Birthday Aquarius babes! 

Aquarius season officially begins! Aquarius is the fixed air sign of the zodiac ruling the 11th house in our charts which symbolizes friendship circles, political groups, and our relationship to our communities. This sign is all about progress and building upon the old to create a bigger and better future for the collective.

With Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn all in the sign of Aquarius right now, this is a big month for all Aquarius babes! You will be under major shifts over this year, but especially this month as you find yourself needing to step into the power of  who you are more than ever! It’s time to serve your community and teach the rest of the world what true activism and philanthropy means. Set the example! This is your year! 


Mars in Taurus makes a square to Jupiter in Aquarius 

We need to be extremely mindful with our spending during the next few days as we could easily lose just as much as we’ve gained if we are not careful. Don’t let fear influence reactive purchases. Try to stay in the practical and grounded energy you started your year out with. 


Sun in Aquarius makes a square to Uranus in Taurus

We are undergoing major changes when it comes to our identity as a collective. The very foundations that we as a society have been built on are crumbling and changing rapidly. We do best to use this period as a time to reflect on ways we can positively impact our communities and help in guiding those changes in productive ways.

On a personal level we could feel a huge need to reflect on what organizations or groups we associate with and whether they are promoting personal growth or blocking us from progress.


Full Moon 9 degrees of Leo

Sun makes a conjunction to Jupiter in Aquarius

Venus makes a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn

Our Full Moon hits at 9 degrees of the fixed fire sign, Leo. Full Moons are a time for manifestation as well as releasing what no longer serves us. The sign the Moon is in represents the energy we are being asked to focus on in our lives at this time. Leo energy is all about self expression and getting in touch with our inner child. The Leo affirmation is “ I show, I share.”

Reflections during this Full Moon in Leo should be around how you yourself express yourself in your life and what your relationship is to self love and personal confidence. We benefit from creating a ritual for ourselves today that revolves around building a healthy perception of self and learning to embrace who we are.  

Our Sun in Aquarius also meets up with Jupiter today which is a great energy for optimism and empowering energy. We could feel incredibly motivated and inspired to step into a person we have envisioned being for a long time. 

Venus meets up with Pluto in Capricorn which empowers us to be open to letting go of limiting beliefs or perceptions around how we obtain success in our lives on a mundane level. Our traditional values when it comes to how we may have perceived relationships before could be changing and we may be ready to let go of them.


Mercury retrograde begins at 26 degrees of  Aquarius 

And so it begins, the dreaded first Mercury retrograde of the year! Mercury retrogrades are such a common focus of conversation at this point that I feel funny even writing about it. But all funniness aside, Mercury retrograde is no laughing matter. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, technology, and travel.

When Mercury stations retrograde, it is an unfavorable time to sign contracts, start new projects, or go on vacation. During this time, many issues of 2020 that were unresolved may come back into focus. As nice as it is to see a new year as a fresh start, it does not magically wipe away the history of our lives, or unfinished business we must tend to. 

Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aquarius will be influential on our friends. We may find ourselves disagreeing more with people who we differ from, and having some make or break moments. This is a period of time we could question political leaders, organizations, as well as people within our own community programs. 

We will most likely experience many issues with technology, so make sure you back everything up at least 10 days prior to this retrograde. 

The best way to know how this retrograde is influencing you is to have a personal astrology reading. Whatever you have 26 degrees of Aquarius, in your personal birth chart, will be the area of your life affected the most by this transit. 

That’s a wrap on January

Well my friends, there you have it, the astrology of January 2021. I wish you all blessings and good fortune as we embark upon another transformative month. If you would like to book a reading with me, my bookings for readings will be opening up on January 23rd. Email me at [email protected]. You can also follow along with the weekly astrology forecast at themysticparlor.com

Analisa Six

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