Virtual Reality Benefits Recovery: A Supernatural Review of My Personal Experience

I will start my Supernatural review by sharing the many positive ways Supernatural Virtual Reality Fitness affected my life.

Supernatural Results

  • Assisted me in kicking a 20-year-plus heroin addictions ass and assists me daily in my recovery.

  • The best alternative to inpatient treatment that I have ever been able to find for myself.

  • Taken my attention off social media.

  • Helped me to lose almost 80 lbs. of baby weight in a brief time with no other changes (Despite a hypothyroidism diagnosis.) 

  • Helped me find self-confidence that I never knew I had. 

  • Lowered my extremely high blood pressure (no more blood pressure meds.) 

  • Seriously reduced my addiction to online shopping. 

  • Assisted me in building muscle in places I did not know muscle could be. 

  • Seriously increased energy levels. 

  • No more depression. (No More Meds.) 

  • Improved range of motion and flexibility.

  • Improved levels of anxiety. (No Meds.) 

  • A workout that I hardly consider a workout.  

  • Helped me build a life I am proud of.

  • Increased circulation everywhere. 

  • Helped me meet amazing people in the Supernatural community.

  • My kids think I am cool cause I am a big bad “boxer” (and I am.)  

Wait, what?

You may wonder how a “video game” could do many wonderful things for me. You may be a bit skeptical or disbelieving? I promise you that Supernatural has done all the above for me and much more.  Supernatural can and will deliver. Let me explain. 

I am 6.5 years sober after being addicted to heroin since I was 14. I hated myself, as most of us tend to do when suffering from substance use disorder (SUD). That self-hatred leads to some addiction more times than not. I always felt like I was wearing a skin suit about five sizes too small. Heroin took that away. It felt like the home I had always imagined I had growing up. 

I got pregnant with my daughter at the age of thirty-five. Suddenly it wasn’t about me anymore, and to me, that mattered. We stopped using drugs that day. I removed myself from the place where I had been selling drugs. I traded up for a nice bed at a homeless shelter. Pat (my SO and baby daddy) and I left. We purchased our home a few short years later, and when I was thirty-nine, I had my son.  

During my late-in-life pregnancies and after, my weight got out of control. Five months into my pregnancy, I was arrested for sales that happened seven months before I changed my life. I did manage to be released two weeks before I had my daughter, and I was gigantic.   

I got pregnant with my daughter at the age of thirty-five, and suddenly it wasn’t about me anymore.

Suffering from hypothyroidism can make it difficult for me to lose weight. Spending so much time “finishing school” can cause unhealthy weight gain. I would get out, and about the time I would start losing weight, I was right back in. (Sidenote: Finishing school is my alternative term for jail that I have been using since as far back as I can remember.)  

I hadn’t lost much before realizing I was pregnant with my son. I tried everything. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING; I thought I would never lose weight. Also, I wouldn’t say I like any type of organized movement. Most “thick” girls don’t care to partake in workouts. I didn’t want to participate. When I say I tried everything, I should also mention that I tried everything unhealthy. i.e., Diet pills, diet pills, and more diet pills. (Btw, they never worked.) 

Crypto Gaming Token Curiosity

I had been investing in crypto for a couple of years. I had gotten very curious to learn more about gaming tokens (i.e., The SandboxAxie InfinityDecentraland). The best way I could see to do that was to buy an Oculus Quest 2. (Affiliate Link. See disclosure above.) I purchased two, one for myself and one for Pat. People tend to hear about virtual reality and think it would be expensive. It’s not as much as you might think. You can even buy used on Offer Up for as low as $150. I love that you can take it anywhere. You can use it with a phone with service or Wi-Fi connection. 

The first time I put on my headset and saw all these weird-shaped balls flying at my head at what seemed like an extremely high rate of speed, I immediately took it off. I told my SO (significant other) and neighbor that I could never think of mastering anything like that. I believed it at the time too. Not even close. 

This is a screenshot of the targets after I smashed them on the Oculus Quest 2’s Supernatural in VR

Soon I began thinking about it for self-defense purposes. I had always been a fighter when I was younger. It was an outlet for me as a child until drugs became my outlet. I have been known to throw myself around a mosh pit with the best of them. Man, I miss that shit. It’s a cold, harsh world out there. I have children. Then I figured I should know how to tear it up or get a refresher on throwing punches. 

Sick of having all the weight on, I decided to try it when no one was around to see me. I can admit I was insecure about how I might look while learning. I was hooked after my first session and could have cared less.

The Supernatural VR Coaches

The coaches are amazing, and they seriously helped me find my confidence. All those mini pep-talks from Scott Hahari, Dwana Olson, Doc. (Antonio Harrison), Leanne Pedante, Raneir Pollard, and new coach Mindy Lai (these are the ones I have encountered while boxing.) These coaches are actual lifesavers. They did for me what nothing had ever been successful doing in my entire life, including drugs. I have never personally met any of them, but as crazy as it sounds, they are my best friends. 

Finally, Being Built Back Up

I have been torn down by the people around me my entire life. Living in a small town and being the first home raided for a drug like heroin made me the worst. People aren’t educated about these things, especially back then. I was a young girl that lived a nightmare for a childhood and needed someone to believe in me. I deal with stigma daily, even now, almost seven years sober.

These things have left me with minimal self-confidence. Throw in a criminal background and many gaps in my employment history, and I was working with zero self-confidence, self-love, and self-worth.  

Supernatural Clarity

Supernatural helped me gain clarity. Soon after I started getting these pep talks, I realized those who tore me down were trying to build themselves up. I love them, and I forgive them. Supernatural has helped me forgive them. During the Supernatural workouts, these coaches repeatedly tell you that you are worth it. That you can do it. That you will rise above. To focus on right here and right now, etc.

Being one that is constantly tearing myself down through my internal dialect, I would throw the coaches an eye roll, sometimes a mental eye roll, because you cannot take your eyes off those targets. If you do, they suddenly begin smashing you in the face, and even though it is just VR, it can be pretty shocking and hilarious to anyone watching. Not as bad as the first time you punch yourself in the face or incorrectly estimate the distance between yourself and the nearest large object. (This is why the Supernatural Workout Mat is ESSENTIAL. It has two positioning knobs you can feel with your feet to ensure room awareness, direction, and safety.)

Supernatural has helped me forgive.

These coaches tell you that you are kicking ass and taking names workout after workout. This just sparked something inside that was utterly foreign to me. A spark of a feeling that I had never known before. They sparked a tiny bit of self-confidence and after that… Forget about it! Self-confidence is a beautiful feeling! Woooo-weee! What I had been missing! I will forever love each of them for every spark they lit within me. That spark is now a full-on growing fire shooting off its own sparks.  

I keep at it every night as someone who has always hated any organized movement. I was suddenly tracking my fitness. The weight was falling off me. This is not your typical workout. You are actively engaging in self-care. This word that we, Moms, and those of us in recovery do not know but always want to know. You are doing something for yourself.

A Supportive Significant Other

I am lucky that my SO has been so supportive from the gate. He gives the kids baths, and whatever needs to be done early so I can get to bed earlier. I am thrilled and hope you will be lucky enough to have that. Pat never saw Supernatural as a “video game.” He knew better. He knew that if I did not do something about the weight, I wouldn’t be around to see our children grow.  It was a matter of life and death.

I started my routine with Supernatural in May of 2022, and I did and did work out every night. Unfortunately, some nights I don’t get to it until after midnight. This makes it look like I missed a day when I haven’t. Surprisingly, it is enough that I know that. Some nights I do 20-30 minutes; others, I do up to 60-80 minutes. Starting off, I got hot and sweaty. I brought a big box fan out on the patio, and with time I wasn’t soaking myself. Sometimes I will jump in the pool after. This past winter in Vermont was one of the mildest we have ever had. I purchased a Hampton Bay Outdoor Patio Heater from Amazon. Now I can still go out back and do my Supernatural workout. I do sometimes stay inside when it’s cold out, though.

I have lost a little over eighty pounds in about 9 months.

Having lost a little over eighty-plus pounds in about nine months, which is almost nine pounds per month! If you know anything about hypothyroidism, then you know this is not easy, and I didn’t change my eating habits, but I am not a huge junk foodie either. Created new happy and healthy habits, and Pat and M&M (my Mikaiyah & Malyckai) were about the best cheerleaders a mom could ever ask for. I could not let them down now, could I? 

This is a screenshot of a lunge bar and an uppercut coming at me at high rates of speed. Depending on the position of the lunge and duck bars, you lunge towards the left or right and squat for the duck bar. You can tell which way to punch the targets based on the way they are facing.

This led me to believe in myself enough to quit smoking finally. The self-confidence, increased mental health, and mindset that I have gained with Supernatural, and my daughter simply saying, “Mommy, can you please quit smoking so you can see me be six?” That was it. Pat and I smoked our last cigarette two days later and have not smoked since. I could have never done that without both Supernatural and Mikaiyah. It went down that way for a reason; it always does. Love you, Uni (universe)! 

It’s Catchy

Friends have called me a “helper” of people. Being an empath who loves people, I cannot stand to see another living organism suffer in any way. I have helped people for as long as I can remember. I REALLY help people now. With self-confidence, I help them light their spark from my fire, and I know that they will be OK. I guess you could say it is catchy. 

Let me tell you how Supernatural helps me deal with issues in my recovery from substances daily. Whether you’re in recovery, know someone in recovery, or if you have bad days. Then you have those moments where things could shift from bad to worse. I seem to have many of these minutes throughout the day, and I kind of grin and bear it. I get through them because I know that I can go home, and after I deal with my crazy kids and rack up a few more of those moments, I get to put them to bed and run to my back patio with my headset in one hand and my excellent Spring Bellabeat smart water bottle in the other. It makes me want to drink water. I have had it for two months, and already broken twice; I can also be a breaker of things.

Melting away the negativity

I know that whether I am boxing, flowing, or meditating when my workout is done, all the stigma and ignorance of the day will begin to melt away with each punch I throw. You have no idea what this means to me. I have an extremely high-stress job. People’s lives are on the line, including custody of their children, their freedom, etc. I am expected to be a robot with no feelings or attachments instead of the empath I am. This may sound crazy, but Supernatural has helped me improve and bring my coaching game to the next level. I have always been a great coach, but now I am a freaking phenomenal coach. I know this to be true (thank you, self-confidence.)

Not to mention

All the improvements in my life floor me because of my daily use of Supernatural. As I stated above, I have been able to stop taking my blood pressure medicine, anti-depressant, and pain medication. I regained the full use of my hands due to lack of circulation. Throwing all those punches has been great for my circulation. I spend much less time shopping on Amazon and perusing social media websites like Facebook and Instagram. I have increased cognitive function and better focus. Please do not ask me how that is possible with my severe ADHD and executive function issues, but that’s what has happened. 

The best part is that my kids (M&M) think I am the coolest. They love watching and copying everything mom does. Supernatural has saved my life, and I just wish there were a way that I could give back to them. This is my attempt, but should they ever need me or my Supernatural expertise/powers, they just need to ask. 

In Conclusion

I think people struggling with SUD and those in short or long-term recovery could use Supernatural as a coping mechanism, just as I have. Cravings are tough to get through, especially when you have them for all the right reasons. Supernatural is my craving buster, and as I will repeatedly report, it’s many other things for me too.

The last thing I will mention is the fantastic community that Supernatural supports and that supports Supernatural. I have never seen a more encouraging, motivated, motivating, and diverse community of individuals. We are all head over heels for Supernatural. Those of us who have been around know the meaning behind Supernatural because it’s what we have become. 

If you are interested in purchasing an Oculus Quest 2 you can use my affiliate link to purchase one… this costs nothing for you, and it helps me continue bringing you great content and you get an awesome product that I stand by 150%.

I am in no way making any kind of promise in regard to the results you will see individually from using Oculus Quest 2. I am reporting the many positive results that I have experienced with my Oculus Quest 2. Your results are your responsibility. Please play safely!

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If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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