Two Roots Brewing Is Legit – Two Legit To Quit

We’ve had this guest over for dinner many times and are again calling in some sexy favors and trying out another beer from Two Roots Brewing. Originally from California and hailing from my home state of Michigan, Two Roots is the bee’s knees filled with good ideas, good brews, and a big ass machine that removes the alcohol from their beer. It makes me want to buy one and dump whatever beer I want in there. Es. Then I will be the NA beer god! I digress.

This week we are drinking Flying Bear Dance by Two Roots Brewing. This beer is described as a Pacific Keller Bier, and because of how Bier is spelled, I think Germans and German beer and am already expecting some German hops and roasted malts. These suspicions are confirmed as soon as you stick your finger in the can hole and crack that ish open. The unmistakable scent of malts is mixed with a pleasant, balanced aroma of German hops, and your nose is just about ready to introduce this limited brew from Two Roots to your mouth, so let’s allow them to meet.

How Does It Pour?

The beer pours a beautiful golden color, reminiscent of a fine pilsner of blonde ale. The head is a crisp white, and the clarity is about as clear as your head because you’re not drinking alcohol. Two Roots Brewing finds this beautiful combination of color and aroma and creates heavy promises with its flavor. Does it deliver? Yes. Are you not listening?

How Does This Taste?

The beer is crisp and light, but with a full flavor profile and heavy body. It really is a reminder that Oktoberfest is right around the corner. The German hops are so specific in flavor that they bring out all of the other flavors of the beer instead of our American hops which typically drive down the other flavors. Two Roots Brewing really found that German feel and captured it in a beer that is both light, but full of flavor.

Untappd gives Flying Bear Dance from Two Roots Brewing a rating of an undetermined amount due to its limited amount of ratings. I think it’s a great choice if you’re missing that European beer flavor. It’s like Clausthaler, but better. Two Roots is legit, and I’m excited for more of these little limited brews like their current sour! Go check them out, you big dummy!


HAPPY EVERY HOUR NA BEERS & 90s: Sober Curator Justin Lamb is dedicated to tasting great (and sometimes not so great) NA beers and showcasing his amazing collection of memorabilia from the ’90s.

RECOVERY PODCASTLANDWant more Justin in your life? We don’t blame you! Check out his podcast Friend Request Justin has in-depth interviews with people he follows on social media, as well as his own social media followers. Friend Request dives deeper than the likes and comments. With each episode, Justin tries to create a more meaningful conversation about each individual he’s connected with. Justin ties each interview together with the commonalities and struggles that not only are extremely relatable but also fall across the entire spectrum of the human experience.

Check Out This Episode from Friend Request:

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