Top 75 Sober Instagram Accounts to Follow in 2024: A Community United in Recovery

Last December, we at The Sober Curator turned to you, our loyal readers, followers, and fans, to tell us about your favorite sober Instagram accounts. You didn’t hold back, and we’re thrilled to share the list of your favorites, along with a few of ours.

The Sober Instagram community is more than just a collection of pretty profiles; it’s a vibrant, supportive network that fosters connection, motivation, camaraderie, and opportunities for friendships and collaborations. It’s a space where we are stronger together, where the rising tide lifts all the sober and sober-curious boats. When we recover out loud, we play a crucial part in dispelling the stigma that has long clouded our community. So, without further ado, and in no particular order, here are the Top Sober Instagram accounts to follow in 2024. (Ok, that’s a tiny white lie – I do name my TOP THREE ON IG, plus one honorable mention.) But really, the rest are in no particular order. Pinky promise.

  • # 1 SOBER INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT:@muppet_recovery: Adding a touch of humor to the serious topic of recovery, Muppet Recovery is my #1 choice of recovery Instagram accounts to follow. (Yes, I know I just previously said this list was in no particular order. Apparently, I lied a little.) I’ve been OBSESSED with the Muppets since childhood. Fun fact! My mother’s cousin was Miss Piggy’s clothing designer working on-set for the first 20 years of her life. And the Miss Piggy on display in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC is wearing one of her outfits. I have decided, this proximity makes me an honorary Muppet and might partially explain my shopping and fashion addictions. If you only follow ONE new sober IG account this year, make it this one.

(Learn even MORE about my Muppet / Miss Piggy obsession in this post celebrating my sweet 16 Soberthday and my friends got me a Miss Piggy Cameo video and we rented an 80s themed Airbnb and had a sober slumber party.)

  • HONORARY MENTION:@the_sober_show: YOU CHANGED MY SOBER LIFE AND YES, I KNOW I AM YELLING. IDK how, but @muppet_recovery was not in my line of sight prior to this post. I have NO IDEA how I missed this one. How can I even call myself a curator anymore? How can I claim to be an honorary muppet? LOL Why didn’t I think of this? #brilliant Thanks for having my sober back @the_sober_show. Keep me posted on your future shows so I can keep spreading the LOL love.

  • @sobergirlsociety: Based in the UK, this account is an empowering hub for sober women everywhere. With relatable memes, inspiring quotes, and a sense of humor that hits just right, it’s no wonder this account is a fan favorite.

  • @thesoberglow: Mia’s account radiates positivity and light. Her posts about sober living, self-love, and healthy boundaries are both inspiring and grounding. For more in-depth stories, recommendations, and resources check out The Sober Glow Studio on Substack.

  • @sobermotivation: Daily dose of motivation for those on a journey of sobriety. They’ve also got merch, and podcast, and a partnership with the @yoursoberbuddy app. Side note – if you are reading this and you have purchased the soberbuddy mascot stuffie, can you slide into my DMs and tell me if it was worth it? He/she/they is SO cute. Oops, wait no. I’m doing a No Spend Challenge for 2024. I keep forgetting I’m not spending money on things this year. #shoppingaddictionisreal #withdrawalsareevenmorereal

  • @creativesobriety: A colorful account that blends art and sobriety in inspiring ways.

  • @soberincentralpark: Rachel shares the journey of sobriety set against the backdrop of one of New York’s most iconic locations. She also shows us that you don’t need booze to have fun.

  • @soberinlosangeles: A west coast perspective on living sober, with beautiful imagery and powerful messages.

  • @soberinlansing: Highlighting the sober community in Michigan’s capital city. They offer monthly meetups!

  • @alcoholtippingpoint: Sharing personal stories of reaching the tipping point and choosing sobriety.

  • @ditchedthedrink: Celebrating the freedom and joy found in ditching alcohol, specifically in the workplace, professional settings, etc. – A sober gal after my own career gal heart.

  • @walking_the_straight_line: A journey of sobriety, one step at a time.

  • @rock_bottomed_girl: Providing hope and inspiration from the perspective of someone who hit rock bottom and rose again. (Rock bottomed girls they make this rockin’ world go ’round! – Sorry, I had too. At least some of you were thinking it too. I’m talking to you Gen X’rs.)

  • @thesoberelephantchronicles: Chronicling the journey of sobriety with honesty and vulnerability. Host of @noboozecrew and Co-host of @theweekendsoberpodcast.

  • @theweekendsoberpodcast: The official account of the popular podcast discussing sober weekends.

  • @youdonthavetodrink: A reminder that you can live a fulfilling life without alcohol. Resources and encouragement for the sober curious. (Pssst, you really don’t have to drink, and it does get better.) Podcast @morethansobriety

  • @thatsoberglow: Showcasing the radiant glow that comes with choosing self-love, nature, and sobriety.

  • 11 Years sober, this sober angel delivers joy, smiles, and motivation to get you through those hard days.

  • #2 SOBER INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT (NEW! This will be the one to watch for all you #earlysoberadapters): @nondrinkingbuddies: Newish podcast on the sober scene, featuring two sober comedians that just happened to get sober on the same date in 2022 – WHAT? Featuring Anne Gregory @anneegreg + Rebekka Johnson @hellorebekka

  • @pattersonperspective: Offering a unique perspective on the journey of sobriety by writer and educator Daniel Patterson.

These accounts represent just a fraction of the robust sober Instagram community. Each offers its unique perspective and approach to sobriety, but all contribute to the ongoing conversation about recovery, resilience, and living a fulfilling sober life.

Remember, we’re stronger together, and every voice adds to the chorus of change. Here’s to destigmatizing the dark cloud that has surrounded our community for so long and celebrating the light we find in our shared sobriety.

Mad you didn’t make this list? #feltcutemightdeletelater

Ask yourself this:

  • Has The Sober Curator featured me before? If the answer is yes, thank you next. Don’t be greedy. We’re just trying to spread the sober love around. As a friendly reminder, we asked the community at large who their favorites are, and simply reported back.

  • Have you never been featured by The Sober Curator before? Maybe we missed you or you’ve never been on our radar. We’re just a group of volunteers that do all of this on the side. Slide into our DMs or reach out via email to [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you and get to know what kind of content and vibration you are contributing to the online sober/recovery/sober-curious communities.

  • Sober Curator Pro Tip: If you hit us up with attitude because you’re deeply offended that we didn’t feature you, move on. You’re not our people. Ain’t nobody got time for that. (Obviously, if I felt the need to write this, that should indicate this has happened multiple times. We don’t do sober trolls. Please don’t waste our time.) Hit us up with snark and humor? We’re all for it in the spirit of love and kindness. You and I both know there is a difference. Check yourself before your wreck yourself.

Here is a list of all of our current Sober Curators, who always rank at the top of our favorites in the IG world. Curious to know how you can get added to this rad sober posse?


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.