The Sobercast With Six, By Sober Curator Analisa Six, Brings You An Astrological Forecast For The Month Of October 2021

This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about evaluating what friendships serve you and balancing high levels of optimism with realistic expectations. This is the perfect time to say goodbye to communication patterns that don’t serve you. Get comfy and settle in! Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator brings us her Sober October 2021 Forecast of the weeks ahead.

Autumn Greetings Sober Warriors!

Welp, we are getting this month started in the midst of a Mercury retrograde cycle in Libra. I am sure by now most of you are over it. This is a period of time where relationships are on the chopping block. The way we gauge what’s fair when it comes to energy exchange with others is important to us. Mercury is the planet that rules communication.

When it stations retrograde it lasts for about three weeks. This includes about a week-long shadow period prior to and after the retrograde. When Mercury stations retrograde it asks us to review themes that have to do with the sign that it is retrograde in. Libra is the energy of this Mercury retrograde. This highlights our relationships and the way we perceive equality and fairness within our lives. 

Hello Sober October

October always starts out in the cardinal air sign of Libra. Libra in astrology is ruled by the planet Venus and rules the 7th house in the chart. In Libra, we learn the importance of partnership and how learning through another can expand our own understanding of ourselves. Libra, being the Venusian energy that it is, emphasizes the power of equality, peace, and how to obtain those things with justice. This sign also symbolizes the universal flow of duality and the natural world’s ability to keep those laws reliable. Libra individuals love all things aesthetically beautiful. They also enjoy having fun with the people they cherish the most. And, they find ways to do as little work as possible. 

Oh Scorpio

Scorpio in astrology is ruled by the planets Mars as well as Pluto and rules the 8th house in our chart. This sign is one of if not the most complex sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing the cycles of birth, sex, death, and rebirth. In Scorpio, we learn the principles of transformation and transmutation. We discover the true alchemy of life and how to transcend into higher realms of being and thought. Scorpio individuals tend to have a secretive nature about them. This sign prefers staying in the background and experiencing reality in a personalized way.

However, they often desire deep and complex connections to others. Loyalty and trust being some of their most coveted values. Scorpio can also have a vengeful and aggressive side where we learn how to navigate our spectrum of emotions.

Happy birthday to all our Libra and Scorpio people!

Celebrity Libra individuals:

John Lennon, Zac Efron, Kim Kardashian, Eminem, Cardi B, John Krasinski, Mahatma Gandhi, Serena Williams, Kamala Harris, Will Smith, Snoop Dogg, Bella Hadid, Matt Damon, Gwen Stefani

Celebrity Scorpio individuals:

Picasso, Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg, Marie Antoinette, Kris Jenner, Sean Diddy Combs, Winona Ryder, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo Dicaprio, Ryan Gosling, Kelly Osbourne, Drake


Recovery tip for Libra:

This start to this month may be very testing for you. Especially when it comes to how you are communicating in your relationships with others. Remember that passive-aggressive actions are not healthy ways of communicating your needs with those you care about. Your partner/friends are not mind readers!

As hard as it can be to confront people with your needs, it leads to healthier and more harmonious relationships in the future. Instead of turning to unhealthy ways to escape conflict, such as procrastination, or eating in overindulgent and unhealthy ways (which can be a typical Libra go to) find a way you can be honest with yourself and others about what it is you really need right now.

Recovery tip for Scorpio:

Scorpio, it’s your time to shine at the end of this month! However,  you may be guided by higher powers to reflect on your inability to let people get to know the real you. As fun and sexy as it can be to keep up the mystique, after a while, it can become cold, manipulative, and downright annoying to those you share your space with. During this month, you may crave a desire for deeper and more intimate connections with people. This means you may have to face your fears around being vulnerable so that you can explore creating deeper connections when it comes to your relationships.

Here is a play-by-play of each transit for the month ahead, and how you can best tune into the frequencies of the stars to make the most out of your life.

October’s Main Themes:

  • Evaluating what friendships serve you

  • Saying goodbye to communication patterns you don’t have time for

  • Evolving passed envy/jealousy and finding ways to be inspired being the badass that you are! 

  • Finding ways to develop a healthy sex life with yourself as well as any partner(s) you may have.

  • Finding ways to free yourself from mundane existence by working a little spontaneity and adventure into your routine

  • Balancing high levels of optimism with realistic expectations


Mercury rx in Libra square Pluto rx in Capricorn

Tension in the air when it comes to how we communicate our ideas with others is heightened. Any patterns within relationship dynamics that we are fed up with may come to a boiling point with Mercury making this hard aspect to Pluto. We also may need to be wary of any information we receive that seems too good to be true. Get all the facts to a situation before making any decisions.


Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Our desire for intimacy is enhanced with Venus making a harmonious aspect to Pluto. We also are more prone to experiencing jealousy or envy of others, so it is wise that we are mindful of what insecurities we may be projecting onto others during this time. Instead of falling into a jealousy trap with yourself, find a way to get inspired. When we can transmute our own energy into something that enables us to be productive in a way that lends towards our growth, we are then able to create the life for ourselves that we may be longing for in the future.

Scorpio energy, as well as Pluto, is all about transmutation, transformation, and letting go of the old so that the new can be born. This is a positive time to evaluate what you are wanting to work towards for yourself, as well as in your relationships with others at this time that creates harmonious evolution for everyone involved.


Mercury RX in Libra trine Jupiter RX in Aquarius

Our need to communicate our beliefs and ideas with others is enhanced today. We could also find ourselves glued to the news or social media. Make sure you give yourself adequate breaks/downtime away from the world but enjoy this boost in energy to connect with others about mutual interests.


Mercury RX in Libra inconjunct Neptune RX in Pisces

It is possible our heads will be in the clouds and a bit disassociated from reality today. However, this is a great time for thinking outside the box and allowing your imagination to inspire you to work past limiting beliefs.


New Moon 13 degrees of Libra

Mars in Libra inconjunct Uranus RX in Taurus

Sun in Libra inconjunct Uranus RX in Taurus

Pluto stations direct in Capricorn

New Moon’s are a time for setting intentions towards things we want to call into our lives over the coming weeks. In Libra, this is a positive time to reflect on what types of relationships you want to cultivate. For some, you may find you are not satisfied with current friendships or romantic relationships. For others, you may feel like you’re ready to elevate the way you connect with others.

Think about your relationship with yourself as well during this time, and see if that is something you could work on. With Mars and the Sun both making a hard aspect to Uranus today during this new Moon cycle, we may be ready to make some major changes with the circles of people we find ourselves in.


Venus enters Sagittarius

Sun in Libra conjunct Mars in Libra

Venus leaves the moody waters of Scorpio and enters into the adventures fire of Sagittarius today where she will be until November 5th of this year. With Venus in Sagittarius, our hearts may need more out of life. This is a great time to get out of your mundane routine and explore alternate ways you can relate to the world. This is also great energy for learning something new. 

With our Sun making a conjunction to Mars in Libra, we may feel a large desire to put ourselves out there in a new way. We could feel inspired over the coming days to try out a “new look.” Don’t be shy, put yourself out there in a way that inspires you to grow. This is a great time to reinvent yourself!


Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury RX in Libra

Mercury RX in Libra conjunct Mars in Libra

Today we have a Cazimi with the Sun and Mercury teaming up in Libra, followed by Mercury making a conjunction to Mars. Libra energy is prominent and we may feel ourselves needing to work things out with another when it comes to how we feel we are being treated or communicated within a relationship dynamic.

Take this time to get clear with yourself about what your needs are for harmonious interactions with others. Remember that respectful confrontation and be another way to keep the peace with another rather than avoiding an issue that needs attention. Being passive-aggressive can do more damage to existing relationship problems.


Saturn stations direct in Aquarius

Saturn stations direct after being retrograde since May of this year. This planet in Aquarius represents the societal structures we adhere to within political movements, friend groups, and the role we play within our communities. With Saturn stationing direct, we may find ourselves feeling clearer on what we want out of those areas of our lives. 


Mercury RX in Libra inconjunct Uranus RX in Taurus

Change is in the air whether we want it or not. We may need to be open-minded to something not going as planned today. The silver lining is that we are forced to see things from a new perspective that helps us develop more wisdom around the circumstances. Try to see anything not going your way as an opportunity to let go and trust that sometimes things falling apart bring about change that has a way of working out in our favor if we let it.


Sun in Libra inconjunct Neptune RX in Pisces

Our ability to stay grounded in reality is tested today with our Sun making a hard aspect to Neptune. Procrastination may be something you are more inclined towards today so find ways to get things done while giving yourself some downtime in between tasks.


Sun in Libra trine Jupiter RX in Aquarius

Optimism and grandiose ideals characterize the energy of today. While we are able to find a lot of inspiration to take our goals and dreams to new heights, we do well to proceed with a tiny bit of caution, not to end up overdoing and underdelivering on our promises later. Find a way to tune into this powerful and enthusiastic frequency by giving yourself a fun and productive day with people you enjoy sharing your creative energy with.


Mars in Libra inconjunct Neptune RX in Pisces

Mercury RX in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius

Romanticizing someone’s potential and overlooking who they present themselves to be on a daily basis will result in disappointment and a broken heart almost always. When we project the way we desire someone to eventually be, rather than embracing and accepting who they give to us in the here and now, we set ourselves up for failure in every relationship dynamic we encounter. This is because we are not willing to meet people where they are at.

With the energetic frequency of the coming days, it is likely that we could get caught up in the fantasy of someone. Be careful not to fall into this trap. Stay grounded in reality as much as possible while enjoying the fantasy of your own personal potential, rather than that of another.


Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius

Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn

Jupiter has been in retrograde since June 20th and finally stations direct today. Think back to mid-June and ask yourself what you were conceptualizing and trying to bring into your life during that time. It may have not gained as much momentum as you were hoping over the summer months. Perhaps you learned more about what it will take to reach those goals.

If it is hard to remember, think about your relationship with your community and whether you felt like you pulled away or leaned in. This may be a time where you realize what societal structures you are no longer willing to play a part in.


Mercury stations direct in Libra

Mars in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius

Mercury is no longer retrograde as of today, but don’t get too excited!  The days where our planet of communication is stationing from one position to another tend to be the most chaotic. Despite that, things we have had a hard time articulating or communicating over the last few weeks may begin to finally take more shape in the weeks to come.

This is a good time to reflect on what you worked on during the retrograde cycle, especially within relationship dynamics, and serif what you learned is helping you move forward in the areas of your life that require will benefit from that growth.


Venus in Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus RX in Taurus

Unforeseen changes in our relationship dynamics with others are likely today. While this may feel like the rug is getting pulled out from underneath us, we may also experience some surprises that inspire us to grow beyond what we thought was possible. This is a powerful time to evolve within your relationship with yourself and how that is projected onto others. Be open to learning new ways to connect with the world and all of the various ways people in your life experience their world differently from the way you do.


Full Moon 27 degrees of Aries

Full Moon’s are a time for release, and with our full Moon in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, we are called to reflect upon our personal relationship to our identity and how we put that forth into the world. Aries, ruled by the planet Mars, symbolizes our willpower. This full moon, take some time to examine how you use your own free will to create the life you want, not for the benefit of others, but for the betterment of yourself.


Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn

This is a challenging time as our relationship to personal power and how we use that in life to get our needs met is a generalized theme for all of us. We could feel a boost of competitive energy in the days ahead as we inch towards Scorpio season. Envy, jealousy, frustrations with others, could all be things that come up for us during this time. We need to be extremely mindful of how we strive for the things we want and whether our means of getting them are appropriate or harmful.


Sun enters Scorpio

puts the rest of us on edge for your unpredictable nature! This is your time to shine! 

Scorpio is one of the most complex signs of the zodiac and also has been revered as one of the most “scary” signs of the zodiac to those that fear the associated intensity and attributes that those dominant in this sign tend to possess energetically. Scorpio dominant people ( meaning those who have their sun, moon, rising, or large placements in Scorpio within their birth chart) tend to have a presence that is intense, brooding, powerful, but sometimes operating at a more private and hidden level.

It is this energy that exudes power but is held within or below, that is what typically puts people on edge. There is a sense that regardless of how private or quiet a Scorpio person can be, there is much more happening below the surface. 

The Scorpio 4-1-1

In astrology, Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac and rules the 8th house. Its planetary rulers are Mars and Pluto, its element water, and modality fixed.

When we reach the energy of Scorpio in the zodiac we are being asked what our relationship to transformation, power, sex, creation, death, and rebirth is within our lives. Scorpio has a shadow nature to it, and also operates below the surface of the material world. 

Shadow aspects of Scorpio can manifest negatively into resentments, jealousy, envy, power/dominance issues, sexual issues, and possessive or hoarding-like traits if not utilized properly. 

It is within this shadow, and this darkness, that we can do the most healing, and when we begin to come into the light aspects of Scorpio, we truly learn how to embrace the ebb and flow of the life, death, life cycle here within this dimension that we are all a part of.


Mercury in Libra inconjunct Uranus RX in Taurus

It is possible that we find ourselves in difficult conversations with others that require us to see things from another perspective more intently. Try to be open-minded to what another is presenting rather than projecting your own point of view onto them. Learning to listen is a hard but valuable skill in this life. This is a great opportunity to practice developing your listening skills on any issues that come up for you today.


Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune RX in Pisces

Our desire to explore the outer limits of reality is enhanced over the coming days with Venus in Sagittarius making a hard aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This is a positive time to reflect on your relationship to spirituality. You may feel inclined to want to dabble in drugs and alcohol.

If you are someone in recovery, you may go deeper into what triggers those desires out of you during this time. Our relationships with others in recovery, or others who are using may come up during this time. We may reflect on where we have a hard time making boundaries with not only ourselves but for others.

This is a powerful time for dream work. Find ways to tune into your spirituality that help you evolve into elevated territory with yourself.


Venus in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter in Aquarius

Our need for adventure and spontaneity is enhanced with romantic Venus making a harmonious aspect to expansive Jupiter. We may have a large desire to socialize with our friends or do something wacky with a loved one. Find ways to let loose and enjoy this positive energy over the coming days. Visit a museum, take a road trip, do something out of the ordinary that feeds your need for adventure. (Safely of course.)


Mars enters Scorpio

Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in Libra inconjunct Neptune RX in Pisces

Mars enters its home sign of Scorpio where he will be until December 13th. Mars in Scorpio enables us to go deep within ourselves and examine what our relationship is to our own sexuality and power. With the Sun making a hard aspect to Saturn, and Mercury making a hard aspect to Neptune today as well, we may have a difficult time socializing with others.

This is a good time to potentially work on grounding yourself away from the rest of the world and doing activities that help you decompress. This is a good day to avoid social media and prioritize some downtime.


Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius

Mercury and Jupiter made this aspect on the 2nd of this month, and here we are having it again as the month comes to a close. The difference is that this time the transit is not retrograde. Think back to the beginning of the month and where you were at with yourself. Ask yourself if there is anything you are revisiting over the next couple of days where you have more clarity to a specific idea you’ve been tossing around.

Peace, Love, and Happy Samhain! 

Analisa Six

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