The Sobercast With Six, By Sober Curator Analisa Six, September 2021 Astrological Forecast

This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about preparation for the tough month ahead and working on relationships. This is the perfect time to heal from past relationships or maybe even make some career moves. So, get comfy and settle in with Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator as she gives us her September 2021 Forecast of the weeks ahead.

Greetings Sober Warriors!

Greetings Sober Warriors! Analisa here, your resident astrologer, to aid you through the month of September using the ancient language of the stars. 

What an intense month we have ahead of us! Relationships come up for review in the weeks ahead with a lot of planetary energies bringing issues with others we may have stuffed down to the surface, up to the forefront of our lives. If you are healing from past relationship pain, this is a month where the bulk of your healing will take place the most. Especially when Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on the 26th. On the plus side, this is a great month when it comes to the moves we are making in our careers. Virgo season empowers us to get organized and grounded so that we can get it all done.

Happy Birthday September Virgo’s!

Heck yes, it’s Virgo season! Happy birthday September Virgo’s, it is your time to shine. Virgo is the mutable earth sign of the Zodiac ruling the 6th house in the chart. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury and is often symbolized by the goddess Ceres. Virgo rules daily routine, health, the digestive tract, organization, problem-solving, and being able to put order to complex problems. Virgo individuals tend to lean towards being just a tad bit controlling when it comes to getting things done as their attention to detail is impeccable. Due to their controlling nature, I often think of them as the least mutable out of the mutable signs. Virgo’s desire for perfectionism makes them excellent project managers, editors, analysts, assistants, health care professionals, environmental planners, fitness experts, and plant witches. 

Happy Birthday, Libra’s!

The last half of September is celebrated with the Libra season where we welcome the Autumn Equinox. This is one of my favorite times of the year as it is a great time to be thankful for everything you have in your life. Libra is the cardinal air sign of the Zodiac ruling the 7th house. Venus is the planet that rules Libra, giving Libra’s that extra bit of oomph we all love about them. Libra rules relationships, partnerships, equality, justice, and harmony. In Libra, we learn the benefit of partnership in all its forms, and how relating to others can help us learn more about ourselves. Libra individuals enjoy spending time with friends, beautiful things, intelligent conversations, and romance of course! Libra’s are often very passionate about social justice and equal rights issues.

Celebrity Virgo individuals:

Blake Lively, Melissa McCarthy, Jack Black, Shania Twain, Lea Michele, Zendaya, Gloria Estefan, Salma Hayek, Keanu Reeves, Beyonce, Idris Elba, Evan Rachel Wood, Adam Sandler, Ludacris

Celebrity Libra individuals:

John Lennon, Zac Efron, Kim Kardashian, Eminem, Cardi B, John Krasinski, Mahatma Gandhi, Serena Williams, Kamala Harris, Will Smith, Snoop Dogg, Bella Hadid, Matt Damon, Gwen Stefani


Recovery tip for Virgo:

You may resist your inner need for structure and routine at times, but let’s be honest, it’s who you are. This month is a great month to rein in any unhealthy habits and get yourself onto a routine that supports you in your efforts to be the best version of yourself. However, try not to be too hard on yourself for the things you cannot always control. Letting go and going with the flow every once in a while is good for you, just as long as it does not disrupt the healthy habits you are building. 


Recovery tip for Libra:

Libra, this is a powerful time for you with Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign. Communication and concentration may be difficult for you this month, more so than it already is! You benefit from taking a break from others this month and putting all of your energy into yourself. It can be a hard task for Libra, but it’s good for you to pour the love you so willingly give to others back into yourself for a change. While confrontation is not always your favorite thing, it might be what is needed to resolve a long-buried conflict you may have had with another. Find your voice this month rather than avoiding issues with others or being passive-aggressive.

September’s Main Themes:

  • Put order to things, this is a great month for productivity but also for getting things organized! 

  • Get involved in a cause, find something you care about, and contribute to your community.

  • Constructive communication in relationships is a month where we may have to find the value of being confrontational while knowing when to listen. 

  • Get grounded in reality, we may be challenged with our fantasies wanting to take the front seat towards the end of the month, is important we keep a realistic amount of expectations out of ourselves as well as others. 

  • The heart wants what the heart wants, towards the end of the month we may find ourselves daydreaming more frequently when it comes to romance and creative projects.


Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune RX in Pisces

There can be a lot of tension in the air with Mars making an opposition to Neptune as our desires from the subconscious realms that may have been easier to suppress begin to become harder and harder to keep hidden. This is an unfavorable time to make any huge life-altering decisions without thinking of all of the variables. We benefit from allowing what has been lurking below to come up so that we can be honest with ourselves about what it is we really want in life, and maybe take proper steps to figure out how to make it happen. However, our impatience could outweigh healthy discernment. Slow your roll before taking action. This is a positive time to be creative when it comes to problem-solving. Think outside the box!


Venus in Libra inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces

With Venus and Neptune making a hard aspect today, our desire for connection is enhanced and it would be easy for us to fall into daydreaming when it comes to creative projects or relationships. While daydreaming often gives us a lot of healthy inspiration, it can also unground us and have us disassociated from reality in a way that could set us up for a letdown if our fantasies get too far away from us.


Venus in Libra trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius

Our need for harmony within our relationships and friend groups is enhanced with Venus and Saturn making an air trine today. We also may feel we desire displays of loyalty or commitment from those who matter most to us. This is a good time to look at ways we can support others in our community as well. We may feel a heightened responsibility towards those in need.


Venus in Libra square Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Our need for transformation when it comes to how we relate to others is enhanced. There may be relationships or friendships that we are outgrowing. The tension we feel within them right now is pushing all of us to grow past whatever non-verbal energetic contracts we may have knowingly or unknowingly signed up for. These contracts could also be literal. Either way, we are asked by the energies at hand to be honest with ourselves about what we need to confront with others in order for us to feel supported in our evolution as people moving forward. Because Saturn is still making a harmonious aspect to Venus, there is some support when it comes to working things out with one another.


New Moon 14 degrees of Virgo

Mars in Virgo trine Pluto Rx  in Capricorn

Venus in Libra trine Jupiter Rx in Aquarius

Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus

Mars in Virgo inconjunct Jupiter Rx in Aquarius

Our New Moon in Virgo hits today giving us a great opportunity to set intentions towards manifesting things we wish to cultivate within our material realm for the month ahead. Virgo is the mutable earth sign of the Zodiac ruling the 6th house in the chart. We have a lot of beneficial energy supporting this new Moon today.

Some things you can set intentions toward manifesting in your life on this magical day:

  • Get physical. This is a great time to start a new fitness routine.

  • Get health conscious. This is a great time to begin a new diet plan focused on getting proper nutrition.

  • Get your finances in order. This is a good time to do some financial planning for the future. 

  • If you have been putting off any home projects, this is a good time to take some time for them and get to work. 

  • Pushing yourself more at work or in school. Get yourself organized so that you can work towards that promotion or goal you may have within your career.

With Venus making a harmonious aspect to Jupiter today, this is also a positive time to put love and attention into the relationship and friendships that bring us joy.


Venus enters Scorpio

Mercury in Libra inconjunct Uranus Rx in Taurus

Venus enters Scorpio today where it will be until October 6th. Venus has its detriment in Scorpio, making it uncomfortable energy for the planet that rules harmony, love, justice, and beauty. With Venus in Scorpio, we have a tendency to become secretive in our relationships as well as jealous, speculative, distrusting, and competitive. This is a time when we may need to reflect on any of these feelings that have the potential to come up for us. The value of Venus in Scorpio is that it can bring feelings to the surface within our relationships that we may have had a hard time confronting in the past. 

With Mercury and Uranus making a hard aspect, it is likely that we will have some unexpected news come our way. This requires us to be creative in deciding what we do about it. We could find ourselves easily triggered by others during the days of this transit. Try to slow down before overreacting. It is possible with more observation it is not as big of a deal as you feel like it is.


Mars enters Libra

Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune Rx in Pisces

Mars enters its sign of detriment, Libra, where it will be until October 31st. Mars in Libra is a difficult placement. It has a frequency that lends itself to indecisiveness, comparison to others, passive-aggressive attitudes or behaviors, and an inability to focus on one thing. With Mars in Libra over the coming weeks we may find it hard to know what direction to go in within our own lives. Wherever you have Libra in your chart is where you will be experiencing this energy. 

Our Sun in Virgo making an opposition to Neptune in Pisces enables us to dream big and find practical ways to put those dreams into an application.


Sun in Virgo inconjunct Jupiter Rx in Aquarius

Sun in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Venus in Scorpio square Saturn Rx in Aquarius

There is potential today for us to feel frustrated by anything we perceive as slowing us down when it comes to the ways we wish to grow and evolve in this current moment in time. It is important to remember that the bad days are a part of that evolution to where it is we are trying to go. If something isn’t working, stop trying to make it work! Find new solutions to old problems by taking a step back and reassessing what the plan should be. 

This is also a good day to avoid social media as we may fall easily into comparison games with ourselves if we are feeling raw and vulnerable.


Mercury in Libra inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces

Our need to understand our emotional process is enhanced today with Mercury making a hard aspect to Neptune today. This is a great time for creatives who are working on projects that require thinking outside the box. However, we may feel ungrounded and it could be hard to stay grounded in our minds over the day ahead. Lean into your feelings and use whatever tension is within you to feel inspired. 


Full Moon 28 degrees of Pisces

Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter Rx in Aquarius

Our Full Moon hits today and gives us the opportunity to lean more into the soft emotional waters that Pisces energy gives us the pleasure of experiencing. Pisces can be hard energy for those in recovery as it is the ruler of the ethereal realm that we often seek through drug and alcohol use. However, spirituality, art, music, and transcendental meditation also live in the realm of Pisces and enable us to connect to this realm in a non-harmful way. This is an important time to let yourself feel your feelings.

While our feelings are not always a grounding place for us to operate from, they tell the story of our lives through how we relate to the world around us based on our own personal narratives we are experiencing in our lives. Full Moon’s are a time to release/let go of energy that we feel we are not in alignment with. In Pisces, this is an opportunity to go deeper than the obvious things that present themselves to us in everyday life. We will be given many opportunities over the coming days to reflect on our subconscious narrative by examining our dreams more closely. Dream journaling is a positive way to work with this energy. If you are unfamiliar with dream journaling, it is much simpler than it may sound.

Some guides for dream journaling during this Full Moon in Pisces:

  • Before bed do a meditation with some soft music or sounds

  • As your subconscious shows you any symbols or situations in your dreams in the form of places, people, plants, animals, objects, etc… letting you know what things you need to work on when it comes to how you process or confront your feelings.

  • Go to sleep with a journal next to your bed. You may want to try drinking a dream-enhancing tea or tincture tea like mugwort or valerian root. 

  • As soon as you awake the following morning, get your journal out and begin writing down anything and everything you remember from your dreams.

It is important to note that everything in your dream world is symbolic in relation to how your subconscious is processing your reality in relation to your past, present, and future. Dream journaling can be a whole stream of consciousness, storytelling, or just bullet points of what you remember. Once you have completed this you can look up online on various dream interpretation websites, what the symbols represent. If dream journaling is something you find yourself wanting to dive into more, I recommend reading Carl Jung’s book “Dreams.”


Autumn Equinox

Sun enters Libra

Mercury in Libra square Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Happy Birthday, Libra babes! Libra is the cardinal air sign ruling the 7th house of the chart. In Libra, we learn the value of friendship, partnership, equality, fairness, harmony, and justice. Libra individuals love all things beautiful as their ruling planet is Venus. Libra’s loves to have strong partnerships and good friends. It can be easy for Libra to fall into codependent tendencies as well as comparison narratives, or passive-aggressive communication patterns. This is because Libra seeks to create a strong sense of unity in their lives with those they value most and avoid conflict at all costs. One of the big lessons with the Libra individual is to learn how to gain more of an autonomous sense of independence and confront people in ways that still keep the peace, but don’t result in avoiding the issue altogether.


Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus Rx in Taurus

This is not a fortunate time when it comes to taking risks with finances. If you have any major purchases to make or decisions around money that require patience, lean into waiting as long as possible and assessing all outcomes before pulling the trigger, especially if this decision is being made with anyone you share financial obligations with. 

This can also be a tumultuous time in relationship dynamics with romantic partners as well as close friends. If we are at a “make or break” time with this person or people, this is the week when we may be ready to walk away. On the flip side, we could have new relationships also come into our lives during this time that helps us move more in the direction we wish for ourselves. 

Follow your gut, if something or someone feels wrong for you at this moment in your life, take a break from them. If you feel you need to confront interpersonal dynamics that are making you uncomfortable, this is a powerful time to address those and figure out how to move forward and make amends.


Mars in Libra trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius

Today is a great day to get moving on shit that needs to get done! Especially when it comes to business or group projects that you may be working on with multiple people.


Mercury stations retrograde in Libra

Mercury stations retrograde at 25 degrees of Libra where it will be until October 18th. It is important to note that there is a shadow period of about 2 weeks before and after the retrograde that can cause things to feel a little bumpy for a longer period of time. Communication dynamics in close personal relationships will be a central theme.


Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune Rx in Pisces

Sun in Libra trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius

Oooo What a glorious energetic frequency we have today! Anyone who is an active musician, writer, poet, an artist may feel incredibly inspired in the days ahead to create something new and magnificent for the world. If you are not any of those things, you may feel inspired in ways that you haven’t felt as of late. This is a positive day for spiritual work like meditation, tarot, channeling sessions, sound baths, or even just a nice relaxing self-care day at home or with someone you love. 

We also may feel a large desire for emotional connection with lovers and friends. Go out on a date with someone you care about to feed some of those heart-centered needs.


Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter Rx in Aquarius

Tension is likely in relationships today with Venus making a hard aspect to Jupiter. We may feel that anyone in our lives who we feel is preventing our growth needs to be confronted. With Mercury retrograde in Libra during this time, it heightens our need to confront people with who we are having unresolved issues.

Wishing you all a wonderful month! 

Love, Peace, and Power


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Resources are available

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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