The Sobercast With Six Brings You An Astrological Forecast For The Month Of July 2021

This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about finding new ways to express yourself, healing, and finding balance. Get comfy and settle in with Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator give us her July 2021 Forecast of the weeks ahead.

Greetings Sober Warriors!

Analisa your resident sober astrologer here to give you grounding advice for navigating the frequencies of energy for the remaining weeks of July 2021. 

July is a bit of a topsy turvy month, to say the least. Our ego is consistently challenged in the coming weeks when it comes to what we want for ourselves vs. what the needs of others may be demanding of us at this point and time. There is a quest for us as a collective to work on healing generational trauma from the legacy of our ancestors, while also remaining optimistic and driven towards the future.

Pay it Forward

This month we could feel a heightened sense of philanthropy. Take action in your community by researching an important cause you care about and find a way to donate time or services to this cause.

This month is also a positive time to let go of trying to control the lives of others, and focus more on creating healthy habits in the mundane areas of our lives. Especially when it comes to our personal health and daily routines. If we share our lives with a spouse, roommate, or family member, we may also experience challenges within our communication about daily tasks and expectations. Anything we have been holding in will boil to the surface. This forces us to confront the issue head on, This will hopefully help us reach a healthy and constructive resolution.

If you are thinking of expanding your business or making any large moves in your life, this unfortunately is not the best month for signing any contracts that have to do with business deals or financial risks as there is a lot of energy that leans towards bad deals or things not being what they seem. Read the fine print or get a second opinion from a trusted source if you are entering into any new agreements.

July Begins

July begins in the cardinal water sign of Cancer every month. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and rules the 4th house in the natal chart. The 4th house in astrology symbolizes the home, family, and ancestral karma. It is common for us to reunite with family during the summer months, as well as visit places that are special to us. Cancer dominant people are the nurturers of the world. There is a need to be needed, and a need for tradition and family. Cancer people tend to be introverted and family focused. 

The last half of July is characterized by the Leo season. Leo is the fixed fire sign of the Zodiac and rules the 5th house in the natal chart. The 5th house in astrology symbolizes our ability to express ourselves in the world, our relationship to children, performance, romance, and creativity. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and Leo people tend to exude a larger than life presence within their lives. Leo’s often have big hearts and need to have a platform in their lives that allows them to take up space in ways that promote the love and warmth they wish to spread upon others. Whether the Leo individual is an introvert, or extrovert, the need to be loved and validated by those they care about is a large focus over their life. Often their journey becomes more  about learning to love themselves, rather than seeking love from others.

Celebrity Cancer Individuals:

Ariana Grande, Meryl Streep, Solange Knowles, Nick Offerman, Khloe Kardashian, Elon Musk, Lindsay Lohan, Post Malone, Tia and Tamara Mowry, Sofia Vergara

Celebrity Leo Individuals:

Jennifer Lopez, Daniel Ratcliff, Barack Obama, Madonna, Mila Kunis, Mick Jagger, Maya Rudolph, Vivica A. Fox, Martha Stewart, Tom Brady, Antonio Banderas


Recovery Tip for Cancer:

The first half of this month is your time to shine, which sometimes feels a little bit out of your comfort zone. Your ability to nurture others in their time of need is a gift that at times can feel like people exploit or take advantage of. This can send you into bouts of depression, or a need to completely cut yourself off from others. It would be positive for you to confront the people in your life this month who you need to make better boundaries with.

If you are feeling taken advantage of, chances are someone is looking for you to enable them in their bad behavior. Part of your recovery journey is learning how to make better boundaries with the people who see your sensitivity as a weakness or something they can exploit to get what they need or want from you. Don’t avoid your own need for spiritual growth by putting all your energy into someone else’s problems.

Recovery Tip for Leo:

Leo, you are triggered quite a bit when it comes to your role in society over the coming weeks. This could bring up wounds from the past that are linked to times you have been made to feel like an outcast, or like people misunderstand the love you have to give. Instead of focusing on what others think about you, focus more on how you feel about yourself.

If you are a Leo in recovery, it is possible that drugs and alcohol were a way for you to let your guard down. Find ways to become more comfortable being vulnerable without the use of drugs or alcohol. Even if it means just journaling by yourself all of the things you are currently confronting in yourself. It’s ok to let go of an identity that no longer resonates with the person you thought you were trying to be.

Happy birthday to all our Cancer and Leo people!

July’s Main Themes:

  • Finding new ways to express yourself, while accepting current limitations

  • Striving for your goals, while remaining realistic and grounded

  • Reigniting what your passionate about

  • Healing issues related to childhood trauma

  • Balancing the need for validation from others vs. giving it to yourself

  • Finding new health regimens that promote emotional stability and nurturing

  • Accepting what you cannot change, while standing up for what you believe in

Here is a play-by-play of each transit for the month ahead, and how you can best tune into the frequencies of the stars to make the most out of your life.


Mars in Leo opposition Saturn rx in Aquarius

Mars and Saturn square off with Uranus today causing in astrology what is known as a T-square. T-squares are challenging aspects that cause tension in the atmosphere of our lives. With Mars in the fixed fire sign of Leo, there is a sense of urgency around asserting ourselves in our lives at a level that may not be widely accepted by others. Saturn in Aquarius wants us to be forward and future thinking, while Mars in Leo may be more concerned with what the needs are of the self. We must find a way to integrate both of these things equally into our lives. 

Uranus in Taurus is at what is called the apex of the T-square, asking us to accept what we cannot control. Uranus is an agent of spontaneous change. We must find a way to accept the winds of change, while balancing our need to express what we want, as well as accepting the limitations of the collective within this moment of time.


Sun in Cancer inconjunct Saturn rx in Aquarius

Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Our Sun in Cancer makes a challenging aspect to Saturn in Aquarius today, asking us to find new ways to express our emotional needs in our life. We may find that the self care we need at this time is challenging for us to obtain while still meeting the expectations of others. We may need to be open to seeing things from a different perspective.


Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

This is a positive day to start a new health or self care regimen. We may also feel inspired to make changes in our home that have to do with reorganizing or redecorating areas that include gathering and entertaining. This is a positive time to think about whether the spaces in your home promote a happy home environment for you and others. Nurture yourself with healthy food and good rest. 


Venus in Leo opposition Saturn rx in Aquarius

Mercury in Gemini square Neptune rx in Pisces

Misunderstandings are likely today with Mercury, our planet of communication making a hard aspect to Neptune in Pisces, and Venus in Leo making a hard aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. We may need to work on finding ways to stay grounded as anxiety over the coming days could be heightened. It is likely that we could be extra sensitive to the opinions of others. We may find ourselves fishing for compliments if not careful. Our identity within our relationships is enhanced and we may be evaluating social circles and whether or not we want to continue to give energy to relationship dynamics that feel draining. This is not a good day to make any large life changing decisions. Avoid signing any contracts or beginning any new relationships for the coming days.


Mercury in Gemini inconjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Disagreements are likely today as the energy of these two transits is less than harmonious. We are likely to feel a lot of tension and pressure in our relationships with others. Allowing ourselves to be open to changing our perspective on a particular situation that we are unable to control is something we may need to work on. We also may feel a huge need to challenge or push ourselves passed our limits. It is likely that you may have some unexpected drama coming your way. Be mindful not to get overly reactive as you could regret it later.


New Moon 18 degrees of Cancer

New Moons are a time of setting intentions and planting seeds towards the future we wish to cultivate over the next month. With Cancer being the frequency of this Moon, we are asked to focus directly on how we actively care for ourselves within the emotional realm, as well as what our subconscious relationship is to our family of origin. The Moon in astrology is ruled by the sign Cancer, and is often symbolized as the archetypal mother. In astrology, the Moon in our charts tells us what our relationship to our Mother was like in our lives.

With this Moon, we may be reflecting on our relationship to our actual mother, and whether we wish to set new intentions around the way that relationship shaped us as adults. This Moon is a positive time to set intentions towards healing any generational trauma. We may begin working on a part of our psyche that has been stuck or felt like it was damaged by a lack of nurturing we received in a certain area of our lives. We are likely to feel introverted during the two days of this transit. This is a positive time to stay at home nurturing your own heart while focusing on active rest and self care.


Mercury enters Cancer

Mercury in Cancer trine Jupiter rx in Pisces

Our planet of communication, Mercury, enters the cardinal water sign of Cancer where it will be until July 27th. Mercury in Cancer enables us to open up about how we feel, as well as what it is we need on an emotional level in our lives. Over the coming days it may feel imperative to communicate our needs and feelings to those we share our lives with. This is also a positive time for working on healing trauma that stems from early childhood memories, especially ones that stem from the mother.


Venus and Mars conjunct in Leo

This fiery energy ramps up our passion and ambition. Our need for recognition, validation, and sexual attention could be enhanced during the coming days. We need to be mindful that we do not go looking for attention in all the wrong places. Try to feed these creative fires by pouring love into yourself. Do things that inspire you to be the best version of yourself.


Chiron stations retrograde in Aries

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune rx in Pisces

Venus in Leo inconjunct Neptune rx in Pisces

Chiron is a planetoid that is referred to as “the wounded healer” in our charts. This planetoid will be retrograde until December 19th in the cardinal fire sign of Aries. Chiron has been in Aries for a couple of years now, giving us the opportunity to work through issues concerning our personal relationship to our identity. With Chiron retrograde in Aries until December, we may find ourselves feeling insecure with a part of ourselves we no longer identify with. The months ahead may challenge us to push ourselves past limiting beliefs when it comes to what we think we are capable of. 

With both our Sun and Venus aspecting Neptune today, we may feel a need to tap into our creative energy. Creativity becomes a form of self care in the days ahead. It is important for us to find positive ways to connect with our subconscious in inspiring ways.


Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

This transit brings issues around power and control to the forefront. If we are struggling with a power dynamic within our family or work relationships, things could begin to boil over. We need to be extremely aware of what manipulation tactics we allow ourselves to be either a victim of, or ones we may coerce. If you were abused at some point in your life, this may be a time where you are reflecting on what you went through and realizing there is more work to be done within your healing journey. If you are currently in an abusive situation, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, this is a period where you need to begin to seek help and find ways to get out of your toxic situation.


Venus in Leo inconjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn

Mercury in Cancer inconjunct Saturn rx in Aquarius

Mars in Leo inconjunct Neptune rx in Pisces

Delusional thinking when it comes to our role in society is characterized by the transits of today. We may desire to have a larger influence on the lives of others than what we currently possess. It is important that we reflect on what egoic projections we are casting into the ether of our lives. Ask yourself if your need to be needed overshadows the positive work you are already doing in your life and the lives of others. Find ways to honor where you are currently at in your life, while still maintaining enthusiasm over your bigger dreams and goals.


Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

This is a positive time to reflect on where we can be vulnerable and open when it comes to our healing journey. We may have breakthroughs or insights when it comes to generational trauma we are reflecting on during this time. We are being guided to evolve out of a pattern that may have been on repeat over the prior year. This is a good time to have a heart to heart with someone about an issue that has been bothering you.


Venus enters Virgo

Venus will be in the mutable earth sign of Virgo until August 16th. Opportunity knocks. Venus enters Virgo will give us an opportunity to redirect our energy away from ourselves and back into the practical mundane areas of our life. While Venus in Leo may have been beneficial to reconnect with ourselves on a more intimate level, Venus in Virgo will give us the passion we need to reinvest our energy back into our daily responsibilities. This is a great energy for trying to establish a new daily routine that keeps you on track when it comes to your personal goals around your health, work, and finances. This is also a good time to discuss these areas of your life with anyone you share your finances with, whether that be your special someone, a business partner, or a roommate.


Sun enters Leo

Venus in Virgo opposition Jupiter rx in Pisces

Mars in Leo inconjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn

Sun in Leo inconjunct Jupiter rx in Pisces

Leo season begins today! Happy birthday Leo’s of the world. Leo season is a time for us to focus on our relationship with ourselves and how we share that with others. In the sign of Leo we learn the benefit of being playful, creative, childlike, and romantic. In Leo we begin to play with our identity. Leo dominant people have a strong need to be loved by the public. The lesson for Leo is learning how to accept themselves without the need for admiration or validation from outside sources. 

With Jupiter hitting challenging aspects between Venus, Mars, and the Sun, we may feel frustration over anything preventing us from expanding into the areas of our life we currently want to see growth in. This is a positive time to reflect on where you can have gratitude for what IS working versus what isn’t. Slow and steady may not be easy, but it often is a much smarter way to get to the desired goal.


Full Moon 1 degree of Aquarius

Full Moon’s are a time of releasing and letting go of things we wish to move on from in our lives. Aquarius is the fixed air sign of the Zodiac, ruling the 11th house in the natal chart. Aquarius energy is symbolized by revolution, innovation, societal progress, the collective, and the people or organizations we associate with. During this Moon, we may feel a need to move away from a specific group of people, or we may feel a need to call in a new frequency of energy into the collective narrative we associate with in our lives. Wherever you have 1 degree of Aquarius in your chart is where you will be called to reflect on these themes.


Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune rx in Pisces

This is a positive time for turning inward and connecting to our spiritual and emotional realms. We may have powerful dreams over the coming days where our subconscious is showing us what areas of our life need our attention on a deeper level. Speaking from our heart is something we are able to do during this time. We may feel a need to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit something that connects us to our inner child in a way that ignites inspiration and romanticism.


Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto rx in Capricorn

Mercury – Pluto transits are often characterized by bringing out the paranoia within our society. We may find that we feel suspicious of the motives of others, or that someone in our life is suspecting us of dishonesty. This is not a good day to sign any contracts or agreements, as the terms may have to be renegotiated down the line. If you’re prone to internet stalking, this may be a good day to take the day off of social media.


Mercury enters Leo

Mercury in Leo inconjunct Jupiter rx in Pisces

It’s time to express yourself! Mercury leaves the sensitive waters of Cancer and enters Leo today where it will be until August 11th. Leo is all about self expression and sharing who we are with others. With Mercury in Leo we may be working on finding our voice and communicating who we are in a more elevated and expressive way. With fire energy, there is also a need to practice mindfulness, as we are likely to over do or come off more aggressive than what may be intended.


Jupiter rx enters Aquarius

Mars in Leo opposite Jupiter rx in Aquarius

Mars enters Virgo

Jupiter makes its way back into Aquarius today where it will be until December 29th. With Jupiter’s opposition to Mars today, we may have a hard time self regulating when it comes to our need to grow and expand passed whatever has felt limiting. We could feel incredibly motivated to take action within our community in some way we have been growing passionate about.

With Mars entering Virgo today, we are able to begin chipping away at a tangible plan. This is great energy for making progress in our physical goals, especially when it comes to work.


Venus in Virgo inconjunct Saturn rx in Aquarius

We could feel a sense of duty to the collective with Venus in Virgo making a challenging aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. Our need to be of service or useful in our relationships with others is enhanced. This is a beneficial time to find a cause you are passionate about and see if you can volunteer your time or services. Be mindful not to get overwhelmed by the pressure you may be feeling during this time. Do what you can for your community, but don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process. 

There you have it, folks! Your cosmic forecast for July 2021. I hope you all get through the turbulent waters successfully. 

Love, peace, and power

Analisa Six

The Daily Llama brings you short one-word meditations with corresponding quotes for your complete wool-being.#seewhatwedidthere


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.