The Sobercast With Six, By Sober Curator Analisa Six, Brings You Bi-Monthly Soberscopes – A Two Month Horoscope Through A Sober Lens

Happy New Year Sober Warriors!

Analisa, your resident astrologer, is back to bring you a brand-spankin’ new astrology column. I took the last two months of 2021 off to finish my dog training certification program. Big news! I am now officially a Certified Training Behavior Consultant. It feels great to have that certification under my belt. It had been on my GOAL list for the last six years.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: For more dets check out @ruffntuffdogs and

Over the last five years, I have been writing weekly and monthly astrology forecast articles. While I enjoy writing these articles, they take a lot of energy and time. Now that I am writing dog training plans every week, I wasn’t sure I’d still have that time to continue with a monthly astrological forecast. So, I decided to change this column from forecasting to horoscopes. Bonus! I know horoscopes are typically more accessible for the novice astrology fan to digest anyways.

I included Mercury retrograde dates and Eclipse dates, as those are powerful energies to make on your calendar for the coming year ahead. When it comes to horoscopes, not only will you want to look up the forecast for your Sun sign, but you will also want to read the advice for your rising sign as well.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: To find your rising sign, you will need to use a program or app like Time Passages or You will need your exact birth time as it is on your birth certificate, date of birth, and location of birth to calculate.

2022 Eclipses:

  • April 30th Solar Eclipse in Taurus

  • May 16th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

  • October 25th Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

  • November 8th Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

2022 Mercury retrogrades:

  • January 14th – February 4th in Aquarius/Capricorn

  • May 10th – June 4th in Gemini/Taurus

  • September 10th – October 1st in Libra/Virgo

January – February 2022 Soberscopes


As the first sign of the Zodiac, you often aspire to be the best at everything you do. Coming into 2022, you’re fired up and ready to go. The beginning of this year will be centered around building more confidence and structure within your career. Financially this should be a powerful time for you. You have less fear about asking for what you know you are worth. Don’t be afraid to go after a raise or promotion at the beginning of this year, as you are likely to be successful in this area.

Your desire to be social is heightened in the coming months, and with Covid running rampant, you need to be overly cautious when acting on your impulses.

While you often prefer to be independent, you will not feel your normal inclination to isolate yourself. If you live alone, find ways to connect with safe and reasonable people, given our current climate. Having a community and support system is essential for you right now. Especially one that contributes to your mental health in positive ways.


Any addict-like tendencies you have will most likely be channeled into work, so be mindful not to make work something that begins to trigger you into unhealthy coping mechanisms. While anger can be a great motivator, it can also lead the average Aries to self-destructive tendencies.

Don’t let your short temper derail you from sticking to your goals. Channel that energy into productivity. Any time you begin to feel self-destructive, go for a walk, run, or to the gym. You will feel more clear-headed afterward. Keep track of when your heart rate begins to elevate and try the four-fold breath. Here are some resources for how to do the four-fold breath.


Taurus, you wonderful structured soul, the last couple of years have probably been some of your most challenging, as they have been for most of us, but especially you, my friend. This year you may be hoping that 2022 lends itself to some structure and stability, but I am here to tell you that may not be the case, but that should not scare you!

Taurus being the fixed Earth sign of the zodiac, you have a tendency to resist change or anything that brings you out of your comfort zone. However, this can prevent you from seeing other perspectives or realities that are highly beneficial to your growth.

At the start of this new year, you may feel an immense desire to let go of what you thought you were meant to do with your life and start embracing a new idea or vision around what your life could be like. This vision will lend itself to new opportunities, so follow the call!

While you may be experiencing some recognition and success within your work and amongst your peers, your relationships and finances could feel like they are lacking or need improvement somehow. This is a joyous time to reflect on how you can use the prosperous areas of your life to aid in the areas that need improvement. Don’t be afraid to get advice from trusted colleagues or friends regarding financial planning or investments.

Blocking time out for self-care may be complex, with the number of opportunities coming your way at the start of the year. Try to pencil in some downtime where you can; your brain/body will thank you later.


Feeling grounded is incredibly important for the average Taurus. This is an incredibly ungrounding time for the world,  especially you, making sobriety extremely difficult. This is a positive time to do activities that create a sense of structure and stability when certain areas of your life feel out of control. Earthing and grounding therapy can be a positive way to ground yourself. Check out Earthing products here.


Sweet impatient Gemini, your entry into 2022 is centered around being open to actively learning something new that aids in your never-ending journey to understand life’s mysteries.

It would help if you channeled any restlessness into that goal you may have been putting off. If you don’t feel ready to leap towards the dream you have been envisioning for yourself, this is an excellent time to ask for advice or guidance on ways you can build confidence towards taking those next steps.

Relationships may feel difficult for you at the beginning of the year. It would help if you learned how to confront complex dynamics harmoniously. This is a positive time to work on being direct with people in your life. You may feel like you are rediscovering who you are and what you want in the months ahead. Be highly intentional about the people you listen to, surround yourself with, and how they influence your thought process. It is great to get advice and feedback from trusted sources, but it is also good to trust your wisdom and intuition.


Anxiety and impatience often get the best of you, derailing you from your goals or the plans you had once set out for yourself.  Instead of getting caught up in a soup of nerves, put your ideas, feelings, hopes, and dreams down on paper. The act of writing things out can be highly therapeutic for you and enable you to see things more clearly when they are not swimming around in your head.

This planner by Papier is just the king of thing you need to get started: Make It Happen Planner


Emotional, sensitive, nurturing sweet Cancer, the start of this year is especially hard on you. You have worked so hard to give freely of yourself, and at times, it may feel like you’re drowning in a sea of everyone else’s problems, with no time to focus on yourself. It’s possible you may be in a period of self-reflection and review regarding the community and relationships you are a part of. You may find yourself questioning who you want to surround yourself with, and whether you are getting the nurturing and support back you are so often willing to give to others. You desire connection at the beginning of the year and benefit from being direct about what you need from the people you surround yourself with. Try not to do it all on your own; learn how to delegate effectively so that you can get the support you need.

Your health should be of high priority in the coming months, and you need to be mindful not to expend too much energy on others as it is likely to affect your health negatively. Put good health, exercise, and self-care at the top of your priority list at the start of this year.


While the home is your happy place and your sanctuary, spending too much time couped can negatively affect your muscles and brain. I know exercise is not always the Cancer dominant’s favorite activity, but you benefit so much from moving your body. Rather than channeling your nerves into more sleep or meals, try getting outside and going for a walk somewhere that also brings you a sense of calm and ease. Being the cardinal water sign of the Zodiac, you benefit from spending time around bodies of water. If there is a lake, river, or ocean nearby, try having a picnic and meditation at this body of water. Here is a great meditation resource focused on grounding with nature: Nature-Based Meditations


Fiery Leo, the start of this year is all about rekindling your creative energy into your passion, projects, and health. Health and wellness is a huge theme for you over the next month, and you benefit from getting yourself into daily routines that set you up for success. As a Leo myself, I have recently downloaded the app Habit, which has been so fun to check off my to-do list- I highly recommend it!

You will be more focused than usual on communicating your ideas and thought processes in your relationships in both love and business. This is an excellent time to discuss the structure and routines that support your partnership dynamics.


The need for external validation is high with you, Leo, and when you aren’t getting the recognition you feel you deserve, it is common for you to spiral into self-deprecating thoughts. Instead of looking for validation outside of yourself, find ways to do it from within.

Spend every morning or evening recapping the things you are grateful for and the ways you know you contribute to your life in successful ways. When you begin to feel negative thoughts about yourself creep in, redirect this energy into gratitude and mindfulness. Here is a great way to start building love from within using this 60 Day New Mindset Journal by New Mindset Who Dis?


You are coming into this year fired up and ready to go! The following two months are jam-packed full of creative energy and opportunities for you to excel in all of the ways you love to do- organization, routine, and getting your ducks in a row. Exercise and maintaining good health are essential for you right now, so find ways to get your blood pumping throughout the coming weeks. It is also typical for you to channel your anxiety into being overly regimented; this can sometimes be unhealthy if it causes you to avoid your emotions or need for downtime.

Make sure you prioritize blocks of downtime and nothing in between your productivity. You can have a successful routine without being overly restrictive or obsessive about how it happens. This is a great time to try new things and enjoy finding unique ways to accomplish the goals on your list.


Unlike people who resort to lazy procrastinating habits when they feel overwhelmed, you can be quite the opposite, my Virgo friend. When you are feeling overwhelmed, you tend to up the ante on working too hard, too much, and needing everything to run perfectly all of the time. This can affect your mental and physical health in negative ways and cause you to have an emotional breakdown when the things you can’t control go wrong.

Finding ways to go with the flow is highly beneficial for you. Let go of the need for control and learn how to be more fluid when things are not going the way you had planned. Perfection is subjective, and what works for you does not always work for others. Zen practices can be highly beneficial for the Virgo individual. Here are 12 Practical Steps brought to you by to help you learn to live more inflow. 


Learning how to communicate effectively is a big theme for starting the new year. Libra, you are a sign that wants peace and harmony, but often your inability to confront obstacles head-on results in a bigger mess you have to untangle later. Procrastination is not your friend, dear Libra, and this year you may be asked to step it up and face your fears more directly.

 The beginning of the new year is guiding you towards being open to the lessons that present themselves to you through communication dynamics. You benefit from being available to learn various ways of doing things from others and not shying away from confrontation.

Home is your sanctuary over the coming weeks and will be a safe space for you to nurture and recharge over this last stretch of the Winter months.

Your creativity will be at an all-time high starting the year; it benefits you to share that with others and express yourself in ways that empower you towards building harmony within your community.


Being social and diving into creative projects or new romance is a great way for you to blow off steam, but it often gets used as a way to ignore responsibilities time and time again. While chasing these highs can feel good at the moment, it can be destructive to your goals like alcohol and drug use often is. Avoidance is what it is, regardless of how we do it. Find ways to face your to-do list and responsibilities without getting angry or upset by setting up a routine for yourself that is easy to follow.

Give yourself some positive reinforcement by rewarding yourself with something fun after you have completed a task, whether that be a fun date with a lover or friend or eating a piece of chocolate. This article on Time Management may help introduce some critical concepts towards getting your schedule and priorities more in order and benefit your mental health and day-to-day routine.


These first couple of months may feel incredibly ungrounded and confusing dear Scorpio. You may be in a position where your financial spending is a little out of hand, something that you need to be mindful of in the coming weeks. You will likely feel extraordinarily introverted and introspective. Home is your place to recharge over the coming weeks, and you benefit from staying in and laying low as much as possible.

While having a strict routine may not be something you feel like you can abide by right now, it is beneficial for you to find time in your day for exercise; your body and brain will appreciate it. Don’t be too overly critical about your productivity levels at the beginning of this year. Do what you can, give yourself grace, and most importantly, sleep!


Scorpio individuals, while you do not overtly come off as such, you are, in many ways, pleasure seekers. While it is not fun to do things you don’t want to do, and no one in your life would dare try making you, taking some advice on how to face the aspects of your life you feel unsure and confused about is incredibly helpful right now.

Talk therapy is beneficial to your growth as it helps you see outside perspectives that you may not always be aware of. If you find yourself at a crossroads in life, use this as an opportunity to grow and expand your education and awareness around what you thought you knew.


While you typically have your sights on exploring the world or learning something new, you may be feeling more introverted than usual over the next two months. While we could blame Covid, it goes deeper than that. You are in a gestation period of reinventing yourself, and you benefit from independently doing this.

Great opportunities to make some extra money at the beginning of the year may come your way,  so seize the day and be smart about how you use your finances during the coming weeks.

Communication is also a major theme for you over the next two months, and you find a lot of solace in having a community to discuss your ideas with. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your favorite people to test out a new idea or concept for feedback.


It is easy for you to overdo, and similar to Pisces, Sagittarius dominant people often struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. When the Sagittarius individual becomes sober, it is common for you to seek extreme highs in other ways. You are a master at taking anything you are interested in and overdoing it. Learning how to be in the moment and be comfortable in silence is highly beneficial. Positive has some great tips on living in the moment and building a mindfulness practice. In the coming months, make it your goal to be ok with where you are in the here and now rather than seeking the next adrenaline-inducing experience.


While you typically go into battle (metaphorically and literally) with your head held high and full of courage, you may be feeling a bit more reserved and apprehensive about putting it all out there at the start of this year. This unique inner reservation that you may be feeling could do with some repressed needs or desires that have not been fully realized.

It is essential to ask yourself where your self-doubt, fears, or frustrations stem from, as sorting that out subconsciously helps you move forward with your hopes and dreams. If you have been holding in any anger you have avoided confronting in yourself or with another, now is an excellent time to work through healthy ways to release that anger, whether through forgiving the other party or letting it go.

Valuing yourself and what you bring to the table with who you are, benefits you greatly in whatever you plan to embark upon in 2022.

The beginning of this year is also a great time to get super on top of your finances as things are likely to come up that you were not expecting. Do your best to roll with the punches, plan for best and worst-case scenarios and be mindful of how much you are spending.


Being vulnerable and admitting weakness or fear is Capricorn’s worst nightmare. However, it is highly beneficial for you to learn how to have a healthy relationship with yourself regarding your emotional realm. Being soft, admitting where you need help, what you do not know, and where you want to improve is nothing to be ashamed of. It can help aid in building an even stronger foundation within yourself.

Work on quieting the overly critical brain by having more grace for your process. This is a highly beneficial time for you to reinvent yourself. It is ok not to have it all figured out right now. You benefit from keeping yourself on a structured plan or routine, and that is not something you need help or advice with. However, finding ways to be kinder when you need a break or help is difficult. Here is an article on seven ways to let yourself become more vulnerable from


Social butterfly is a theme for you at the start of this year as your desire to connect with friends is heightened; however, that desire may also conflict with your need to hunker in and focus on yourself.

You could feel like you have a lot of hopes and dreams for 2022. However, there may be some confusion regarding the best direction for you to go in.

Try making time to do a vision or dream board to set intentions towards everything you wish to manifest for yourself in 2022. While self-discipline is not always your strong suit, this is a highly positive time for you to get more clear about what you want to put your energy into. has a free vision board maker you can utilize online here if doing it in the 3D isn’t your jam.


Aquarius, you are often easily influenced by those you admire most. Surrounding yourself with people that align with your values and vision of yourself is extremely important at this time. It is also essential that you learn not to compare yourself to other people’s journeys. Becoming an individual in your own life is equally as important as being an active part of your community. has some great tips on learning to be less codependent in life. This year, something that could benefit you as you discover more of the type of energy you wish to attract into your life.


The start of this year is an incredibly auspicious time for you, but with that said, you will be tested! This is a significant time for you to level up in your life and push beyond what you thought was possible for yourself. If you have big dreams, chase em!

You have a lot of influence and momentum when it comes to your career and your social circle. Use your big heart to network and build relationships that support you towards the goals you are working towards. It is effortless for you to burn yourself out in the coming months, so make sure you block out some adequate downtime in between all of your plans.

While you’re already highly intuitive, your ability to tune into the energy of those around you will be at an all-time high. Make sure you don’t confuse someone else’s energy for your own, set proper boundaries where you need to.


Boundaries are not your strong suit, and they are essential for you at the start of this year. The outside world quickly drains your energy; it can often feel like sensory overload whenever you leave the house. Finding comfort in saying no to things that drain you and not overextending yourself is beneficial for you always, but especially at the beginning of the year. has a great article here on boundary setting and its benefits.

Wishing you all health and happiness in the year ahead!

Analisa Six

Horoscopes calculated using iPhemeris, Dates sourced from The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century

THE CARD DIVO: 2022 Zodiac Predictions & Introducing New Weekly Horoscopes In English & Spanish By Sober Curator Daniel G Garza AKA The Card Divo


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.