The Sobercast With Six Brings You An Astrological Forecast For The Month Of August 2021

This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about breaking through mental barriers, getting creative, and embracing teamwork! This is the perfect time to plan out all of those dreams and aspirations. But be warned, this is NOT the month to overspend. Get comfy and settle in with Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator give us her August 2021 Forecast of the weeks ahead.

Greetings Sober Warriors!

Analisa your resident sober astrologer here to give you grounding advice for navigating the frequencies of energy for the glorious month of August!

As some of you who read may know, I have hung up my tarot reader/astrologer hat to dedicate my energy towards helping humans understand their dogs. On August 3rd I will officially begin my dog training classes at the Dog Training Internship Academy of San Francisco. Dogs have been an integral part of my sobriety, and working with them has been an extremely grounding force in my life. It has enabled me to connect with myself in a deeper and more simplistic way. The needs of dogs, and the way they communicate, as with most of the rest of nature and other animals, is on a subtle frequency of energy that we as humans are often too distracted by our man-made world to tune into. Tuning into these subtle frequencies of energy has enabled me to have a more positive relationship with myself, others, and the world around me. 

Recently, a dog trainer I follow on Instagram who goes by the handle @bravodogtraining, posted a quote that stated; “Even the best-laid plans fail.”  While this quote pertained to dog training, I felt it was congruent with the astrological climate for August.

Time for a New Chapter

Oftentimes we go into a new chapter of our lives with a specific plan or vision, but it is rare that the plan or vision unfolds exactly how we had intentionally dreamed. The beginning of August will exude a vibe that has us needing more out of ourselves as well as life. We may feel like we have peaked, or maybe we feel that we are just starting all over again. The first half of the month has an emphasis on needing to let go of the original plan enough to see the road that the universe is carving out for us. By the end of the month, we will be ready to begin laying down another foundation that will help carry us to the desired goal. 

August always begins in the fixed fire sign of Leo. Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac, ruling the 5th house in the chart. Leo is ruled by the Sun, one of the only two signs not ruled by an actual planet. The 5th house in the birth chart represents our relationship to children as well as our inner child, performance, self-expression, creativity, romance, and our need to share with others. Leo individuals tend to be on a journey of self-acceptance. 

The last half of August is ruled by the mutable earth sign of Virgo. Virgo rules the 6th house in the birth chart. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. The 6th house in the chart represents daily routines, health, and how we are of service in the world. Organization and problem solving are strengths for the Virgo individual. Virgo individuals are often on a journey of learning to let go in areas of life they are unable to control.


Recovery Tip for Leo:

Oh, Leo, it can be so hard when things don’t magically go your way all the time. This month you may be challenged when it comes to getting what you want, however, these challenges are helping you get outside of the box you have been putting yourself in. Box? What? You may not even be aware that you have been limiting yourself. Guess what? That larger-than-life attitude is meant for so much more. This month you may want to channel your frustrations into unhealthy behaviors. It’s best to redirect any self-destructive tendencies towards learning to embrace change and lean into what you are unable to control by having some fun. It is your birthday month after all!

Recovery Tip for Virgo:

The desire for perfectionism, organization and control can develop into nervous ticks or obsessive tendencies for you sweet service-oriented Virgo. Sometimes it’s easier to obsess over something outside of yourself than to stop and really feel what you are feeling under the surface. If this is you, then this may be a good month to finally begin seeing a therapist. Unpack your need to distract yourself from the outside world by asking yourself what deep down are you avoiding? Learning to love yourself, even when things are not perfect all of the time is something that you will be faced with this month. Find ways to embrace imperfections this month.

Celebrity Leo Individuals:

Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Mick Jagger, Meghan Markle, Obama, Whitney Houston, Joe Jonas, Jennifer Lawrence, Kristin Wigg, John Stamos

Celebrity Virgo Individuals:

Jack Black, Blake Lively, Zendaya, Gloria Estafan, Kobe Bryant, Freddie Mercury, Beyonce, Cameron Diaz, Jungkook, Pink, Bernie Sanders

August’s Main Themes:

  • Creativity gets a big boost at the beginning of this month, get ready to be inspired!

  • Imagination unlocked, get ready to dream bigger! 

  • Breaking through mental barriers, believing in you ability to succeed will increase 

  • Finding new ways to express yourself within the collective, embracing teamwork

  • Constructing a plan towards those new dreams and aspirations!

  • Not a good month for overspending- don’t break the bank!

Here is a play-by-play of each transit for the month ahead, and how you can best tune into the frequencies of the stars to make the most out of your life.


Sun conjunct Mercury, both make oppositions to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Can you say Cazimi? The Sun and Mercury team up in the fixed energy of Leo, starting the month out with a bang. When the Sun and Mercury make a conjunction it is often referred to as a Cazimi. It is said that the light of the Sun dominates the energy of the celestial body that is closest to it. With Mercury in Leo conjunct the Sun, we feel a large need to express ourselves outwardly. With Saturn in Aquarius opposing both Mercury and the Sun, we could feel like we are limited in the ways we express ourselves at this point and time.

This is also a powerful time to evaluate your relationship within the collective narrative. Saturn in Aquarius is future-focused. The Sun and Mercury in Leo center around how we are expressing the self. You may feel inclined in the days ahead to work on your communication when it comes to how you share yourself in the world. It is likely that we could feel frustrated by any limitations we feel we are experiencing in our lives, especially as it relates to our community.


Sun and Mercury in Leo square Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Over the coming days of this transit, we will feel tension around how we communicate or express ourselves. We may have major breakthroughs when it comes to how we have perceived our current structure. This is a time where we may have plans disrupted, and it could feel frustrating. However, there is a gift in the disruption as it will force us to rethink what works for us down the line. This is an important time to be open to change as well as Ah-Ha! Moments that present themselves to us.


Mercury in Leo inconjunct Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Creative energy is enhanced with Mercury in Leo making a hard aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This is a positive time for letting your imagination take the reins when it comes to creative projects, whether they are for fun or for work. The downfall with this energy is that it can be a negative time for seeing things at face value. Our ability to stay grounded in reality over the coming days may be difficult. This could be a triggering time for those who use drugs or alcohol to escape reality.


New Moon 16 degrees of Leo

Our New Moon in Leo today during the 8/8 Lions Gate portal is asking us to usher in a new wave of self-love and personal empowerment. New Moon’s are used in ritual as a time to set intentions towards what we wish to manifest over the next 28-day moon cycle. The sign that the Moon is in are the themes that we are meant to focus on, and the house that sign falls in your personal natal chart will also carry the themes relevant to you in your personal life. Leo’s energy is all about sharing yourself with others in a loving and empowering way.

This New Moon in Leo you may feel a need to focus on how you relate to your identity and how you share that with others. This is a good Moon to work on healing any wounds around your inner child. Finding ways to be more playful and creative during this time is positive.


Mercury in Leo inconjunct Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune retrograde in Pisces

It may be hard for us to have a lot of motivation today around work that needs to be done. However, the tension or frustration we experience may lead us to breakthroughs around how to creatively solve whatever obstacles are presenting themselves to us. It is likely that we may experience some communication problems with others. We do best to take things slow and find solutions outside of what we would normally gravitate towards. Focusing on your daily routine and mundane tasks will give you a grounded sense of ease if you feel like you can’t get other areas of your life under control.


Mercury in Leo opposition Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Our ability to think big is enhanced during the build-up of this transit. We are likely to hold a lot of optimism for the future, but not all of it is met with as much enthusiasm by others. It is possible that we may be thinking a little too big for our britches. You need to remain humble and realistic while still holding onto the dream.


Mercury enters Virgo

Venus in Virgo trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo and will be here until August 29th. With both Mercury and Venus in Virgo, we may feel inspired to begin putting a new plan into place when it comes to the way we relate to and operate within our material world. We may begin to construct new financial goals. This is a beneficial time to put those plans into place with Venus in Virgo making a harmonious aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Go get yourself that raise or promotion!


Mars in Virgo inconjunct Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Our need for perfectionism is enhanced with Mars in Virgo making a hard aspect to Saturn in Aquarius today. We need to be mindful of how we assert our desire for a specific plan or goal onto others. With that said, we may be able to brainstorm strategically with a group on how to accomplish a specific goal in the quickest, and most precise way.


Venus in Virgo inconjunct Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Sun in Leo inconjunct Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Be careful when it comes to overspending or overindulging in the days ahead. With Venus and Jupiter making a hard aspect, we may feel inclined towards wanting more than what we can realistically handle or take on at this time. It is possible we also misunderstand a situation playing out with someone in our lives. Try to take a step back and think objectively in regard to any issues you face over the coming days. 


Venus enters Libra

Venus enters her home sign of Libra today where she will be until September 11th of this year. This gives us an opportunity to turn out sights towards social justice issues and create harmony within our relationships. Venus in Libra will be making a trine to Saturn in Aquarius over the week of the 23rd, enhancing our need for social connection and unity within our collective consciousness.


Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

There is a lot of possibilities that the opinions or views of others could influence our own perception over the days ahead. We may find ourselves having to battle our own internal need for how a problem should be solved, vs how others wish to handle things. Mercury in Virgo enables us to mitigate risk and assess the bigger picture from a strategic mindset. With Mercury making a hard aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, critical thinking when it comes to how our actions affect others will be required in order to obtain the best possible outcome. Otherwise, you may find yourself learning that not every plan that looks good on paper, functions well for others who have a different agenda.


Sun in Leo inconjunct Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

As someone who has had this energy hitting me for the last two years in my personal chart, I can say it is incredibly difficult and transformative. We may feel over the coming days that we are ready to make a big change in our lives, one that goes against everything we had previously thought we wanted. We may have to sit with these realizations in a way that causes us much grief. Just remember, it’s ok to change your mind. Many times the steps that we took to get to where we are now, lead us to what we want next. You don’t have to stay in anything you don’t want to.


Mars conjunct Mercury in Virgo

It’s my Birthday! Happy birthday to me! Mars and Mercury team up in Virgo today giving us a boost when it comes to our productivity. This is an awesome time to chip away at your to-do list and get anything done that you have been putting off. I personally have both Mars and Mercury in Virgo and I do have to say, I love being organized and productive in my mundane world. Make lists and check them off! Get ahead of anything you know you need to do that will set you up positively for the future. This is also a great energy to start a new workout or health routine!


Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus

Sun in Leo opposition Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Uranus stations retrograde until January 18th of 2022. We can expect to see some of the progress we feel we have made with the world gaining some “normalcy” since the pandemic begins to regress. Uranus in Taurus is a time where everything that has been stable or “normal” is disrupted. 

The Sun in Leo makes an opposition to Jupiter today as well, enhancing our personal need for growth and expansion. We may feel a large need for freedom in the coming days which could have us making poor decisions when it comes to overindulgence. We need to be mindful not to become too inflated in our perception of self. It is also possible that we have a large sense of optimism about the future, which can give us a positive boost of energy over the coming days.


Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus

It is likely that what we had planned for the day is disrupted by something we could not have anticipated. There will likely be a silver lining to this disruption, so try to go with the flow as much as you can. This is a good time to be open to seeing how something can be accomplished in a different way. We also need to be mindful of our financial and physical resources during this time. It is possible we feel inclined to take a risk that could enhance our career in some way.


Mars in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus

There is an ability to feel empowered when it comes to the things we are trying to accomplish in life if we remain open and energized to all possible outcomes. We could feel inspired to try something new when it comes to our careers. This is a positive time for accomplishing tasks in our mundane life that set us up for success in the future.


Full Moon at 29 degrees of Aquarius

Sun enters Virgo

Today is a powerful day as we start out with a Full Moon in Aquarius, the second one of the year. Full Moon’s are a time to focus on what we are wishing to shed or release in our lives. We may find ourselves reflecting on how we associate with our community, and whether we feel in alignment with the people we are surrounded by. This Moon also teams up with Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion and growth. This is an extremely beneficial time for setting intentions when it comes to what we wish to manifest in our lives, especially when it comes to social circles. 

In the afternoon our Sun enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo. Happy birthday Virgo babies!! Virgo is the 6th sign of the Zodiac ruling the 6th house in the chart. Virgo people excel at organization, problem-solving, and assessing the big picture. It is hard for Virgo people to not put a lot of pressure on themselves to reach a state of perfectionism. This can also lead to a lot of harsh internal criticism and judgment. But they are often successful at what they do. Try not to be too hard on yourself this Virgo season! This is a great time to put a plan together for any future goals you have.


Venus in Libra trine Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

We may feel a need to connect with people we love or care about in an intentional way. This is a positive time for taking the next step in a relationship or solidifying an existing one. We also benefit from finding a way to contribute to our community whether that be financial or through volunteer work.


Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune retrograde in Pisces

This can be an extremely ungrounding time for us mentally over the coming days, however, our ability to think outside the box is heightened. Mercury rules Virgo and is great energy for creating realistic plans. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and enhances our connection to the imaginal realm, where dreams and creativity live. We may find ourselves able to dream big, and also see the realistic road to how to accomplish those dreams. This can be an extremely beneficial time if we know how to tune into the opposing energies appropriately. It is also common for us to feel like one minute we are thinking clearly, and the next minute we are swamped by emotions. Embrace both ends of the spectrum by seeing how they can be utilized together.


Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury/Pluto aspects heighten our need for personal empowerment when it comes to how we express or articulate our own point of view. This is a positive time for putting plans down on paper and devising a strategy for what we wish to accomplish in the months ahead. 

However, be mindful not to use words to dominate or manipulate others who may be affected by the choices you choose to put into motion.


Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Our ability to think big is enhanced today, especially when it comes to how we see our ability to influence others. We need to be mindful that we don’t try to oversell and underdeliver. This is a positive time for finding creative ways to grow outside of any limiting perceptions or beliefs you have had in the past. Try not to push your viewpoint onto anyone else during this time, unless they’re asking for your input or advice.


Venus in Libra inconjunct Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Our need to shake things up when it comes to our relationships or the way that we relate to our personal image is enhanced. We could feel inclined to change our hair, our appearance, or need more from a partnership. It is also possible that this energy is channeled into our home environment. However, this energy plays out for you, have fun with the process. Let loose, and try something new!


Mercury enters Libra

Mercury will be spending an extra long time in the cardinal air sign of Libra, as its stations retrograde on September 27th. Giving us over two months of these Libran vibes, Mercury will not leave the sign of Libra until November 6th. Mercury in Libra can have an energetic frequency that is characterized by passivity, indecisiveness, and a need to understand things from an intellectual point of view. Libra is the sign that rules justice, partnership, balance, equality, and harmony. We may also find ourselves having a lot of communication within our relationships over the next two months that center around these themes.


Sun in Virgo inconjunct Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

It is important that we take a grounded and practical approach to our tasks in the coming days. With our Sun making a hard aspect to Saturn, we could feel limited in our ability to have energy for the things we know we need to do. This is a good time to slow down and chip away at what is a high priority, while not pushing yourself past your limits.

And there you have it, folks! The August astrology Sobercast! I wish you all the best of luck this month as we move into more turbulent energy. 

Love and Power,

Analisa Six

Sobercast with Six: Astrological Forecast Predictions for all of 2021 by Analisa Six, broken out each month with a sober twist curated just for those living an alcohol-free & drug-free lifestyle.

The Daily Llama: Bringing you short one-word meditations with corresponding quotes for your complete wool-being Monday – Friday. (The Daily Llama takes breaks on the weekend to practice self-care)

Sometimes life gets really hard. Resources are available.

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