The Sobercast With Six, By Sober Curator Analisa Six, Brings You Bi-Monthly Soberscopes For March & April Through A Sober Lens

Spring is upon us! Greetings Sober Warriors, Analisa Six your resident Astrologer here to give you horoscopes for the months of March and April. The beginning of this year is already off to a chaotic start. The Sober Curator IG account was hacked and held hostage, a handful of people in my life passed away all within days of each other, Russia ignited a war with Ukraine, and to be honest it just feels like this pandemic life is still a bit too much at times, despite how “normal” it has become. 

In a world full of so much uncertainty, finding the will to live, stay sober, and be strong can be incredibly challenging. Community, friendship, and giving ourselves safe spaces to be vulnerable and open within our individual struggles are imperative for our mental and emotional health. Astrology has been a saving grace and grounding force in my life when things feel confusing and unmanageable. It is a container where I can find some sort of logic or reason as to why I feel the way I do. It makes it feel like there may be some bigger plan in the cosmos after all. 

When it comes to horoscopes, not only will you want to look up the forecast for your Sun sign, but you will also want to read the advice for your rising sign as well. To find your rising sign you will need to use a program or app like Time Passages or You will need your exact birth time as it is on your birth certificate, date of birth, and location of birth to calculate.

New Moon’s

  • MARCH: March 2nd in Pisces

  • APRIL: April 1st in Aries, April 30th in Taurus

Full Moon’s

  • MARCH: March 18th in Aquarius

  • APRIL: April 16th in Libra

2022 Eclipses:

April 30th Solar Eclipse in Taurus

May 16th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

October 25th Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

November 8th Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

2022 Remaining Mercury Retrogrades:

May 10th-June 4th in Gemini/Taurus

September 10th-October 1st  in Libra/Virgo

March – April Soberscopes


Over the next two months, the relationship you have with your circles of friends, your community, and the way you personally relate to yourself will be highlighted. This is a time for evaluating the groups you associate with and whether they are in alignment with who you want to be in the world. Self-worth is a major theme for you over the next two months. Your sense of security and stability in your life may feel challenged.

The friendships that are truly there to support you will come in handy when you need the reminder that you are a force that can accomplish anything you set your mind to. While you may feel confused over which direction to take in your life right now, this is a good time for letting loose and trying to enjoy where you’re at in the present moment. You do not need to be in such a rush all of the time. This is not a great time for overspending or taking financial risks as unexpected events could require you to spend money you had not intended to spend.


While your need to be social is heightened during the next couple of months, your inner world needs equal amounts of attention during this time as well. Be mindful not to over socialize to the point of burnout. Balance your desire for fun with plenty of sleep. As fun as it is to escape reality through substances, we feel better when we set our future self up for success by making critical choices. While it is your birthday season soon from late March to early April, try not to overdo it when it comes to spending money.


Greetings to the fixed earth energy of the Bull! This March your career is highlighted and you may feel a sense of invigoration around what you are building in your life at this time. While you may be feeling a lot of momentum within your job, this momentum requires you to be flexible in areas of your life that you usually do not bend too easily. It is important that you stop to acknowledge the parts of yourself that need healing on a deeper level, as this will help you step into, or at least towards, that new person you are trying to find within yourself. Let go of the things that you used to find comfort in. It’s time to reinvent the wheel of your life and be open to new experiences.

Come April, any changes you have been wanting to make in relation to your career will begin to take place, whether you had intended to make those changes or not. You may also find yourself relying heavily on your community and friends to aid you in taking your mind off the more serious aspects of your life. With Mercury entering Taurus in April, you will feel a heightened awareness of how you communicate yourself with others. You may feel less inclined to see things outside of your own level of awareness. You need to be mindful of how you assert or share your ideas with others during this time.


While it is easy for you to take comfort in the luxuries this beautiful earth provides, it benefits you to balance your love for eating out and indulging in the finer things, with activities that get your blood moving. It would be easy for you to channel any addictive behaviors into your work, which in some ways is helpful for you making progress towards your goals, but can easily distract you from taking good care of yourself. Make sure to carve out time for healthy/balanced eating as well as exercise.


The way you present yourself in the world in the work that you do is a major focus for you in the weeks ahead. You may be interested in furthering your education on a subject that interests you, and now is the perfect time to do it. You also may be inclined to ask for advice and input from your circle of friends on some of the hopes and dreams you have for your future. While getting outside input is great, make sure you don’t let that deter you from what your heart knows it wants or needs. 

You may have a big itch to travel abroad over the next two months and this is a great time for you to scratch that itch.


For the Months of March and April, most of your attention will be directed towards everything you are doing out in the world; your job, friends, and any aspirational/educational/travel plans you may have. This period is going to be so extroverted for you, that finding time to balance it with some downtime may be hard. While I applaud you for wanting to give so much of yourself, try to work some days and nights at home with nothing but self-care on the calendar. You are going to need it.


These next couple of months are primarily focused on your career and everything you are learning when it comes to building a legacy for yourself. You may feel a need to figure out the long game when it comes to retirement, paying off debts, and financial security. This is a good time to research these things and see where your money can grow. 

Work requires flexibility on your part right now, and while you may feel a huge desire to expand and grow in new ways, you may also have to roll with whatever gets thrown your way. 

New people come into your life over the coming months, and this could lead to some new opportunities. Taking a class, trying something new, being open to seeing things from a new vantage point, are all good ways for you to expend your energy right now.


While you are known to be a very introverted sign, you also are known to pour your energy into others often more times than yourself. April is going to be an extremely social and busy month for you. It will be important that you plan on finding time to break away and refill your own cup before diving back into the next social activity. Practicing boundaries this Spring is good for you. You do not need to say “yes” to every person, opportunity, or thing that comes your way. Sometimes it is better to have less in your life so that you can give yourself fully, rather than many small things that you are unable to truly tend to. Less is more!


Partnerships are highlighted over the next two months for you, and you are learning a lot through other people. Sometimes when we experience challenging dynamics with our partners or family members, it forces us to have to look at aspects of ourselves we are no longer happy with and grow from the tension that arises when we are working things out with those we love. 

This is a beneficial time for you to express gratitude to the people in your life that lift you up but to also be honest and confrontational to those who need to respect your boundaries. 

Prioritizing your finances and paying off debt is also a smart move on your part over the next two months. If you have been wondering if you should take a class and learn something new, April is a great time to do that. 

Your career will also be a major focus for you in the month of April and you may find yourself having more energy for things that you typically find draining or annoying. You will find yourself taking a more practical and grounded approach to your job in a way that helps you finally feel that sense of stability you have been lacking over the last two years.


Your need for validation around who you are in the world will be at an all-time high over the Spring. You need to be mindful that you do not go searching in the wrong people or places for that external validation. Gratitude journaling is always a great exercise for you Leo, and having a strong practice over the coming weeks around being present and grateful for where you are at is beneficial for you during this time. You value independence and having your own way of doing things, but you also benefit from getting some outside input when it comes to how you manage your money. Be mindful not to be overly impulsive when it comes to serious decisions you are making. You benefit from taking a slower approach to things this Spring.


For the month of March, the wisdom that you possess thus far in your life is incredibly valuable for you to share with those around you, especially in your personal relationships. While it can sometimes fall upon deaf ears, you may be in a position to offer guidance in a way that has the potential to influence future outcomes. 

Your daily routine may need a makeover, and getting yourself on a regimen is beneficial for your health at this time. 

By April, your heart desires emotional connection and intimacy with your significant other or any close friends, it will be important for you to carve out time for your close relationships. You benefit from taking large breaks from your mundane routine to work in some romance and fun.


You may feel that you have to prove your worthiness to others through selfless acts of service, but oftentimes, the work you do gets taken for granted. Remember that who you are alone is enough, and that you do not need to move mountains or absorb the entire workload to be of value to your relationships, friendships, family, or team environments you are a part of. You benefit from finding stability in your daily routines and actions this month, and while you enjoy them most when they are serving others, you need to find time to make sure you are equally of service to yourself.


During the month of March, it is helpful for you to find ways to be more light-hearted and find joy in your day without taking things personally or too seriously.  Wounds around how you assert yourself in relationship dynamics come up for you over the coming weeks as well. There is a lot of change happening within your personal relationships, and navigating how to stay true to yourself while communicating your needs with others is a theme, especially with anyone you share money or resources with.

You may also feel ungrounded when it comes to your daily routine. It’s ok to be in a period where you need to go with the flow rather than trying to overly control anything. Naps, adequate rest, and bouts of being alone are healthy for you during the month of March. 

April is a challenging month for you when it comes to feeling confident in your romantic or close partnerships, as well as how you share and express yourself with others. Big discussions around assets and resources could be in the cards. You may want to refinance your home or car, take a loan out, or renegotiate a contract regarding money.  It benefits you to get advice from a financial advisor or any experts regarding the areas of your life you are experiencing the most turbulence.


Your self-confidence is challenged during the months of March and April and you may put too much stock into the opinions of others. While it is important that we take healthy criticism from those we love most, it is also important that our entire sense of self-worth does not lie on approval from others. Finding ways to feel more empowered doing things on your own while not burning any bridges is positive for your growth and development.


March is a particularly introspective time for you where you may feel inclined to stay home and avoid socializing. You may be feeling ungrounded in certain relationship dynamics so staying out of them is where you find comfort. Old wounds from your past in regards to how you relate to your family, specifically your parents, could come up for you right now in a way that is challenging. You benefit from working with a therapist or healer to navigate ways you can outgrow old narratives that are holding you back.

This is a good time for home projects and making your living space feel grounding. Creating an environment where you can get away from it all. 

The month of March is also a great time for you to delve into anything that gets your creative juices flowing whether it’s art, music, or a new/old hobby that you enjoy.

Come April, you may be required to face some of the things you have been avoiding in your life, such as chores, health routines, as well as hard communication in your relationships that may be requiring your attention now.


While diving into your hidey-hole feels good and rejuvenating in most ways for you dear Scorpio friend, come Spring procrastination is not your friend. You benefit from some good ol’ Spring cleaning and productivity to get you out of any funk you may have felt over the last winter months. Leaning into depression and mortality crises will only make you feel less inclined to get moving on any of the things you told yourself you were going to do in the new year. Just remember that it does not have to all get done at once and that it can be done gradually over time. Learning to chip away at things rather than having an all-or-nothing mentality is beneficial for you during the coming weeks.


Wanderlusting Sag, this is a very transitional time for you. This month of March you may be reflecting on your self-worth and how it contributes to your ability to move forward in your professional world as well as personal life. You may be in a financial position that requires you to be extremely mindful and methodical with how you spend your money. 

It is possible that you feel a need to move or live somewhere else for a period of time. If this is unfeasible, you benefit from short-distance trips that feed your need for adventure. 

Come April your need to reinvent yourself may be heightened and you benefit from finding ways to express yourself with others that ignite your sense of passion in who you are and what you do. Communication is highlighted and you may feel an enhanced level of energy around socializing with those closest to you. This is a positive time to embrace who you are and share it with others.


Educating yourself on new subjects is always a great way to redirect any restless energy you may be experiencing in the coming weeks. If you are unable to get out and do something to the extent you would like to do it, try diving into a new book that covers the subject instead. Staying busy this Spring is beneficial for you.


Independence is your motto for March 2022, and you may feel a large need to focus on revamping who you are to yourself. This is a positive time for you to take action towards any personal goals you have had. However, it comes with its own challenges when it comes to wounds or insecurities you have about taking the risk towards what your heart desires. 

Rethinking your relationship to money and how you value yourself is a major theme in your life for March as well as April. Charging/asking for what your worth from your employer(s) will come up a lot for you this season and it is valuable for you to begin to see yourself as worthy of more.


Financial planning and strategizing is great way to expend your energy for the coming weeks. You benefit from leaning into your linear practical thinking and moving full speed ahead on a project you have been working on.


If you have been feeling a lot of existential dread, or “what does it all mean?!” energy, you can thank the stars for that. March is a month where you’re contemplating life, all of its mysteries, and what that means to you on a personal level. Instead of getting bogged down by the pain of the world, try to see the beauty in life’s cycles. Without change, death, and hardship, we can not truly see the beauty in peace, life, and liberty. While you tend to put a lot of focus on others, this is a month where it is wise for you to focus on filling your own cup and finding what motivates you to take charge of your life. 

Come April, talking things out with people you trust is extremely therapeutic for you. Starting a journal to brainstorm ideas you are having about the direction of your life is also positive.  

You may feel inclined to overspend right now while finding ways to enjoy your life, you need to be less impulsive when it comes to your bank account this Spring. However, good fortune is on your side for unexpected opportunities when it comes to making extra money.


While socializing can take your mind off the doom and gloom of the world, it also distracts you from doing the deep work on yourself that is often required during times of transition. If you truly want to change certain patterns in your life for the best possible future outcome, you benefit from spending time alone reflecting on what your values are and how you can do more of what you love in your life. 


Pisces! It has been your time to shine for the first half of March, and what a wonderful time to express who you are and find ways to fulfill yourself with friends and colleagues. This Spring, your community and how you are of service to them is highlighted and you benefit from doing activities that put you in a place where you feel you are of value to those you love the most. 

Your dreams may feel extra powerful and symbolic over the course of the next few months, and this is a great time to be dream journaling.

Self-acceptance and self-love are major themes for you come April. You benefit from leaning into who you are and embracing the talents and gifts you have to offer others. April is a great month to ask for a raise, go after a promotion, or do any financial planning that helps you build stability in your life for the rest of the year.


Channeling restless energy into your spiritual practice and creative talents is beneficial for you during the month of March as well as April. Rather than binge-watching tv or getting swept away in gossip or drama, find a way to redirect your energy towards your passion projects. Don’t have a passion project? Now is a great time to start one.

Wishing you all health and happiness!

Analisa Six

Horoscopes calculated using iPhemeris

Dates sourced from The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century

THE CARD DIVO: Each week Actor, Comic, Host, Patient Leader, Spiritual Mentor, and Sober Curator Daniel G Garza AKA The Card Divo will bring us quick-hitting and intuitive horoscopes for sober people on the go.

THE DAILY LLAMA: Monday – Friday, The Daily Llama brings you short one-word meditations with corresponding quotes and reflections for your complete wool-being. #seewhatwedidthere


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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