The Sobercast With Six, By Analisa Six, This May Be The Month You’ve Been Waiting For! Heightened Energy Will Be Great For Channeling Artist Projects


This month’s Sobercast with Six may be the month you’ve been waiting for. Creative energy is in the air, so grab your favorite zero proof beverage and get ready to dig into this article on everything you need to know about the sober month of March that is ahead of you!

Greetings Sober Warriors!

It’s finally March!  I say “finally” because this has been the month I have been looking forward to the most. This month starts out as it always does, in the mutable water sign of Pisces, and ends in the cardinal fire sign of Aries. 

Pisces in Astrology is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune, and rules the 12th house. Pisces is the sign of the dreamer, the empath, the spiritualist, the savior, the visionary, the artist, the poet, the musician, as well as the addict. We have a lot of heightened Pisces and Neptunian energy this month, which is great for those who have strong spiritual practices, or channel that into artistic projects.

However, it can be a hard energy for those struggling with addiction and a need to escape reality. This is a powerful month for recognizing where we look to our imagination to gain freedom from the mundane, and how we can use that in constructive ways. Rather than using it to bypass or procrastinate on our responsibilities. 

Aries in Astrology is ruled by the planet Mars and rules 1st house. Aries is the sign of action, identity, assertion, having the will to do anything, establishing authority, power, and control. In Aries we learn what true leadership and independence can mean, and we do well finding autonomy within our personal identity during strong Aries transits. 

Happy birthday to all our Pisces and Aries people! 

March is an action month! This is a great time to move forward on projects or ideas that you have felt you were unable to gain momentum with in previous months. Fun fact, this is also the only completely retrograde free month of the year, which means that there is not one single planet in retrograde motion for the entire month. This is a great time to start new projects or move forward on existing one’s.

Over the following weeks, there is a lot of potential for new found inspirations and positive energy when it comes to artistic and creative projects.

Our biggest challenge of the month will be keeping our minds and emotions grounded, while also communicating our needs effectively. 

Here is a play by play of each transit for the month ahead, and how you can best tune into the frequencies of the stars to make the most out of your life.

Celebrity Pisces individuals:

George Harrison, Erykah Badu, Brian Jones, Elizabeth Taylor, Spike Lee, Albert Einstein, Desi Arnaz

Celebrity Aries individuals:

Elton John, Paul Rudd, Diana Ross, Lady Gaga, Jackie Chan, Lucy Lawless, Eddie Murphy

March’s Main Themes:

  • Being vulnerable enough to communicate our emotional needs, hopes, and dreams with relationship partners

  • Building meaningful relationships

  • Taking action on work projects, creative projects, and anything we have previously been procrastinating with

  • Finding ways to tune into our creative and spiritual energy in healthy and meaningful ways

  • Evaluating what beliefs and boundaries we carry, and whether we are living in alignment with them

  • Making decisions for the betterment of ourselves on an individual level, and letting go of relationship dynamics no longer serving us

ICYMI: January 1st Article: Ring in the New Year in our 1st annual “Sobercast with Six” Astrological Forecast Predictions for all of 2021 by Analisa Six


Mercury in Aquarius trine North node in Gemini

This is a powerful transit for influencing how we perceive our cultural attitudes and beliefs around the status quo. We may be reflecting on what groups or organizations we want to or currently associate with and whether they are in harmony with what we wish to pursue moving forward in life.


Mars enters Gemini

Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mars enters the mutable air sign of Gemini today where it will be until April 23rd. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and is the sign often associated with communication. With Mars in Gemini, we may feel a large burst of energy when it comes to our mental sphere. We could feel a heightened sense of anxiety if the energy isn’t properly expelled through proper channels. This is a beneficial energy for writers and continued educational pursuits.

Venus makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus today that gives us inspiration towards creative projects. This is a great energy for tuning into our artistic side especially when it comes to art and music. We could feel inspired to change something about our own appearance or the way we have decorated our space. We may also feel a desire for love and connection with others.


Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius

Mercury and Jupiter team up in Aquarius today which is a great energy when it comes to optimism and building new visions of the future. This is a great energy for activism, being in the sign of Aquarius. We also benefit from moving forward with any continued educational pursuits, or learning something that adds to our current professional and educational pursuits.


Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

The Sun represents identity, self expression, and vitality. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and represents dissolution, spirituality, and ethereal energy. The Sun meeting up with Neptune in Pisces is an extremely beneficial energy for creatives especially when it comes to art, music, and spiritual pursuits. Dreams will most likely be heightened over the next couple days. Channel your inspiration and imagination into reality by carving out time for creative projects in the days ahead.


New Moon 23 degrees of Pisces

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces

New Moon’s are a time for setting intentions towards things we wish to call into our lives over the next month. With our New Moon in Pisces, also conjunct Venus and Neptune, this is an extremely beneficial time for setting intentions with what we want in our spiritual and creative lives as well as our emotional realm. We benefit from also setting intentions around what we want out of our relationships with others on an emotional level.


Mercury enters Pisces

Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury enters Pisces where it will be until April 4th. This planet rules communication and is associated with how we perceive and project our view of the world.  Mercury is considered to be in its detriment in the sign of Pisces, as it is said to be a difficult placement. However, Mercury in Pisces lends itself to psychic insights and perceptions that can easily have a hard time grappling with reality. Discernment is incredibly important during this time and we may need a second opinion when it comes to any serious decisions we are hoping to make in our lives, as our judgment may be a bit ungrounded.


Venus in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn

This is a great energy for financial and creative pursuits. If you have been considering a new branding or marketing strategy, this is a great time to launch or try it out. We could feel happiness, optimism, and momentum in relationship dynamics over the next couple days. This may also be a good time to change something about our appearance, or how we present ourselves to others.



Sun enters Aries, Spring Equinox

Happy Equinox!  In astrology, this is considered to be the true New Year, marked by the Sun entering the cardinal fire sign of Aries. Aries is a sign that symbolizes the birth of life as we enter the season of Spring. In astrology, Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, and is ruler of the 1st house. The 1st house in astrology represents the personal relationship we have to our identity. It is in Aries that we are able to define who we are, and put forth our willpower into the world to create the life we want.


Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in Pisces  sextile Uranus in Taurus

The energy of Mars and Saturn helps empower us to take a disciplined and practical approach to responsibilities and our work. Mercury making a harmonious aspect to Uranus empowers us to communicate in productive ways that inspire may creativity. We may have surprising news reach us that we were not anticipating in the coming days with these transits. 

This is a great day for moving forward on existing work projects. We may feel a lot of momentum around changes taking place in our lives. We do best to lean into the momentum and make the most out of our circumstances.


Venus enters Aries

Sun and Venus conjunct in Aries

They dance together until April 10th

Our Sun and Venus team up in the cardinal fire sign of Aries. This energy is great for focusing on self acceptance and self love. We benefit from finding ways we can have gratitude and appreciation for who we are, even on the simplest level. It is possible that we could be a little self centered during this time. For those who are typically co-dependant or reliant on other people, this is a powerful time to empower yourself to be more independent. For those who are naturally independent and dominate others with your personal demands, you may need to reflect on where control and dominance prohibit your ability to connect in your relationships. Either way, this is a good time to build a stronger relationship to yourself.


Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini

This is one of the more difficult days of the month where our planet of communication, Mercury, makes a difficult aspect to Mars in Gemini. We could feel overly reactive or assertive when it comes to communicating our feelings during this time. It’s also possible that we could have anxiety and feel overwhelmed easily. Prioritize taking a break or time out from engaging with others where you can. Mindfulness is key.


Mercury in Pisces square North Node in Sagittarius and South Node in Gemini

Mercury makes a hard aspect to the North and South Nodes causing what is called a T-Square in astrology jargon. This aspect may have us feeling ungrounded when it comes to our philosophical and spiritual beliefs. We may be evaluating what our core values are and whether we are in harmony with them. This is a large shift for the collective consciousness. We may see spiritual and religious as well as scientize organizations being scrutinized for unethical methods. Tensions between countries could escalate when it comes to immigration rights as well. 


Full Moon 8 degrees of  Libra

Full Moon’s are a time of releasing and letting go. Libra is the cardinal air sign ruling the 7th house which represents romantic relationships, partnership dynamics, and the way we are responsive/receptive to others. In Libra we seek balance, fairness, and harmony. We may ask ourselves during this time where we need to call in more balance, and what needs to be released in order for that to happen.


Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

This is a great energy for meditation and spiritual work. Not the best time for making decisions that require critical thinking. We may feel overly sensitive in the days ahead, so we do best finding ways to ground ourselves. Go for a walk in nature, do some therapeutic cooking, body work, yoga, exercise, anything that helps you relate to your material world in a positive way.

Dreams during this time may also be extremely powerful. This is a positive time to keep a dream or vision journal.


Sun conjunct Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius

Our Sun and Venus make a harmonious aspect to Saturn giving us a positive energy when it comes to moving forward in our lives. We may feel passionate about a social justice issue, and we could find ourselves taking action when it comes to expressing ourselves around said issues.


There you have it, everyone! A glance at the Astrology of  March 2021! 

If you would like to dive in more on how this month’s transits will play a part in your life, feel free to book an astrology reading with me over at and follow me on Insta at @analisa.six

-Analisa Six

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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