The Sobercast With Six, By Analisa Six, Brings You An Astrological Forecast For The Month Of May 2021 – Friendship, Community, And Social Justice Issues


This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about friendship, community, and social justice issues. Get comfy and settle in with Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator give us her May Forecast of the weeks ahead. Astrology with a sober twist!

Greetings Sober Warriors!

It’s Analisa Six, the resident sober astrologer ready to bring you celestial guidance as we enter into the month of May.

May 1st has been celebrated in ancient traditions across Ireland and Scotland as a holiday that is signified by something called Beltane. Beltane is a Gaelic holiday that marks the middle point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It is a time to celebrate life and is often celebrated by people dancing around what we know as a Maypole. The Maypole is an ancient symbol of the union of the divine masculine and divine feminine coming together to create life. There was often a fire festival during this celebration as well. The month of May begins in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Taurus in Astrology is ruled by the planet Venus and rules the 2nd house, which represents our values around how we create financial and material security for ourselves. 

The Second Half of May

The second half of May is symbolized by the mutable air sign of Gemini. Gemini in Astrology is ruled by the planet Mercury and rules the 3rd house which represents simplified learning, communication, and how we perceive the world through analytical and mathematical thinking. Gemini is a dominant energy over the last half of the month with our Sun, Mercury, and Venus all in this mutable air sign. Happy birthday to all of the Taurus and Gemini babes out there! It’s your time to shine!

May is an incredibly social month! Meaning, our desire to connect with the community is higher than ever. Now that more and more people are getting vaccinated, it does not surprise me that we will begin to feel the urge to meet up with friends and family members we haven’t seen in over a year. With that said, Covid is still a very real phenomenon, and there are still many people who are unable to get vaccinated.

Exercise Mindfulness

We need to exercise mindfulness when it comes to how we move forward in the world as it begins to open up. Our perceptions around our community may come into focus in the weeks ahead. How we socialize has evolved from in person meet ups, to Zoom calls. Not all of us are ready for the world to go back to whatever “normal” means at this point. We may find ourselves having to navigate our relationship to community and groups of people in a more mindful way as these conversations around what appropriate social etiquette in the future takes precedence. 

We start out the month feeling a lot of optimism, but the last half gets rocky as we enter not only Retrograde season, but Eclipse season as well. Keep your chin up as your plans for the future might get put on hold. Whatever delays that come your way this month will help you out in the long run, even if you can’t see it for a couple more months!

Celebrity Taurus Individuals:

Celebrity Gemini Individuals:

May’s Main Themes

  • Friendship, community, and social justice issues. Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius, asking us to focus on building a better future for generations to come.

  • Our values and beliefs, and whether we are living in alignment with them. Eclipse season begins in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign that asks us to reflect on what our belief systems are.

  • How we communicate in social circles, Mercury retrograde in Gemini is going to challenge our communication quite a bit over the end of the month! 

  • Our hopes and dreams, reflecting on what feels realistic vs. what we truly desire. Jupiter in Pisces will ignite our need to hold empathy for others, we may become more idealistic this month. 

  • Rethinking our relationships and future plans.

Astrology for May 2021


Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn 

Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Today is a powerful day for creative projects both artistic as well as business oriented. We may feel a desire to treat ourselves with some over indulgent spending for all of the hard work we have been doing. Feeling all the vibes? We may also feel incredibly inspired when it comes to our career, or passion projects. We benefit from practical application when it comes to dreams and goals. Our dreams may feel tangible in the days ahead. Make use of this energy by taking action in the material towards those dreams.


Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius

The energy of today contradicts quite a bit of the energy mentioned for May 2nd, with that said it is important to recognize that the energy of both days is relevant. Today we may feel some laziness or confusion when it comes to the practical application of our goals. We need to be mindful when it comes to information we share with others, especially on social media outlets. If you don’t actually know the truth or source of the information you are sharing, don’t share it. We could feel frustrated with anything that feels like it goes against our own perceptions or beliefs today. This is a good day to slow down and try to take a break from connecting with other people on any social issues.


Mercury enters Gemini

Mercury is the ruler of the mutable air sign Gemini, and will be in its home sign until July 11th of this year. It will spend an especially long amount of time in Gemini this year due to it stationing retrograde later in the month. Both Mercury and Gemini rule communication and the way we analyze the world from our own perspective. This period with Mercury in Gemini will have us working on our own communication. We may find ourselves drawn to being more open to learning different ways to simplify what we want to say. We may also find ourselves overthinking all of the solutions to a simple problem. Be mindful of what you let your thoughts do over the coming weeks.

Feeling overwhelmed? Short meditations can help! Check in with The Daily Llama for the week of May 3rdc – 7th

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Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn

This is a positive day for financial planning. We benefit from looking realistically at where we are when it comes to the material resources available to us at this time and making plans that help set us up successfully for the future. This is also a great day to begin a new health regiment that supports you in creating healthy daily habits in your life.

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Venus in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius

It is possible that we butt heads with others today when it comes to trying to get what we want vs. having to be open and understanding to what is best for everyone else. If we work in a community or team environment, what is best for the team may not feel like what is best for us on an individual level. Compromise is a common energy when it comes to being in a successful partnership or team. We have to choose our battles wisely and ask ourselves if what we are holding onto is worth the drama. We are also prone to wanting to overindulge in luxuries that may be out of our means. Be mindful with how you are spending your time and money this week.


Venus enters Gemini

Venus, our planet of love and romance enters Gemini today where it is considered to be exalted. When a planet is exalted in a sign, it means that it performs well within the archetype of that energy. Gemini is often symbolized by the twins Castor and Pollux. Castor and Pollux also had twin sisters named Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra. These two sets of twins, one masculine and one feminine were born from an egg laid by Queen Leda of Sparta.

The journey of Venus in Gemini is often symbolized by the conjunction of the masculine and feminine halves of an individual becoming one. We see this conjunction within masculine and feminine courtship in the material, but the esoteric meaning is symbolized by the union of our own two halves that lie within us. Conjunction is the fourth stage of alchemy, and is represented in the Lovers tarot card, which is ruled by Venus in Gemini. Venus will be Gemini until June 3rd of this year.


New Moon 21 degrees of Taurus

Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

New Moon’s are a time where we set intentions towards things we wish to call into our lives over the next month. A new Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to plant seeds both literally and metaphorically when it comes to our physical world. This new Moon in Taurus occurs every year to help us manifest our dreams and goals into material form. If you have any desires or goals when it comes to your relationship with money, sense of security, or health, this is the perfect time to set intentions towards manifesting the reality you wish to align yourself with in the coming weeks.

With Mars, our planet of action, in its fall sign of Cancer making a harmonious aspect to Uranus in Taurus, we may be able to acknowledge what our emotional needs are in a more intentional way. This is a great time to consciously realize the power you have in your own life to initiate change when it comes to your own healing journey. We may feel ready to move on from a long emotional resentment we have been holding onto. The release of this tension could feel incredibly healing and freeing if we allow it.


Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius

Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

This is a great day for group work when it comes to finding strategies for problem solving towards a shared vision or goal. We benefit from using our imagination towards practical application, and allowing for all sides or options to be shared in the collective vision of what it is we are trying to create in our lives. This is not a day to try to dominate or have your individual opinion overshadow others. How should you use this day? This is a day for community and allowing for everyone’s view point to be valid in a team environment. This is an extremely creative and powerful energy for artists and writers.


Jupiter enters Pisces

Jupter enters the mutable water sign of Pisces where it will be until July 29th when it moves back into Aquarius. Jupiter is co-ruler of Pisces, sharing it with the planet Neptune. Jupiter is a planet that represents expansion and good fortune. Pisces represents our connection to the mutable waters of the subconscious. In Pisces we learn how to escape into the imaginal realm, where dreams and the connection to the divine is easily accessible. It is easy to get lost here, and can be a triggering time for those who have issues escaping reality in unhealthy ways.

This is a time where those of us in recovery may benefit from healthier modalities such as meditation and dream work as an alternative to alcohol and substance abuse. This is a positive time for exploring our connection to the subconscious realms of reality. We also benefit from dream journaling and discovering new ways to connect to our spirituality.


Mars in Cancer inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius

We are easily triggered by others today with Mars making a hard aspect to Saturn. We could take something personally that was not intended to be as harsh as how we are taking it. Also, we may feel a need to assert what we think others need, instead of truly listening or checking in with how the person on the receiving end is feeling. We need to be extremely careful and mindful with where we assert our opinions over the coming days. Stay in your lane and try not to take anything too seriously. Take a break from the world as best you can if you are feeling overly sensitive.


Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn

Our relationship to power and how we relate to personal empowerment within our material world is highlighted today. We may feel a large need for personal control when it comes to the work we are doing. This is also a powerful time for us to be open to transformation. Especially when it comes to how our ego relates to our identity when it comes to  work we are doing in the world. We might need to let go of an old identity that is no longer in service to the direction our life or career may be taking us.


Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius

Our need to express ourselves in our relationships as well as communities is highlighted today. We may feel a need to socialize with those we love and care about, or to vocalize our perceptions and ideas outwardly. We could find ourselves desiring connection through social media platforms. This is a good day for business communications problem solving in a team environment.


Sun enters Gemini

Sun in Gemini square Jupiter in Pisces

Gemini season has officially begun! Happy birthday to all the Gemini babes! Gemini season will last until June 20th this year. This gives us a positive opportunity to work on how we communicate with the world around us. With the Sun making a hard aspect to Jupiter today, we could struggle with needing to feel larger than life in a way that could have us eating humble pie quickly. Check your delusions of grandeur at the door by being mindful of your energy. This is a good time to work on communicating our feelings in new and interesting ways.

“Sobercast with Six” Astrological Forecast Predictions for 2021 by Analisa Six, broken out each month with a sober twist curated just for those living an alcohol-free & drug-free lifestyle. Check out May – Dec 2021 HERE.


Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Our ability to see things as they are is clouded with Mercury making a hard aspect to Neptune today. We could find ourselves worrying about all of the potential outcomes of a situation which could cause us to feel anxious and ungrounded. It is important that we find ways to unplug from these worries. Focus on what is presently realistic and tangible at this time. This energy could best be channeled into creative projects rather than letting it sit and fester. Put on some music and stop worrying about the possibilities.  Focus more on what you can actually do in the here and now. Stay present, grateful for what you do have working out. Let go of anything that feels out of your control.


Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius

Saturn will be retrograde in the fixed air sign of Aquarius until October 11th of this year, challenging our infrastructure when it comes to community, and social justice issues. During this time we may see more advocacy for social change. There will be a demand from the people onto the government for providing more resources and solutions to problems our communities are currently facing. Saturn in Aquarius is all about forward and future thinking when it comes to building new structures for future generations of people.


Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees of Sagittarius

Eclipses, from an astrological perspective, are said to be large portals of energy that drastically influence the trajectory of our lives over the next 6 months. You can see where you have 5 degrees of Sagittarius, as well as 5 degrees of Gemini, to see what part of your life will be highlighted over this period of time. Also, if you have any other planets at 5 degrees in your chart, these areas will be impacted as well. Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that is in direct opposition to Gemini. Where Gemini represents simplified learning, short distance travel, and communication, Sagittarius represents higher learning, long distance travel, and publication/communication being spread out and shared with the world.


Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Venus and Neptune make a hard aspect today which can cause us to feel ungrounded when it comes to our perception of what’s real. We benefit from channeling any anxious energy into creative projects such as writing, music, or art, as both these planets in these signs are great ambassadors for the arts. We may desire an escape from mundane reality. This could be a challenging time for addicts. Make a call with your sponsor or therapist if you are having a hard time coping with reality over the coming days. Chances are you need a healthy perspective to help ground your overthinking mind.  This is a great time for meditating on hopes and dreams. Make a vision board if you are feeling stuck in your life. Sometimes getting images out onto paper can help us channel some new inspirational energy into our lives.


Mercury conjunct Venus in Gemini

Communication in our relationships is highlighted today with Mercury and Venus teaming up in the sign of Gemini. We may feel a huge need to discuss what we are thinking with those who are willing to lend an ear. This is a great day for anyone who writes professionally, as words are easily accessible at this time. However, we are in the Mercury retrograde shadow period, so we may need to be aware that anything we set into motion now, may need to be later reworked in the coming weeks.


Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini

It’s here! Our second Mercury retrograde of the year. Mercury stations retrograde three times a year in various elements. Every two years, Mercury changes what element it stations retrograde in. This year Mercury stations retrograde in all of the air signs which are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. Mercury will be retrograde until June 22nd of this year, causing a lot of complications when it comes to the methods in which we communicate. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, so this retrograde period may be a little bit more straightforward than previous ones. We will experience technology issues, communication issues, and it is likely we will feel more anxiety in the coming weeks when it comes to our thought process around our interactions with others.

This is not a good time to go on any trips. Stay home, move slowly, don’t sign any contracts, backup all of your data, expect things to go wrong, expect people to misunderstand you, try not to take anything too seriously.  You can look at where you have Gemini in your birth chart to see what area of your life will be the most influenced by this retrograde period. Retrograde periods are a time to reflect, rework, and be open to learning things about whatever sign they take place in. Be open to learning new ways to process data within your own mind.



Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

We end the month feeling incredibly sensitive to the energy around us. This is an important time where we take our healing journey into our own hands and ask ourselves what we need moving forward to nurture healthier emotional coping mechanisms into our lives. We need to be mindful with the people we surround ourselves with and the information we absorb in the coming weeks. Give yourself space to recharge away from the media outlets or beliefs of others. Active self care is on the menu. It is time to rest.

There you have it! The astrology for the month of May! While we may end the month feeling drained, and disillusioned, there is a lot of opportunity for us to grow beyond limiting beliefs and envision a brighter future. Get serious about your goals this month and follow your heart!

Love, peace, and power!

Analisa Six


Recovery Podcastland: Sober is Dope Podcast with Pop Buchanan and Alysse Bryson, the Founder of The Sober Curator, Talk Recovery, Mental Illness. May is Alysse’s Soberthday Month.


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.