The Sobercast with Six, By Analisa Six, Brings You An Astrological Forecast Of The Action, Assertion, And Leadership Skills Needed In The Month Ahead


This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about action, assertion, and leadership. Spring has sprung! Shake off that winter coat and settle in With Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator give us her April Forecast of the weeks ahead.

Greetings Sober Warriors!

Analisa Six here to deliver to you the flavor of the month via the stars! If you are new to this column, welcome! My intention with writing these simplified forecasts is to give you an opportunity to tune into the energy of the month in a way that empowers you to plan your life as harmoniously as possible! 

We start April out every year in the cardinal sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, representing the rebirth from winter into spring.In Astrology, Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and rules 1st house in the natal chart. This is a sign of action, identity, assertion, and willpower. In Aries we learn what true leadership can look like when used appropriately. 

Aries is an action energy, but come April 20th, our Sun will make its way into the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Taurus energy moves slower, and more practically than the fast energy of Aries. Represented by the bull, Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and symbolizes our connection to material structure, nature, our relationship to our self worth, and physical beauty. This sign rules the second house in the natal chart which represents our relationship to our values around how we make money as well as how we build material stability in our lives. There is a large theme around self worth and the ability to provide for one’s self in Taurus. Taurus people tend to enjoy life’s material pleasures such as art, fine cuisine, jewelry, plants, and money! 

Taurus people tend to have a harder time being adaptable to change. The typical Taurus individual will prefer things in their environment to be aesthetically pleasing, stable, predictable, and familiar.

Happy birthday to all our Aries and Taurus people! Hard working and relentless in your pursuits!

Celebrity Aries individuals:


Steven Tyler, Lady Gaga, Paul Rudd, Eddie Murphy, Selena, Billie Holiday, Leonardo Da Vinci, Diana Ross, Jackie Chan, Cesar Chavez

Celebrity Taurus individuals:

Gigi Hadid, Barbra Striesand, Travis Scott, Dwane “The Rock” Johnson, Ellie Kemper, Adele, David Beckham, Gabourey Sidibe, Rosario Dawson, Megan Fox, Tina Fey

April’s Main Themes

  • Opening ourselves up to a new version of self, rediscovering who we are in our lives

  • Finding optimism and faith in the direction our life is going

  • Embracing change 

  • Discovering new ways to communicate our needs

  • Reflecting on our values around money, structure and stability

  • Our relationship to our bodies and how we take care of ourselves

  • Active self care 

  • Socializing safely and responsibly

I hope you enjoy this month’s play by play of each transit for the weeks ahead. 


Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

This is a great and powerful day for setting things in motion when it comes to our personal goals. Mercury/ Pluto transits tend to have an investigative quality to them where we may have an intuition that something is not how it seems. We may find ourselves able to look into this intuition further to discover something hidden about a situation. This is a good day for trusting your gut and going with it!


Mercury enters Aries

Our planet Mercury, which represents communication, enters the cardinal fire energy of Aries today, where it will be until April 18th. Mercury in Aries is an intense energy as it can give a frequency more prone to reactivity, assertive speech, and a need to be in control. We may need to be mindful during this time of how we communicate with others as we are likely to not think too much before things come blurting out. Check yourself before you wreck yourself!


Venus in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini

Venus and Mars team up today to bring a healthy level of optimism when it comes to taking initiative in business, relationships, or financial endeavors. We benefit from finding harmonious ways to assert our needs and desires when it comes to aspirational pursuits. This is a great time for writers as our creative juices could be at an all time high. Sexual energy is also easily accessible during the days of this transit.


Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Anxiety and worry about the future is likely to take over the coming days with Mars making a hard aspect to the ungrounding energy of Neptune. We could have our head in the clouds about all of the potentials of our future, and it could have us spiraling out into worry over the things that could go wrong. It would be worth our time to find ways to calm the worried mind, and channel some of this energy into creative projects.

Find ways to tune more into trusting you are exactly where you need to be right now, while making plans for your future that are fun and inspiring. We may need to take a break from social media, as scrolling for hours could contribute to the ungrounding feeling of the day. Go for a walk in nature to get out of your head.


Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius

Venus in Aries sextile Jupiter in Aquarius

This is a positive day for socializing or connecting with friends, in safe and responsible ways of course. I can’t help but think that with so many people vaccinated now, we are beginning to see our world open up, and people are getting to connect for the first time in person in over a year. This optimism and progress we are potentially feeling about our world recovering from a huge historical trauma, could have us finally feeling like a new normal is presenting itself. If you are desiring connection with friends in the coming days, find ways to feed the needs that are safe and make sense with your circumstances.


Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

Venus in Aries symbolizes our relationship to self and our identity in relation to how we perceive ourselves with others. Pluto is the planet that represents deep transformation on a subconscious level, as well as how we find power in our own lives. With these two squaring off over the coming days, we could feel tension with how we perceive our personal power in our lives as well as in our relationships. We may need to confront an issue we are having with someone.


New Moon 22 degrees of Aries

New Moon’s are a time for rebirth and setting intentions towards things we wish to grow in the month ahead. With our New Moon in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, we do our best to set intentions around Aries themes which include our relationship to how we perceive ourselves and the identity our ego is associated with. In Aries we are also asked to confront ourselves and others head on. We need to find what ignites our passion for the things we enjoy on a personal level. This New Moon in Aries is a great time to set intentions towards the person you want to be in the year ahead. Allow yourself to envision every facet of what you want to cultivate within yourself.  


Sun in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini

This is a positive day for self expression and moving forward on things we personally want to do in our lives. We could find ourselves feeling a need to connect or socialize with people who empower us to feel good in who we are in the world. We may feel ready to take action on something that has been brewing under the surface.


Venus enters Taurus, Sun in Aries sextile Jupiter in Aquarius

Venus enters Taurus today, where it will be until May 9th. Did you know that Venus rules Taurus? And in Taurus, represents our connection to mother earth. In the Tarot we can think of The Empress card as an archetype that represents this frequency of energy. Venus is the planet that represents relationships, beauty, love, and money. During this transit, we may be extra focused on these themes in our lives. 

Our Sun makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter today as well, which gives us a boost of optimism when it comes to the future of ourselves in our world. This level of optimism could have us feeling empowered in the days ahead.


Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius

The energy of today could have us feeling ungrounded and anxious when it comes to our role or perception of self in the world. We may feel like we are seeking validation or recognition from others to validate who we are. This is a positive time to reflect on your personal values around the community you are a part of. If you feel out of alignment with the people you surround yourself with, this may be a time to cut ties or move on with your life away from anything that feels like a negative influence.

During this Mars and Jupiter transit, we may feel a need to talk out ideas or plans that are brewing in our minds. This is a good time to write out any ideas or plans you have when it comes to a project you are working on, or a vision of a future project you wish to put into motion. Write out your goals and do research on what it takes to accomplish them.


Mercury in Taurus sextile Jupiter in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter and Mars, enhancing our ability to remain optimistic when it comes to future hopes and dreams. Our desire to socialize and connect with others is enhanced in the days ahead. 

Mars makes a hard aspect to Pluto which could have us feeling a need for control and power in our lives. We need to be mindful with any desire we may have to want to dominate or manipulate others for our own gain.


Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries

Cazimi! That’s what its called when the Sun makes a tight conjunction with another planet! Our Sun and Mercury Cazimi in Aries may have us feeling like we need to take ownership over our lives and establish who we are in the world in an aggressive way. We could have a lot of energy and may come off as intense if we are not mindful.  We need to be extra careful not to take out any anger or irritability out on others. This is a good day to stay busy. Channel any intense energy into productivity by knocking things off your to-do list. People may be more aggressive or reactive around you, don’t take it personally, as the frequency in the air is explosive.


Mercury enters Taurus

Mercury enters the fixed earth sign of Taurus where it will be until May 4th. Communication and the way we perceive the world around us, takes a more practical and grounded approach in the sign of Taurus. This is a great time to focus on getting your material world in order. Everything from your personal health, to your finances, to how we structure our home and working environment. We may reflect on our own personal values in regard to these matters as well during the course of this transit.


Sun enters Taurus

Our Sun enters Taurus where it will be for the next month. Taurus season is a great time for working on building structure and stability within our lives. During this month we may feel motivation when it comes to our material world. We could feel motivated to cook, garden, get finances in order, redecorate ourselves or our space, as well as to find ways to feel more grounded in our daily lives.


Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

This transit could inspire us to change something about the way we look, or to redecorate our material space. We also could experience an unexpected change in a relationship dynamic over the coming days. If you are thinking about changing something about your physical appearance, this is a great time to do so! Be mindful of money, as we may be likely to spend a lot without putting too much thought into it, and we could regret it later.


Mars enters Cancer

Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Mars enters the cardinal water energy of Cancer which is where it has its fall. This means that this is not the most ideal sign for an energy like Mars to be in. Cancer being a water sign, is tied to our emotional realm. In Cancer we desire a need for sensitivity, self care, and nurturing. With Mars in Cancer until June 12th, we could take things personally more often, and we could also find ourselves feeling overly sensitive to the energy of others. This is a good time to learn new ways to nurture your feelings. Focus on ways you can become self aware of where you might shift blame or project your needs onto others. This is a good time to take responsibility and ownership over your own experiences. 

Mercury making  a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus today could have us feeling ungrounded in our minds and our material world. We could experience some unexpected news in the area that this is hitting in our birth charts. We may also feel a large shift taking place within us where things that we used to find comfort in are no longer hitting home for us.


Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius

Communication in relationships and friendship dynamics may be tested today with both Venus and Mercury squaring Saturn. We may see where certain relationships need improvement, but others could not agree with our perceptions during this time. Our personal beliefs on what is progressive or beneficial for ourselves could conflict with the way someone else feels. It is important we find a way to compromise and respect the needs of others, while still choosing to fulfill our own needs and set healthy boundaries if that is what is needed. Boundaries will be a big theme for us in the days ahead.


Mercury, Venus, and Uranus conjunct in Taurus

We may experience a sudden change when it comes to our material stability. This could have to do with money, a living situation, a job, or a relationship. Oftentimes, with Uranus transits, it is something we are not expecting. We could receive news that a large change has occurred that somehow impacts us in some way that we have no control over. Whatever this change may be, we do best to accept that it is happening, and find ways to mitigate any further risk as best we can. Like with any transit, look to the house in your natal chart where you have Taurus, and that will be where the changes are taking place for you on an individual level.


Full Moon 7 degrees of Scorpio

Pluto stations retrograde

Full Moon’s are a time of culmination as well as a time for releasing. During a Full Moon we can set intentions towards letting go or releasing anything we do not want to bring with us into this next chapter of our lives. Scorpio is the theme of this Full Moon, which is the fixed water sign of the Zodiac. Scorpio has a deep connection to our subconscious and the way we perceive our own power in our lives. We also have Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, stationing retrograde today. Pluto will be retrograde until October 6th of this year. Pluto and Scorpio both symbolize the process of death both metaphorically and literally.

During a Full Moon in Scorpio, we may be called upon to release or let go of something we have been attached to for some time. This is an incredibly powerful time to release resentments, victimization, jealousy, or feelings of trauma that we have had a hard time letting go. Doing a ritual around releasing anything in your life that has been dark, or weight bearing on you is a positive thing to do on this day. You can write everything down you wish to release from your emotional realm, and then burn it in a fire. Imagine the negative energy leaving your energy field. Let it go!


Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

The energy of Mercury making a harmonious aspect to Neptune in signs that are both extremely artistic and creative, enhances our ability to tune into our own imaginative and creative frequencies that is easy. We find inspiration in the beauty of the world around us. This is a great time for musicians, poets, artists, and creatives of all types.


Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus

We may feel extremely restless during this transit. Our need for freedom from an old life, or identity may be louder than ever. This is a powerful time to surrender to whatever is changing around you that is out of your control. Find ways to move with the change gracefully, rather than trying to hold onto a past that no longer serves the direction you are going.

There you have it folks! The energy as told through the stars for the month ahead! I hope you all have a wonderful April. Be safe and stay healthy!

Analisa Six


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