The Sobercast With Six, By Analisa Six, Brings You An Astrological Forecast For The Month Of June 2021 – Finding New Ways To Think About Our Future

This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about friendship, community, and social justice issues. Get comfy and settle in with Analisa Six,. Our Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator gives us her June 2021 Forecast of the weeks ahead. Astrology with a sober twist!

Greetings Sober Warriors!

Analisa your resident sober astrologer here to give you grounding advice for navigating the frequencies of energy we are about to embark upon. I hope you are all having a wonderful start to the month.

We are halfway through 2021, and whoa, isn’t it crazy that it’s already June?

To be honest, keeping up with current events has been harder for me this year than it was last year. I feel like I have been so focused on trying to get my own life back on track after the chaos of 2020 that I have not been able to absorb much else. My husband educated me within the last few days that on June 15th, our country is “opening back up.” I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, and he told me that we will be able to operate at 100% capacity with no mask requirements, according to the CDC.

Wait, a minute…what?!

This shocked me. I hadn’t quite thought that we were anywhere close to being able to live in a no mask world anytime soon. Of course, the inner astrologer in me had to look and see what was going on in the sky during the time that everything was going back to “normal.”

On June 14th Saturn retrograde in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus, which is a frequency we are under for all of 2021. Saturn in Aquarius is a social revolution and forward-thinking energy. Uranus in Taurus represents sudden change to material structures that were once comfortable. This sounds pretty congruent with the age we are living in if you ask me! We will also have Mars in the fixed fire sign of Leo making a challenging aspect to Jupiter. Mars in Leo has extremely flashy and assertive energy. With Mars and Jupiter communicating with each other, we can expect large displays of enthusiasm around the freedom many people now feel they possess.

This could lead to some dramatic reentries into society. With that said, we may find that larger than life displays of coming back into the world are triggering for those who are still slowly crawling our way back to “normal” life. Introverts beware, as the extroverts are going to be loud and proud, more than ever! I mean, can you blame’em?

June Begins…

June begins in the midst of an impactful Mercury retrograde period. This won’t end until June 22nd. Expect a turbulent month when it comes to the plans we are trying to make in our lives. As Mercury and Saturn are both retrograde in two air signs: Gemini and Aquarius. Retrograde cycles can be difficult and confusing to navigate. They allow for us to reflect, redo, and reassess whether our current reality is in alignment with what we wish to execute in our lives at this moment or in the future. We are given these opportunities from the cosmic forces to reroute the ship of our consciousness towards new destinations. I prefer to perceive the turbulence of June as a helpful gust of wind guiding our sails towards something better than what we had originally planned. It might just not feel the best trying to get there.

Something is in the Air…

The month of June always begins in the mutable air sign of Gemini. Gemini rules the 3rd house in astrology. This is the house that represents our minds, simplified learning, how we communicate, short distance travel, as well as siblings and neighbors. It is in Gemini that we learn the value of analytical thinking. This gives opportunities to see all sides of a problem. It allows us to find the most creative solutions. Gemini people tend to have extremely private sides to themselves. They can also be extremely social given the right environment. Gemini’s often fear boredom. Gemini’s need a lot of stimulation to stay interested in what is going on around them.

There’s No Place Like Home

The last half of June is ruled by the cardinal water sign Cancer. Cancer rules the 4th house in astrology. This house represents our home, family, and the way we experience our childhood years. It’s also tied to ancestral past life karma from the mother and father figures in our life. It can symbolize what home means to us as we evolve and grow throughout our lives. Cancer people tend to be introverted and enjoy nesting in their home environment. They are sentimental and nurturing. Their love language is often through food or strolling down memory lane. Cancer people tend to need to be needed. They can often come off as overbearing when they have motherly advice to disseminate on their chosen family. Cancers are extremely loyal. They are also devotional to the people they care about most.

Celebrity Gemini individuals:

Lauren Hill, Marilyn Monroe, Kanye West, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Iggy Azalea, Angelina Jolie, Octavia Spencer, Amy Schumer, Awkwafina, Peter Dinklage

Celebrity Cancer  individuals:

Ariana Grande, Meryl Streep, Solange Knowles, Nick Offerman, Khloe Kardashian, Elon Musk, Lindsay Lohan, Post Malone, Tia and Tamara Mowry, Sofia Vergara

Recovery Tip for Gemini:

Overthinking can be your M.O. Getting drunk in the past may have helped you slow your sometimes anxious riddled mind. The things you said, people you’d call, and dm’s you may have slid into, were most likely regrettable moments. In recovery, it is important for you to find healthy ways to curb your rapid, and sometimes overly imaginative thoughts. You could talk it out with a trusted friend or seek therapy for why you feel it is important to obsess over all sides of a situation. Getting physical is also often a perfect antidote for an overactive mind. Get grounded by redirecting yourself into getting active. Try to remember that all good things take time. You do not need to know the outcome of every worst-case scenario playing out in your head. Try to have a little faith in yourself and those around you.

Recovery Tip for Cancer:

It can be all too easy for you to feel haunted by past mistakes. Sometimes disassociating through substances is the only way to block out traumatic or unwanted memories. The problem with running away from the past, is that it never gives us an opportunity to prove our own strength to ourselves in the present. Give yourself more credit in your ability to heal yourself. You’ve made it this far, haven’t you?

Facing your past sober is an incredibly hard thing to do. However, it should be worn like a badge of honor. Work through unhealed trauma with a therapist. You will no longer feel haunted. You will feel liberated in facing what scares you head on. For the times you may have felt week, find healthy ways to forgive yourself. Find strength in knowing that every day you’re trying is a day worth celebrating.

Happy birthday to all our Gemini and Cancer people!

June’s Main Themes:

  • Sensitive to the needs of others as well as ourselves

  • Needing to communicate our emotional needs in an open and vulnerable way

  • Finding new ways to think about our future 

  • Feeling a heightened need to express who we are and share it with the world

  • Getting serious about our goals

  • Seeking validation from others and needing to discover the true meaning of self love and self care

Here is a play-by-play of each transit for the month ahead. This will also show how you can best tune into the frequencies of the stars and the most out of your life.


Venus enters Cancer

Venus in Cancer trine Jupiter in Pisces

Sun in Gemini trine Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Venus enters Cancer where it will be until June 27th. Venus in Cancer is a vulnerable energy. We may desire intimate and emotional connections in our relationships with others. Trust is a big theme here. Those we feel we cannot trust with our deepest of feelings, often are people we eventually find ourselves moving away from. As Venus making a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, our imagination, ability to dream and explore transcendental reality is enhanced. This is also an extremely positive energy for artistic, musical, and creative projects. 

Our Sun makes a harmonious aspect to Saturn today. This enables us to envision the way we wish to structure plans for the future. We could feel confused about how we are going to make it all work. This may be a period where we are in deep discussion about all of the potential roads we could take in our lives. Our need for connection and socialization is enhanced over the coming days.


Mars in Cancer opposition Pluto rx in Capricorn

Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Hard and turbulent energy is in the air! Hard aspects between Mars and Pluto as well as Mercury and Neptune are present. This is an unfavorable time to make any serious decisions about our life. This includes anything that may require contracts, financial planning, or things of a serious nature. We are unable to see things clearly or read between the lines for the coming days. We do best to wait a situation out until there’s more information, rather than making an impulsive or reactive decision.


 Solar Eclipse 19 degrees of Gemini

Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Gemini

Eclipses in the practice of astrology are considered to be extremely intense and influential times for us here on Earth. When we have a Solar Eclipse in a sign, it means that a portal of energy in that particular theme is activating in our lives for an extended period of time. The themes that will present themselves over the next 6 months will be in the theme of Gemini. With our Sun and Mercury teaming up today, this energy is even more impactful.

Gemini is a planet that is centered around communication and the way we organize information in our brains. We will be working a lot on our communication patterns with others. Gemini at 19 degrees anywhere in your birth chart will symbolize where the dominant themes play out for you in coming months. Our need to vocalize who we are will be enhanced during this time. We may also feel a heightened sense of anxiety over the buildup of this Moon.


Mars enters Leo

Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mars enters the fixed fire sign of Leo. It will be here until August 30th of this year. Mars in Leo is an intense energy. Mars carries an aggressive and assertive frequency. Leo tends to need a lot of attention and self-fulfillment in its relationship with others. During this Mars in Leo period, we may feel inclined to assert who we are. This will need to be done with a mindful nature. This energy carries a lot of archetypal similarities to the Knight of Wands card in the tarot.

The Knight of Wands tends to be extremely motivated to go after whatever his ambition is carrying him towards. This often comes at the expense of others. This is a period where we could become overly prideful or arrogant with what we think we know about what we are pursuing in our lives. We may need to be incredibly mindful of how we are pushing towards our goals as we could easily offend or hurt others around us with our carelessness.

Venus makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus as well today, which could have us feeling a spontaneous urge to change something about our surroundings. We may feel a need to redecorate or change our appearance in some capacity. We could also find ourselves feeling overly inspired to work on a creative project that we may have put on the back burner. There is a lot of positive creative energy for us to tap into over the coming days.


Venus in Cancer inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Our ability to see things in a grounded and practical way is difficult over the coming days as our Sun in Gemini makes a hard aspect to the disassociated energy of Neptune in Pisces. This is not the best time to make any serious decisions regarding business or financial matters. We benefit from finding ways we can maintain the structures that are already in place as well as find room for self care amidst any ungrounded energy we may be feeling. This is a positive energy for people to channel any tension into artistic expression through music or writing. It is likely that we will overthink something we are going through and need to get some space away from a problem to see a new perspective on the issue.


Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Mars in Leo inconjunct Jupiter in Pisces

The energy of today gives us a frequency of feeling like any group dynamics we are no longer vibing with will need to be cut out of our lives or change in a drastic way. We could find that happening around us as well, whether we want to change them or not. It is likely that you may feel a shift of energy coming through that feels like an overwhelming pressure to evolve or elevate out of a current pattern that has had the illusion of holding us back in some way.

Societal pressures could come to a head and we may find ourselves pushing back on anything that feels inauthentic to who we are. This is one of those days where we may feel incredibly restless and need to find a way to channel this restlessness into productivity rather than taking out any aggression or frustration onto those around us. 

Mars makes a hard aspect to Jupiter today where delusions of grandeur are likely.  We may be eating some humble pie over the coming days if we’re not careful. While it is important to exercise healthy expressions of self love and displays of confidence, we still should exercise enough self awareness to read the room and make sure we are not belittling or disrespecting anyone in the process. With that said, this is a good time to express yourself in new ways that empower your need to feel seen.


Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces

Jupiter stations retrograde until October 18th of this year, where it will go from Pisces back into the fixed air sign of Aquarius on July 29th. It is interesting timing as we will be in the midst of the country being in full capacity since March of 2020. This retrograde period could have us reviewing whether going full force back into no masks and full capacity is really “safe” for every environment we find ourselves in. We may receive new data on the vaccines that could have us thinking otherwise. 


Sun enters Cancer

Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

It’s Cancer season babes! Today we welcome in the soothing cardinal water energy of Cancer for the coming month. Cancer season happens during the height of Summer, when we are usually seeking tropical escapes, time with friends and family, and building long lasting memories that we will reflect over for years to come. Cancer dominant people are natural born nurturers and know how to make anyone they deem special feel well taken care of. 

Venus and Neptune add to the pleasant and comforting energy of Cancer season over the coming days. We are more inclined to slow down and nurture our emotional realm through calming activities. Find ways to enjoy taking a time out from the fast paced energy we have been experiencing over the first half of the month. This is a good time to nurture yourself with good music, a relaxing bath, and spiritual work that gives you a strong sense of emotional empowerment as well as rest. Our ability to romanticize an existing or new relationship is also heightened.


Mercury stations direct in Gemini

Mercury finally leaves its retrograde in Gemini, but don’t sigh with relief quite yet, there is about a 10 day shadow period where things may still be sorting themselves out before the dust settles. We do well to move forward with caution until July 2nd. Mercury will be in Gemini until the 27th, giving us an opportunity to adjust back into a less turbulent flow of communication before it moves into the emotional waters of Cancer.


Sun in Cancer trine Jupiter in Pisces,

Venus in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

Emotions run high today and our ability to absorb the feelings of other people is enhanced in a way that may be a bit too much for us. This energy is beneficial to healers, mediums, and anyone working in the healing arts, as it heightens our ability to tune into the cosmic hidden forces, as well as the energy fields of others. For those who have a harder time in this space, this may be a time where we feel exhausted by any social obligations.

Find a way to access the spiritual waters in a way that is healthy and grounding such as meditation, dream work, yoga, or actively tuning into your own cosmic rhythm and voice. People who seek escape from mundane reality through substance abuse could feel easily triggered and wish to return to that space. Remember that there are many ways to experience healthy escapism through meditative practices, rather than resorting back to substances.


Full Moon 3 degrees of Capricorn

The Moon is in detriment in the sign of Capricorn, and often has a hard time feeling safe when it comes to being vulnerable. This Capricorn full Moon period may have us feeling inspired to put our nose to the grindstone and get serious about what our material goals are. We are asked during this time to be honest with ourselves about the things we do that get in the way of our own progress. We may need to spend less time nurturing our feelings, and more time getting real about the practical application and steps it’s going to take to get us where we want to go.


Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces

Neptune rules the sign of Pisces and will be retrograde until December 2nd. Since Neptune is an outer planet that moves slowly through a sign, this is often a subtle energy operating in the background of our lives. Its retrograde influence may show up more in the subconscious, rather than in an overt obvious way, as Neptune in Pisces is a frequency represented by what we feel, rather than what is tangible. Pay attention to themes that repeat themselves in your dream space, as the lessons and messages of this retrograde cycle will present themselves within the subconscious first.


Venus enters Leo

Venus enters the passionate energy of Leo where it will be until July 21st. During Venus in Leo, we may feel an incredible need for attention and validation from others. The journey of Venus in Leo often starts out as an external need that brings us back to ourselves. The lesson is in learning how to love yourself and generate love from within, rather than love being something that is found somewhere outside the self. This is a great time to rediscover who you are in your relationships and who you are to yourself. You may feel inclined to share this new found self love with the world.


Venus in Leo inconjunct Jupiter in Pisces

Our need for love is enhanced during the days of this transit, whether that is love we seek from a romantic relationship, friends, or our relationship with divine source energy. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are seeking the love frequency in an intense way with this powerful tension between Venus and Jupiter in two signs that have a tendency to romanticize everything.

Get Creative!

This is a good time to work on creative projects, as well as doing romantic things with yourself or with a significant other. Water the emotional and spiritual gardens of your life and the tension of this energy will dissolve away. If you neglect to feed these waters, you may find yourself feeling depressed and unloved. It will be important to remember that love is not dictated by someone texting you back, your social media follower account, or how many likes you got on your latest selfie. Love is a frequency of all encompassing bliss that can be accessed at any time, and everyone has access and is worthy of this frequency. Give yourself the gift of love by starting your day out by looking in the mirror and telling yourself you are love and love is you.

There you have it everyone!

The energy of June through the lens of the stars! I hope that you all get through this retrograde period as smoothly as possible, and that any perceived setbacks have a silver lining that makes all the trouble worth it in the end. I always think back to the times that things were the hardest, but led me to some of the greatest experiences or realizations in my life. The detours we often find ourselves on can be some of the greatest gifts the universe provides to us. 

Love, peace, and power,

Analisa Six

So you got sober, now what are you going to do to keep your hands busy? And no, you don’t have to take up knitting. Although, if you enjoy it then go get your knit on! Art therapy is a technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being. Maybe you’re the next Sober Picasso or maybe you’re the next big Pinterest Fail. Either way, you’re creating something with your hands. That’s a great way relieve stress and express your feelings.

Are you crafty? Are you an Artist? We are looking to expand our CURATED CRAFTS section of the site to showcase easy ways for people in recovery to tap into their inner artist. We would love to showcase your creations and projects. Email us at or DM us on social media and let’s collab!


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.