The Sobercast With Six Brings You Bi-Monthly Soberscopes For July & August

Greetings Sober Warriors, Analisa Six, your resident Astrologer here to give you horoscopes for July and August 2022.

I feel at a loss for words with the current events in our country. I guess since 2020 that hasn’t changed much. I tend to turn towards the stars when nothing makes sense to me, and while a lot still does not make sense to me, I feel there is wisdom in our own personal journey for how we grow during these times of strife. Being sober in a forever fast-paced and changing world continues to be challenging for a lot of us I am sure. The support we give and draw from each other continues to give me hope. I still see how powerful we can be when we come together. I am grateful for the community here at The Sober Curator and hope that these horoscopes can give you some grounded insights to lean into during the summer months. 

This is our last little window where we are free from Eclipse energy as well as Mercury retrograde! However, we do have Jupiter stationing retrograde in Aries on July 28th, and Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus on August 24th. These planetary bodies stationing retrograde may have us feeling ungrounded when it comes to our sense of self and the way we wish to build upon a very unknown world and future. Sometimes things need to fall apart in order for us to build structures that are more sustainable in the future. While it’s hard to find comfort in the chaos, we often can find our creativity and freedom away from rigid structures when we let go of the need to have it all perfectly sorted and planned. Uranus and Jupiter want you to free yourself from the ideas or structures that have bound you into a false sense of safety or comfort. Let go, and let god. Or what I prefer to say, is let go and let flow.When it comes to horoscopes, not only will you want to look up the forecast for your Sun sign, but you will also want to read the advice for your rising sign as well. To find your rising sign you will need to use a program or app like Time Passages or You will need your exact birth time as it is on your birth certificate, date of birth, and location of birth to calculate.

New Moons:

July 28th 5 degrees of Leo

Full Moons:

July 13th 21 degrees of Capricorn

Remaining 2022 Eclipses:

October 25th Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

November 8th Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

2022 remaining Mercury retrograde:

September 10th-October 1st  in Libra/Virgo

December 29th – January 18th in Capricorn



Most of this year has been about embracing the need to focus on redefining how you put yourself into the work that you are doing, but come July and August you may find yourself needing to redirect your energy back within yourself. You may find yourself wanting to be a homebody more than usual for most of July. This introspective period will ask you to focus on nurturing your heart in ways that refill your cup, rather than giving so much of yourself to those around you.

By August you may have a lust for life again, and finding new ways to express yourself and tune into the playful aspects of your inner child will give you a newfound excitement that you may have felt was lacking in previous weeks.


Meditation is extremely beneficial for you over the month of July. You may feel incredibly ungrounded over the next two months. Finding healthy ways to get grounded in your mind while you are exploring your spirituality will help you stick to your sobriety.


July is a great month for you when it comes to your finances. If you are interested in applying for a raise at your job or raising your rate if you’re self-employed, this is a great time to start charging what you feel you are worth. This month you also find constructive ways to talk about your emotional needs with others. While you often struggle with being vulnerable and open about how you are feeling, you may find ease and support from the cosmos in letting down your walls and letting love into your heart.

Come August, you will find a lot of internal motivation around asserting and expressing yourself in ways that you may have been too afraid to do in the past. While this serves you well and is cosmically supported, you may come off overly strong and self-centered in a way you may have to be mindful of around your more sensitive friends or family members. However, this is a great time to redefine how you express yourself as well as find the courage to stand up for yourself with others.


Repressed anger is not your friend this summer. Find ways to release tension in the body by getting outside and enjoying nature, rather than overspending or feeding into quick fix dopamine hits. Don’t think you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders to find validity in your existence. Anger can be a great catalyst when action is taken appropriately regarding difficult issues. Don’t hold it in for the comfort of others. Open up, talk it out, and get support.


July is your month Cancer baby and your tag line will be “social butterfly” over the coming weeks. Try to carve out some “you” time amongst all the activities, but take full advantage of all the great networking opportunities presenting themselves to you now. 

By August you may feel a need to slow down and regroup by spending more time with yourself rather than all of your friends. When things start to slow down, embrace it by setting up routines for yourself that keep you in a healthy balance of self-care, rest, as well as productivity.


You are easily influenced by others over the summer to the point that you could avoid your own needs too easily. Boundaries are incredibly important for you to exercise if you feel yourself being swayed too much by your community’s needs in ways that are not positive for your health. Remember that it is ok to turn your phone off and walk away for a few hours. You will show up for those you care about more effectively if you make sure to take care of yourself first.


Your need to feel connected to your community is heightened during the first half of July and this is a great time for you to attend parties and social outings, and connect with the people you enjoy the most. You may find that by mid-July this energy begins to slow down and you benefit from carving out plenty of time to be alone with your thoughts. You may find yourself wanting to escape reality at times, so making sure you have healthy ways to tap out of the mundane will be beneficial for you. Getting in touch with your spiritual side and having an active meditation practice will help feed this need for you. 

By August we are in your season and it is time for you to shine! You benefit from self-love rituals and spending constructive time with yourself taking care of your mind, body, and soul in active and intentional ways. Getting your money managed efficiently is incredibly beneficial for you. This is not a month to be overspending unless you budgeted for it!


While indulging in the finer things can feed Leo’s heart, it’s important that you find deeper ways to connect with yourself. Starting a self-love practice throughout the summer and prioritizing healthy self-care activities is beneficial for you over the coming months. Avoid anything that gives you quick instant gratification. You don’t need to waste your energy on things that won’t last.


July is a month filled with addressing challenging obstacles when it comes to your career and the way you put yourself out into the world. Your ability to problem solve and project manage any turbulence will serve you well and you benefit from relying on your community for support. 

By August you will feel a need to be social, as well as a deep need to feed your soul by doing things that feel karmically aligned with the destiny that has been set out for you. This is not something anyone can define for you, but more so a feeling that will come into alignment for you during this time period of your life. The relationships you have around you and the social interactions you have will have a deep impact on how you navigate the choices you make moving forward. Be mindful of who you surround yourself with.


By now you have probably realized that no matter how much you try to get in front of potential and foreseeable problems, you cannot always control the actions of others. It is important this summer that you learn to let go of the need to keep things moving perfectly. There are valuable lessons in trusting that sometimes chaos is what leads us to discover new parts of ourselves we were unaware had been lying dormant. You benefit from being open to learning from others, while also trusting your own inner compass. While being of service is your whole M.O, the best service you can provide sometimes is being of service to yourself before prioritizing others.


July may be a challenging month for you when it comes to personal relationships but it is an exceptional time for you when it comes to your profession. This is a great time for you to let go of anything that has been holding you back from stepping into the full version of yourself you know you were meant to be. While personal relationships may be challenging with romantic partners or family members, your friendships are highlighted in an extremely positive way. You benefit from leaning on the support of your community and embracing the people in your life who support you in who you are.

August is a great time to put yourself out there, not only in your career but socially as well. This is a great time to express and share yourself with others, as well as find constructive ways to be in service to your community. Your big heart has a lot to offer the world this summer. Shine your light and embrace the people who shine it back your way!


Your spiritual health is important for you to focus on during this time. That may mean having a more structured routine when it comes to meditation or any spiritual practices you are in alignment with. This is a great time for you to pick up a yoga practice, or join an organization that helps you find structure and grounding in a spiritual way.


Your romantic relationships are highlighted for the month of July and if you are in a stable relationship you may feel like things are spicing up in the bedroom. If you are single, you may experience a deep desire for sexual and emotional connection. Be careful not to get into too much trouble, but have fun feeling sensual and sexy! I mean, Scorpio kind of invented what sexy is all about! 

August is a great month for you when it comes to your career and making money. This is a positive time for you to get a promotion, raise, or raise your rates if self-employed. You also may feel a desire to be more social over the summer. Lean into it and have fun!


This summer will be a very extroverted time period for you and you are also very easily influenced by others. If peer pressure is something you have a hard time with, the people you surround yourself with will have a deep impact on the way you perceive yourself at this time. Make sure to only surround yourself with people who support and promote the best versions of you. If you know there are some friends or colleagues who trigger the addict tendencies in you, they may not be the right people to share your summer with.


July is a great time for your personal and romantic partnerships. This is also a great time for the single Sagittarius to spark a new romance. By the end of July, you may find yourself wanting to go on a trip or learn something new. This is a good time for it, let your need for adventure whisk you away somewhere beautiful.

August is a great time for you to focus on restructuring anything regarding your career. If you know you need to rethink the way you are doing things, this is a great time to map out a plan and put it into motion. If you are thinking of any continued education, you are greatly supported in pursuing this goal.


Your health is highlighted over the summer and you are prone to having some health problems if you aren’t careful. This is not a good time to overdo it in ways that inflame your body, especially your thyroid. Be careful when it comes to what you consume and don’t take any health risks.


You may feel more like a homebody during the month of July, and it is good for you to take advantage of any downtime coming your way. Putting together structures and routines that support your short-term health will go a long way in energizing you for your future projects and plans. You benefit from sharing your ideas with others and being of service in ways that help you grow into the person you are striving to be. 

By August you may feel yourself desiring a connection with your closest people, whether that’s romantic relationships, your best friends, or family members. Even though your strong Capricorn heart is good at being self-reliant, you benefit greatly from welcoming love into your heart.


It benefits you to be adaptable, and mutable to see how other people’s ways of doing things can work as well as the way you believe is best. Staying rigid and indignant about your own methods prevents you from improving upon them. While you were born into this life succeeding at whatever you set your sights on, sometimes we need to lean on others for strength when the weight of it all is feeling like it’s too much for us to hold. You do not need to do it all yourself to be the best. You can have a community of support riding the wave with you.


Having honest and difficult conversations is a large theme for you in July. Being confrontational about the things in your life that you need to stay true to will be a major theme in your relationships over the summer and you may find yourself butting heads with people you typically get along with. 

August is a month of healthy and constructive resolution for you around some of the hard conversations you had to have in the previous month. It is good for you to advocate for yourself while also honoring other people’s thoughts and feelings regarding difficult issues. These lessons will help your current relationships and bring more trust, honesty, and love into the mix.


Finding constructive ways to cool your temper over the summer will help you not spiral into self-destructive tendencies. Find ways to break out of mundane reality by working more joy into your life and taking breaks away from current political / world events.


July you run the risk of being more reckless with your finances. While it is important to enjoy the fruits of your labor, make sure you don’t overdo it to the point of putting yourself in an unfortunate situation for your future. 

Home and family are highlighted for you over the month of August and you benefit from pouring your heart into making your home your sanctuary. If you are thinking of moving or buying a home, this is a great time for you to do so.


The health of your heart is highlighted for you over the summer. Make sure to eat/exercise in ways that promote heart health and avoid anything that could cause strain or unneeded stress.

Wishing you all health and happiness!

Analisa Six

Horoscopes calculated using iPhemeris

Dates sourced from The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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