The Sobercast With Six Brings You Bi-Monthly Soberscopes for September & October

Greetings Sober Warriors, Analisa Six, your resident Astrologer here to give you horoscopes for September and October 2022.

I write these horoscopes for you after our New Moon in Virgo, and on the precipice of entering Mercury retrograde in Libra which occurs at 8:38 pm pacific time on September 9th and will last until the early morning of October 2nd. Despite Mercury stationing retrograde on the 2nd, we will be in the shadow period until roughly October 10th. 

While conflict regarding our communication dynamics in relationships will be a large theme over the month of September, what comes out of it will bring peace, clarity, and progress by October. The best advice I can give the collective during this retrograde cycle is learning to listen, rather than project, and finding ways to have compassion for all the different sides of a situation that the opposing person(s) may be experiencing. In Libra we learn how to have balance and fairness in all challenges. We also learn that all of our actions have consequences. 

When it comes to horoscopes, not only will you want to look up the forecast for your Sun sign, but you will also want to read the advice for your rising sign. You will need to use a program or app like Time Passages or to find your rising sign time Time Passages or You will need your exact birth time on your birth certificate, date of birth, and birth location to calculate.

New Moon’s:

September 25th in Libra

October 25th Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Full Moon’s:

September 10th in Pisces

October 9th in Aries

Remaining 2022 Eclipses:

October 25th Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

November 8th Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

2022 Remaining Mercury retrogrades:

September 9th-October 1st  in Libra/Virgo

December 29th – January 18th in Capricorn

September-October Sober Scopes


Communication is highlighted for you in the month of September and you may find yourself feeling chattier than usual. With Mercury stationing retrograde on September 9th in your opposing sign of Libra, you may find yourself having to navigate how to have more harmonious communication dynamics with the people closest to you, especially your romantic relationships.

Aries being the cardinal fire sign ruled by the planet Mars, you sometimes struggle to see how your words and actions have an impact on others. Libra is the sign that rules the 7th house of personal relationships. Libra seeks to create balance and fairness in all matters. You may be learning how to see things from another’s perspective this month and find common ground for a peaceful resolution. You are likely to be easily reactive in communication dynamics, and you need to practice your listening skills before asserting your thoughts. 

By October, any communication conflict you have endured in the weeks prior should begin to find its resolution, with Venus in Libra aiding you in the process.

Sober Tip:

Your health becomes extremely important for you in September. This is a great time to begin a new exercise or diet routine that helps you feel grounded. You benefit from joining a program where you can get support from and with others doing the same exercise or diet routine as you. By diet, I am referring to making any alterations you need to align with your idea of health and happiness. I am not referring to weight loss or diet fads.


September is a perfect time for you to get organized and chip away at anything projects or tasks you may be procrastinating on. 

Your need to express yourself creatively is also highlighted and you may find yourself desiring recognition and connection with the people who value you the most.

 Connecting to your inner child in a playful way, letting yourself relax, and finding the joy in the little things is important for your emotional well being during the entry into the autumn months.

October is a positive time for your career and the relationships you cultivate through the work you do in the world. You may feel ambitious towards accomplishing the goals you set out to do for the remainder of the year.

Sober Tip:

You tend to let frugality, comfort, and habit get in the way of fun and adventure. This is a positive time for you to break out of your comfort zone and do things that bring out your adventurous or creative side. You are more prone to overindulging in unhealthy ways if you do not find a way to break out of the mundane every once in a while.


September is a powerful time for you to ask yourself what you truly want out of life. Introspection is a theme, especially when it comes to creative expression and how you share yourself with others. You may find yourself drawing back from friends and less inclined to socialize. A dramatic turn from the way you felt over the summer months. 

October is a wonderful time for you to express yourself creatively and do things that align with your heart. You may feel a sense of romance and wonder. Have fun reinventing yourself, and don’t be afraid to share it with the world.

Sober Tip:

Your tendency to overthink may be at an all-time high over September. It is beneficial for you to journal these thoughts to let them out into the ether. Still, you also benefit from finding healthy ways to meditate and ground into accepting the areas of your life you are not able to change at this moment. Stillness is just as valuable to our lives as action. Meditating on finding peace in the quiet parts of your life is a healthy practice for you.


Home is where your heart is and for the month of September you are supported in hunkering in and making your home a sanctuary that you can invite your closest friends and family to enjoy with you. 

While working hard over the autumn months, you will find a way to retreat even more in October. It is positive for you to lean into this need for space from the outside world. Some healing may happen around family matters, where areas you used to feel touchy about begin to soften and feel easier than in the past.

Sober Tip:

While you enjoy caring for others, taking that nurturing energy and pouring it back into yourself is a positive time. Cooking age-old family recipes, hunkering in with a good book and some tea, and taking long baths, are all positive things for you to indulge in over the autumn months and will help balance out the rest of your busy schedule.


Finances are highlighted for you in September, and this is a positive time for you to generate more money in your life. You also desire to connect more with your community, and networking opportunities will present themselves to you. 

Communication dynamics are also a major theme for you in both the months of September and October. It is important for you to work on creating balance in meeting the needs of those around you while also advocating for yourself. 

October is an excellent time for connecting with your community and working on any projects that involve writing or sharing information with others.

Sober Tip:

Since you can be in many social situations over the next two months, ensuring a good plan for maintaining sobriety will be imperative to your mental health. Make sure you have plenty of N/A options where you are going, and don’t hesitate to ask for support by having a buddy tag along.


Your career is highlighted in the month of September and this is a great time for you to begin contemplating  a raise or a promotion. However, with Mercury stationing retrograde, you may want to wait until late October to pull the trigger. If you work for yourself, this is a great time to begin mapping out the goals you have for the remainder of the year.

By October, the fruits of your labor should begin to pay off. This is a very auspicious and lucrative time for you regarding finances and your work.

Sober Tip:

While you may feel inclined to shoot for the stars regarding your end-of-the-year goals, you benefit from putting less on your plate and only saying yes to the things you know you can genuinely make the time for. Please don’t make things harder on yourself than they need to be by trying to be of service to everyone around you. It’s ok to say “no.”


Your intellect is heighted for the month of September and you may find yourself wanting to redefine the way you express and communicate who you are with others. You are no stranger to indecision and will likely find yourself feeling a bit confused at times about the direction you want to go in with Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign this month. Use this period to be open to seeing things in new ways and learning from others around you.

October will be a very introspective period for you where you find yourself deep in your self-exploration journey rather than being too interested in the matters of others. This is a good time for you to pull back and focus on loving yourself and working through issues you may have around self-doubt or self-worth.

Sober Tip:

While you naturally harbor a lot of wisdom and life experience, you benefit from eating some humble pie this autumn season. Be open to learning from others and heeding sound advice in matters you may have less experience with. You do not have to always agree with people to keep the peace, but you do not have to project your knowledge when others share their experiences with you.


September, you receive many blessings regarding your career and networking with people in your community. However, this is not the time to take any financial risks when it comes to investments or taking on additional debt. 

By October, your desire to be a part of your community and socialize with others is enhanced. You benefit from attending social engagements and parties with people who bring out the best in you.

Sober Tip:

Your desire to socialize and feel a part of your community could make you more susceptible to the influence of others and peer pressure. Don’t lose sight of yourself by giving in too much to others if your gut is telling you to steer clear. If you are new in your sober journey, you must surround yourself with people who are not a bad influence and support your recovery process.


Your desire to experience life outside of the mundane and expand your consciousness is a never-ending journey for you. However, September enhances this desire to break out of your mundane existence and venture to new distant places, whether physically on a trip somewhere or within the experience of your mind. You benefit from learning something new within a skillset you already possess or perhaps in a completely new area of interest for you.

Communication dynamics in your career may be tested during the Mercury retrograde in Libra. Still, by October, the harmonious resolution should come to fruition and have you feeling like it was all worth the lessons you harnessed along the way.

Sober Tip:

Your desire for peak experiences and adventure may be ignited in the coming months, but you benefit from balancing that out with some downtime in between everything new you are learning. Try to find comfort in the peaceful parts of your life with breathwork, meditation, and exploring the deeper subconscious arenas of your mind rather than seeking fulfillment outside of yourself.


You may experience challenges around previous belief systems you once had through educational pursuits you are currently invested in. While they may be triggering, these challenges are stepping stones towards you becoming even wiser in the areas you seek to master.

Shared resources, debt, and investments are highlighted in September for you as well, and this is a beneficial time to look into how you can make your money work for you in more ways. 

If there is an educational pursuit that has been on your mind, October is the perfect time to pull the trigger by signing up for that course or program you have been contemplating. October is also a great month to get out of town and go on a trip you have set your sights on.

Sober Tip:

Sometimes a tried and true method that worked for us in the past has worn out its usefulness as we age and grow into new chapters of our lives. Be open to letting go of the old; don’t waste time on methods that no longer are congruent with how your life unfolds.


Relationships with significant others and family members are highlighted for you in September, and you may find yourself having some conflict in the different ways the people closest to you communicate their needs. It is extremely easy for you to sacrifice yourself for others, so it will be imperative that you carve out time to fulfill your own needs. 

If money has been a part of the conversation over the past month of September, a clear pathway with how to move forward regarding the money will become more apparent in October. Finding constructive ways to save/invest/and manage shared resources, inheritance, and assets is a major theme for you over the next two months.

Sober Tip:

You are more susceptible to peer pressure from close friends and family members over September. It may be beneficial for you to devise ways to set firm boundaries around the parts of your life that are non-negotiable. Remember that giving from a place of guilt isn’t healthy for you or the person receiving your help. If you are asked to partake in something that you genuinely do not want to be a part of this autumn season, this is the perfect time to practice saying “no” to the things that do not bring you a sense of joy and fulfillment.


Your desire for meaninnful romance and connection is highlighted in the month of September. With Mercury retrograde in September you are faced with having to learn how to have healthy conflict and resolution in your relationships when it comes to mundane matters. 

By October, your natural empathic nature allows for peaceful and harmonious resolution within your close relationships. This is a great and auspicious time for romantic partnerships or relationships with the people you hold near and dear. You may feel more needy than usual, so you may be put in a position where you need to respect the boundaries people are trying to set with you.

Sober Tip:

With your desire for connection enhanced in September and October, you benefit from finding constructive ways to connect with yourself on a deeper level through dream journaling and transcendental meditation. If the people in your life cannot meet your emotional needs to the level you are feeling them, then you will be urged by the universe to find constructive ways to meet those needs yourself.

Wishing you all health and happiness!

Analisa Six

Horoscopes calculated using iPhemeris

Dates sourced from The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century

THE CARD DIVO: Each week Actor, Comic, Host, Patient Leader, Spiritual Mentor, and Sober Curator Daniel G Garza AKA THE CARD DIVO will bring us quick-hitting and intuitive horoscopes for sober people on the go.

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If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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