The Sobercast With Six Brings You Bi-Monthly Soberscopes For May & June 2022

Greetings, Sober Warriors; Analisa Six, your resident astrologer, to give you horoscopes for the last half of May and all of June 2022.

During a powerful Lunar eclipse in Scorpio and Mercury retrograde season, I write these horoscopes for you. This particular eclipse portal of energy we are in has been incredibly challenging for our collective consciousness as a species. The world as we’ve known it is changing rapidly, and it can be tough to keep up with it all.

This year, the eclipse axis is in Taurus and Scorpio, which are fixed energies. The major theme around this energy portal is letting go of the things we once knew and embracing change. While not all changes we see in the world feel positive, it is sometimes through the chaos that our world can find its footing again. Only time will tell what the fate of our future as a species entails, but we can read the stars to see what themes unfold for us on an individual level at this time and how we can lean into the winds of change for our personal growth. 

When it comes to horoscopes, not only will you want to look up the forecast for your Sun sign, but you will also want to read the advice for your rising sign. To find your rising sign, you will need to use a program or app like Time Passages or You will need your exact birth time on your birth certificate, date of birth, and location of birth to calculate.

New Moons:

May 30th, 9 degrees of Gemini

June 29th 7 degrees of Cancer

Full Moons:

May 16th Lunar Eclipse 25 degrees of Scorpio

June 14th, 23 degrees of Sagittarius

Remaining 2022 Eclipses:

October 25th Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

November 8th Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

2022 remaining Mercury retrograde:

May 10th-June 4th in Gemini/Taurus

September 10th-October 1st  in Libra/Virgo



Your relationship with your self-worth is highlighted for May and June. You feel guided to reinvent yourself in ways that push past limiting beliefs that prevent you from being the confident fiery self you know you are capable of being. You may feel a lot of internal pressure to grow and expand your identity. The way you relate to yourself is changing to enable you to feel more confident about the life you wish to manifest for yourself. 

June is a great month to ask for a raise at work or raise your prices if you are self-employed.

Don’t be surprised if you feel more inclined to stay home chipping away at your goals rather than being social. You have a lot to sort out internally, and devoting time to your personal goals and relationship with yourself will pay off big! 


Delusions of grandeur are likely for you in May and June. It would help if you found your self-confidence without putting your foot in your mouth. Remember, just because you can do a lot on your own does not mean it is always healthy to push others away. Be open to seeing things from other perspectives before jumping to conclusions. And while it is excellent to do things alone, it’s ok to need help sometimes, especially when it comes to having a supportive community in your sobriety journey.


Deep wounds from past relationships may come up to the surface for you during this time. While it can be highly triggering to feel haunted by our past, the point of these memories surfacing is to help you work through unhealed trauma that is calling for deep reflection at this time. This is a great month to invest in therapy focused on unresolved trauma. Your dream world will be highly active in May, and the symbolism coming up for you is essential for you to give attention to. 

For June, it is essential for you to actively claim who you are and work on manifesting more self-confidence around your future goals. You will be triggered easily by others and may look to escape reality through substance abuse if you do not create a supportive community or reach out to others for help during this time. Having a spiritual practice will help anchor you through the days you feel like you are drowning in grief around the things you cannot control. This two-month period is about letting go and creating a stronger sense of self.


You haven’t had an easy go of it for a while, and staying sober may feel like it’s getting harder and harder. It would be best to find a spiritual practice that grounds you when it feels that nothing tangible in this world you can get proper footing around. Healing your relationship to change and chaos is beneficial for you at this time. Nothing lasts forever, and nothing is permanent. Holding onto the past will not serve you. Leaning into change, letting go, and finding healthy ways to work through the constant evolution of your life is imperative for your growth. Lean into your creative side and work on accepting the things you cannot control.


In true Gemini fashion, you spend most of May toggling between being a social butterfly and having significant bouts of isolation away from the general public. This is an excellent time for you to surround yourself with those you love while creating memorable moments that fill your heart with joy and gratitude for those who show up for you. 

You may feel inclined to make new friends or enter into a new relationship by June. Be mindful not to get too swept up in the fantasy, as you are inclined to ignore red flags while having fun. With that said, follow your heart and have fun expressing yourself as you enter your Birthday season!


You are easily influenced by those you surround yourself with at this time, and it could be hard to hear your internal compass. If you are sober, this is an excellent time to make sure the company you keep is aligned with keeping you on the right track. You benefit from leaning on your community for additional support if you need it over the next two months.


Your career is a huge focus for you for May, and many opportunities to expand your income and take on more responsibilities come your way. This is a great time to say “yes” to the things that help put you into alignment with your future goals. Go for it! 

Come June, you will find joy and happiness in the community and relationships you have surrounded yourself with, and the fruits of your labor will begin to show themselves. You have a lot of success to celebrate in the coming weeks. Enjoy it while it lasts!


You will be inclined to overwork the next two months, and while that is healthier than indulging in drugs and alcohol, it can also lead to health problems if you do not prioritize rest and recovery time. Make sure to give yourself adequate breaks over the next two months so that you don’t lack the energy you need for all the opportunities coming your way.


Education and group learning are highlighted for you in May. You benefit from sharing your ideas with your inner circle. You may feel like the way you express yourself to the world and in your relationships is changing quite a bit, whether you want it. This is an excellent time to invest in your education around subjects that help you grow in the direction you see most beneficial for yourself during these coming weeks.

By June, you are cosmically supported to make changes in your career that may surprise you. While change can be scary, it is essential that you welcome any new opportunities that fall in your lap, and they will benefit you in the more significant scope of your future. June is also an excellent month for you to contribute to any community activities that align with who you are.


If you find yourself getting bored over the coming months, then it’s a sign for you, Leo, that it’s time to learn something new. You benefit from breaking out of your routine by integrating new experiences into your everyday life. Please don’t get stuck thinking that you know it all or have done it all. You must open yourself to new ideas and experiences.


In May, your relationships with others are a significant theme for you, especially marriage and business partnerships. This is a critical time to lean into your romantic partnership and embrace the things that bring you fulfillment and joy with your partner. If you are single, you may find yourself longing for the ultimate collaboration, and this is an excellent time to set intentions towards manifesting whatever that means for you. 

In June, your career is where a lot of your energy will be focused, and you may feel inclined to learn something new that helps you evolve towards your personal goals. An area you may feel interested in learning more about over the coming weeks will be investments and finances.


A change of scenery will fulfill your heart over these next two months. Break out of mundane routine and be open to exploring new territory within yourself and around yourself. Getting a fresh perspective on an old story will help you relax into the new life unfolding before you.


In May, personal relationships and how you are of service to others are highlighted for you. You are inclined to feel like you are ready for change, and the way you express that to those you share your life with will be meaningful. You are learning to be more confrontational about how your needs get met. Learning how to do this in a way that is still in harmony with the requirements of others is essential while not sacrificing yourself. 

I hate to say it, but June will be an extremely challenging month for you and your relationships. You may feel a need to break free from dynamics that are no longer aligned with what you envision for your future. Whether this is a romantic partnership, business partnership, or friendship, you will be ready to say goodbye and start anew. Allow this change to happen; it is what is needed for you at this time. On the flip side, if you are ready to make a firmer commitment to a  budding-serious relationship, this could also be when you feel ready and prepared to walk away from the single life and commit to the person of your dreams. Whichever side you are on, you will feel the internal pressure to move into a new direction in your life regarding partnerships.


Drawing strength from your relationships is beneficial for you at this time. Don’t feel bad if you need to lean on others while navigating your life right now. You deserve the same support you so willingly give to others. Talk therapy is great for you at this time if you are navigating the early stages of your sobriety journey.


Creative expression is incredibly important for you in May, and falling in love with how you express yourself in the world is a good thing to focus on. Your health also requires attention in May and June, and you must be taking good care of yourself. 

You will feel overly romantic in June, and focusing on close partnerships will be necessary. You are prone to taking on more than you can handle this month, so make sure you find time to slow down and rest in between your busy schedule. You could potentially suffer from an injury in June if you are not careful, stay away from sharp objects, and avoid taking risks.


It’s ok to desire something new out of your relationships, and you may feel a need to heal any shame you have around asking for what you need from others. This is an excellent time to go to therapy with a romantic partner or by yourself to help you determine how to communicate more effectively with others.


May requires a lot of internal self-reflection around your relationship with your family, how you relate to your inner child, and finding the confidence to express yourself with your partner when it comes to getting your needs met. Any wounds you have around how you expressed yourself growing up may come to the surface. It is valuable for you to work with a therapist on healing generational trauma and finding ways to unleash your playful nature.

Come June, redefining your daily routine and falling in love with taking good care of yourself is important to your spiritual health. You benefit from finding ways to integrate play into the mundane aspects of your life. You will find comfort in communicating what you are going through with close friends and romantic partners. This is not a time to isolate or close yourself off from others, and it is good for you to connect with close friends and tune into the things that bring you joy.


Generational trauma can only be avoided for so long before we have to face our subconscious straightforwardly to move on with our lives. You may be feeling the call to go inward and focus on deep healing in an excruciating way. Doing this with a licensed therapist will help you navigate your emotional world as it unfolds. You may feel extremely fragile when it comes to your sobriety, and you benefit from spending time with yourself in ways that feel healing and rejuvenating. It is ok to take significant breaks away from others, but having a support system is equally important.


Communication and creativity are highlighted for you in May. This is an excellent time to find your playful side and share it with others. You may find yourself having conflict or confusion around how you are communicating with others, and you are likely to feel misunderstood. However, these complications help you fine-tune your communication skills and improve upon the things you wish to excel in. 

In June, you benefit from not taking things so seriously and focusing more on your creative pursuits. While working on how you communicate is still a central theme, you’ll find your footing when you learn to laugh at yourself and let go of things not always working out the way you thought they should.


While getting things done and being practical is your strong suit, sometimes you need to lighten the load and forget about the to-do list. You benefit from surrounding yourself with people who remind you to have fun every once in a while, get out of your head, and prioritize doing more for your heart over the next two months.


May is an excellent month for you to prioritize creating a stable footing for yourself around your finances and home life. This is a good time for you to save rather than spend, chip away at home projects, and get yourself in a state where you feel anchored in what you are building for your future self. Many of these same themes are highlighted for you in June, but you may find more time for fun in between all of the work you are doing.

While you tend to enjoy time with friends and doing things for others, the home will be your sanctuary over the coming weeks, and you benefit from leaning into it.


While structure and routine aren’t always your favorite, you benefit from them in May and June. You must get clear on your own goals and boundaries and prioritize some alone time for yourself. Channel any anxious energy you have into getting solid within yourself around your goals and financial planning.


May is not the month for holding back for you, dear Pisces. Anything you have been suppressing in previous months will be unleashed, and good for you! It is time for you to express yourself openly and honestly with others during this time. Don’t worry about sugar coating or being nice; you tend to do that too much for the comfort of others. You have things to say, and they deserve to be heard.

Money is a central focus for you in both May and June, and you benefit from not overspending. This is an important time to learn about where your money is most useful and how to manage it properly. Money can go as fast as it comes, so be careful and do not take any significant risks without proper advice from a financial advisor.


If there was ever a difficult time for your sobriety to be tested, right now is it. Right now, it would be best if you remembered that as a Pisces, you do not need alcohol to tune into the spiritual world. A potent meditation practice, dream journaling, and relationship to the imaginal worlds can do more for you than any substance. If you are feeling a need to escape reality, do it through these channels with a trusted spiritual practitioner.

Wishing you all health and happiness!

Analisa Six

Horoscopes calculated using iPhemeris

Dates sourced from The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century

THE CARD DIVO: Each week Actor, Comic, Host, Patient Leader, Spiritual Mentor, and Sober Curator Daniel G Garza AKA THE CARD DIVO will bring us quick-hitting and intuitive horoscopes for sober people on the go.

Are you trying to become a SPIRITUAL GANGSTER? Explore and expand your sober world through meditation, astrology, and spiritual reflection and practices.

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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