Recovery Coach Lesley Klepac (aka @mamak2_14) Gives Us the Latest Scoop on Recovery TikTok Trends

Sober Curator and Recovery Coach Lesley Klepac on Recovery TikTok. It doesn’t replace professional help. But it certainly doesn’t hurt to feel like you have hundreds of people in your corner.

If you’ve been scrolling through Recovery TikTok you’ve probably seen these awesome creators pop up. Each of them has a unique approach to handling their addiction and recovery. I have had the pleasure of getting to know them all through TikTok. I’ve also interviewed most of them on my Podcast. One thing they all have in common is a heart for helping others in recovery.

 A Strong lineup of Recovery Warriors on Recovery TikTok

The following ten creators are ten out of literally hundreds on Recovery Tiktok. Spreading awareness and positivity, these guys know how to lift you up, make you laugh, and give it to you straight. If you’re scrolling through TikTok wondering who to follow these ten are a great start!

#10 @dizzzylicious (yes 3 Zs)

A Sister in Recovery!

Erin has 6 months clean and is all about her recovery. She hosts a zoom meeting 7 days a week. Erin totally spreads the love and positivity. She makes you feel like you definitely have a sister in recovery you can talk to.

#9 @ronnymorales

This is your hype man! 

Ronny has 18 months clean. If you’re frustrated in recovery Ronny is the guy you want to pump you up! His sound “Did you wake up sober today? Did you wake up sober today?!” Has made its rounds among the Tiktok recovery community. 

Sober Curator Fun Fact: Ronny has also been featured in our Sober Spotlight section and you can read all about the #wesobernow sober superhero HERE.

#8 @tarah.d

The Child of an Addict:

Tarah herself has never battled addiction but she is a child of an addict. Tarah’s mom battled addiction her whole life and because of it Tarah experienced some major trauma. She went on to make a documentary about herself and her mother. Tarah decided to choose love over anger and show people that addicts were indeed people with souls and hearts. Tarah helps mentor other children of addicts who are struggling with reconciling their feelings.

#7 @devonz_savagerecovery

Real and Raw:

Devon is in early recovery. I chose him for a few reasons. When I say he lost everything I mean everything. From founding a multi-million dollar company at only 23 years old to his family and friends, he lost it all. Devon posts when he’s doing well and he posts when he is in tears and struggling. This is so important because social media tends to be a highlight reel. Devon shows us that early recovery can be hard but (in the comments of his videos) people have your back and you will get through it!

#6  @Alexisonfireohno 

Dark Humor Queen!

Alexis has one hell of a story and shares it through hilariously dark videos. A little over a year clean, Alexis has faced addiction, jail, and living with a spouse still in prison. She is definitely one to watch! 

#5 @real_talk_recover

A Force for Recovery:

This woman is awesome! She has her own YouTube channel of the same name and works with the well-known Dr. B out of California. (You can find him on this list too). Nicole has 5 1/2 years under her belt and a ton of knowledge about MAT programs. She is relatable and easy to talk to (yes she will respond to messages!)

#4 @recoverymike

The Recovery Powerhouse!

Mike has 6 years clean. His story is about a classic homeless addict living on the streets. Mike not only got his life together after years of failed attempts but he runs Recovery Army Outreach LLC. Mike and his team go all over the country bringing care packages to addicts suffering on the streets and talking to them about recovery and options. He looks like a tough guy but he is also a sweet, caring man of God with a heart to help others. His TikTok is all positivity and encouragement!

#3 @addictionrecovery

The Doctor is In!

“Hey Dr. B!” Is the tagline for every video. Jimmy, who is behind the camera, asks Dr. B, of the American Addictions Institute, various questions like, “Is addiction a choice?”, “What is Narcan?”, “Common relapse triggers?” and so much more. A virtual treasure trove of information Dr. B is absolutely one you want to follow.

#2 @cleanandserene 

Wise Beyond His Years:

Connor has 9 years clean and is a Certified Recovery Coach. He has over 270k followers and his content is all about awareness and harm reduction. He answers questions and goes live daily. When Connor speaks, people listen.

#1 @kimi.stepfamily_shark

Recovery Mama:

I chose Kimi because she has it all! She has clean time, wisdom, and caring nature that resonates with her followers. Kimi has that mom vibe that seems to make people feel comfortable and safe. Ten years clean, Kim is a former heroin addict. She lost her children, went to prison for 21 years, and went on to become a detox counselor for the last 15 years. Kim is a wealth of love and information.

Will Sober TikTok rival Sober Instagram? At the beginning of 2021, we curated a list of 29 Recovery TikTok Accounts we think are worth the follow. If you find yourself going down the TikTok rabbit hole, at least do it sober. Now that we’ve added Lesley Klepac, aka @mamak2_14 to our Sober Curator Squad, she plans on giving us regular updates on all the things recovery TikTok related to keeping you up to date.

Resources are available! If you need them, use them!

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.