The Sober Sweat – Happy, Joyous, and Free Holidays!

The holiday season is in full swing. The Sober Sweat with Ashley Sunderland is here to help you stay happy, joyous, and free with these fitness & nutrition tips & tricks!

Don’t skip meals

Skipping meals to “save room” for the buffet dinner at your next holiday party might sound like a good idea, but usually leads to binging. It can also cause blood sugar crashes that will leave you feeling sluggish and anxious. For some, it can even trigger headaches and migraines. 

The metabolism needs fuel to jump-start every couple of hours. If you do not “fuel” your body, your metabolism will slow down, and you’ll store fat rather than burn it. Eating small meals throughout the day of high fiberhigh-fiberan proteins, and healthy fats is best. These foods promote appetite control and boost energy and mood.

Go Nuts!

Nuts are one of the greatest snack foods because they’re full of protein, healthy fats, and contain cholesterol-lowering fiber, which makes you feel full longer.

Go nuts for this healthy snack when traveling or on a time crunch. They require no refrigeration or prep work and are easy to pack and carry anywhere. Choose from almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia, or Brazil nuts. My favorite is the pistachio because they’re lower in calories and fat than other nuts.

Sober Sweat Tip: Snack on nuts before you go to a holiday party, and you may be less to likely over-indulge in junk food.


New term for you? Read the Urban Dictionary definition here

An accountabilibuddy can significantly increase your success of staying on track with fitness and nutrition goals. You’re more likely to exercise if you plan to work out with another person. There is power in the verbal commitment you make with someone, and a psychological phenomenon occurs when you think that someone will notice if you don’t do what you say you’ll do, which can be highly motivating. Crush your exercise and nutrition goals by finding an accountabilibuddy!

Sober Sweat Tip: Having an accountabilibuddy is a great excuse to wear matching t-shirts! 

Drink more water!

Water is essential for overall health. Adequate hydration boosts energy, aid’s cognitive function, and helps improve mood. Your body may mistake feelings of thirst for hunger, so drinking water before eating can help you discern whether you are feeling true hunger. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before meals can help with portion control because your body will ‘feel’ full sooner, preventing you from over-eating.

Sober Sweat Tip: If you are forgetful or too busy to drink water, set reminders using the alarm on your phone!

Everything in moderation

This common phrase is a good reminder, when it comes to eating, that too much restriction can result in a restriction and binge cycle. Once the cycle begins, it can be challenging to break and may cause a negative relationship with food and have severe consequences for mental health. Avoid all-or-nothing eating by prioritizing a few of your favorite seasonal treats and skipping the rest.

Sober Sweat Tip: Practice mindful eating by sitting down to enjoy your food. Practice being fully present and engaged with each bite you take. Eat smaller portions and stop when you’re satisfied versus feeling stuffed.

Holiday Hustle

Find clever ways to increase daily calorie burn through NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). You burn calories through NEAT during every everyday activity like walking from one room to the next, unloading your groceries, and doing household chores. The average percentage of calories per day burned through NEAT is between 15% and 30%. Move more throughout your daily routine to increase your NEAT by taking the stairs, parking farther away, and walking the mall to do your shopping instead of ordering online.

It works if you work it!


Make sure your basic needs are met by remembering to H.A.L.T.

Check if you are:

  • Hungry – Make it a point to eat regularly. Skipping meals can affect mood.

  • Angry – Don’t forget to meditate, exercise, and get outside this holiday. These tings reduce stress, decrease rumination (running thoughts), and increase endorphins.

  • Lonely – Write a list of people who love and support you who you can connect with in person or over the phone.

  • Tired – The holiday season can often include late nights. Ensure that you are getting a full 8 hours of sleep at night, so you are rested & ready to go.

Cranberry Superfood Sauce *serves 8

  • 3 cups fresh cranberries

  • 1 ½ cups water

  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup or coconut sugar*

  • Juice of half an orange (about 1 ounce)

  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds

  • 1 teaspoon orange zest

  • Pinch of sea salt

Optional: grate in fresh ginger and/or add up to one teaspoon cinnamon

  • In a medium pot bring water, sweetener, and cranberries to a boil

  • Turn heat down to a simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the cranberries split open and most of the water has reduced

  • Remove from heat. Squeeze fresh orange juice orange into the mixture

  • Mix in the optional fresh ginger and/or cinnamon spices, if using. Add the chia seeds, orange zest, salt, and mix. Allow sauce to cool for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes

  • The mixture will thicken as it cools. Serve at room temperature or chilled

Sauce keeps fresh for up to 5 days when refrigerated


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