The Sober Curator Treats You to 6 Ways to Stay Sane and Sober During the Global Pandemic That Feeds Your Soul Along the Way

Time in quarantine has been somewhat of an enigma – kind of like dog years vs human years. It’s been 5 months, but it feels like 5 years. On the other hand, technology has served up some pretty incredible virtual opportunities making it feel like we are busy despite no longer being able to enjoy most activities.  Whether you love your time in quarantine and are crushing it at every turn or you feel the walls closing in and can’t wait for it to end, we all need new ways to entertain ourselves. These are a few of our favorites. Help us add to the list by letting us know what you are doing with this unique (hopefully, once in a lifetime) time in our lives.

Skip the Line at Club Q(uarantine)

We realize there is nothing like the sensory overload experienced when being in the middle of a group of super fans jumping up and down, singing every word while fixated on a live band just a few feet away. The collective disappointment felt over and over as shows where COVID canceled was real.  All is not lost.

Always wanted to see U2’s Joshua Tree Tour in Dublin? Doubt you can score tickets to the Rolling Stones, ever? Curious how Dirty Honey performs in concert but not sure you will like them or their fans enough to drop 50 bucks on a ticket?  We’ve got you covered. You can watch these and thousands of killer bands in concert on YouTubeTV. Clear out the furniture, turn it way up and enjoy an entirely new experience live from your living room. No lines for the bathroom, no idle chatter, no tall people blocking your view and zero chance of getting beer spilled on you.  

Pro Tip alert!

So, go ahead and dance like no one is watching…. because no one is. Pro Tip: DJs are just as bored as we are and are putting on phenomenal sets. Fatboy Slim’s Lockdown Mixtapes and DJ Mel’s Living Room Dance Parties rock the house!

Do the Church Hop 

Spirituality and conscious contact with a higher power are essential in recovery. It is up to each individual to build a relationship with a higher power of his or her understanding. This understanding can be derived from an unlimited number of sources. One of the really incredible things to come out of this global pandemic is that the majority of churches and spiritual institutions are offering online services.

Life in Deep Ellum’s Digital Service on Thinking Generously

Is there a priest you love from a different city? Are you curious about different denominations? Ready to see what Buddhism is all about? Now, is the time to step outside your comfort zone, explore alternative sources, and up your meditation game. You may end up with a new favorite ritual or practice that deeply enriches your spiritual life and in turn, strengthens your recovery. Here are a few to kick off your journey: Finding God Within Ourselves,  Oasis/LA, Life in Deep Ellum, Kadampa Meditation Center, and Word on Fire

Go Global with AA

 It is highly recommended that people in recovery establish a home group by attending the same meeting regularly for accountability, to meet newcomers, and for fellowship.  However, hearing experience, strength, and hope from a variety of people in recovery are always beneficial.  There are literally thousands of meetings taking place at this very moment. You can try a midnight meeting with Vegas PANDEMIC! at the Disco or wake up with Boozers in Bathrobes. Maybe you want to boldly go international with AA Rocks Mumbai or Worldwide Primary Purpose.

Being able to access a meeting basically anytime you want one is an absolute gift. It’s the same book and the same solution in all 180 nations offering AA. Why not take advantage of this time to witness how it’s working for people across the globe?  You can search the Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous to find a login link for a meeting near you or not so near you, today, any day, or an hour. 

Meet Me in the Kitchen

Although there is a significant amount of pride surrounding one’s cooking abilities, we’re convinced the real reason prized family recipes have remained “secret” is that no one ever wrote them down. It seemed somewhat taboo to do so but that was then, and the pesto lasagna is too delicious not to be enjoyed for years to come.

With the extra time at home, we can finally get those treasured family recipes tasting just right and recorded! Pick up what you think are the ingredients, set up a Zoom with the best chefs in the family, walk through the process step by step, and for God’s sake, write it down! And then make copies.

Future generations will love you for it.  You may have been less than present in the past, need to bank some good memories to offset some bad ones, or just want to build stronger family connections.  In every case, this family bonding experience will likely deliver some big laughs and promises to be quality time well spent.

Resurrect the Art of Letter Writing

Texts, emails, and screenshots can easily fade away, but letters last.  Hoping this is a good thing and carrying on with the idea of depositing positive memories, why not use extra quarantine time to brighten someone’s day with a colorful hand-written card or letter? This authentic form of communication really lets the recipient know you care. This is a way to spread joy by checking in with sober friends, reconnecting with those from the past, or fortifying relationships by letting your family and friends know what you like about them.

If quarantine continues for more days than you have family members or friends, you can pick up a few pen pals. Local assisted living facilities, sober living houses, or prisons may have established programs to help you carry the message. Check out Victorian Senior Care’s Facebook posts and you’ll see that there are plenty of pen pals to go around.   

Virtual Field Trips

With international borders closed to Americans, and mandated self-quarantines for out-of-state visitors, travel goals must be put on hold for a while. Being grounded is never fun. But no worries, we’re going to sneak out for some pretty amazing virtual experiences.  First stop, Paris, France for Musée d’Orsay and The Louvre. Next, we’ll explore Mars with NASA followed by a quick stroll on The Great Wall of China. We’ll wrap up the day with some grounding meditation walks at Yellowstone National Park, Hundreds of virtual tours are being offered.

Of course, all of this exploration is great research for the real trips we will be taking the second we are free to fly the friendly skies once again. But for now, see you at The Louvre where we’ll be searching for the Corona Lisa.

The Corona Lisa is not found at the Louvre

Have you found an epic way to spend your time in quarantine? We want to hear about it! Email us at [email protected] or DM us on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Help is here if and when you need it

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.