The Sober Curator applauds LG for their “Be a Baller” Ad Campaign

Ice, ice baby

What I love about this commercial is that it showcases that craft ice is for everyone. Just because I don’t consume alcohol, doesn’t mean I don’t still enjoy an icy beverage on a hot day. Who am I kidding, I’m in my mid-40s, and that means I want an icy beverage regardless of what the forecast is outside. I drink cold-brewed, iced coffee year-round. When the fancy, shared ice machine in my apartment community broke down last fall, I contemplated moving. This is how seriously and frequently I think about ice.

LG “Be a Baller” commercial


Bravo to LG for not only inventing what may just be the world’s coolest craft ice-making “smart” refrigerator but also marketing it appropriately. Big brands take note – how you market matters! After 14+ years in sobriety, I have tired of how alcohol and alcohol consumption has been portrayed in advertising. It’s not all fun and games. It’s not all glamorous and sexy. Please stop selling a lie. Besides, not everyone drinks alcohol for a variety of reasons. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, those of us that don’t drink alcohol still consume liquids. GASP! That’s right folks. We aren’t plants. From time to time, we’d like something more than a glass of room temperature water.

Be a Baller!

I’m not even in the market for a new fridge, but when I saw this “Be a Baller” ad by LG the other night, I wanted one. Why? Because in less than 30 seconds, they accurately showed that ice is for everyone. Not just cocktails. Instead of isolating their marketing message to drinkers only, in a fun and clever way, they made being “a baller” cool and inclusive for all.

Are you a kid that wants to make some dope-ass, ice-cold, chocolate milk? This fridge is for you. Are you a hip older gal (ahem) that wants to add a cool, circular oversized ice cube to your raspberry ice tea on sober bingo night? This fridge is for you too. I wish more brands would take note and use caution in their marketing efforts. Until that day comes, I’ll just keep talking about the brands that are doing it right.

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