While Santa Claus Might Not Be Real, Holiday Stress and Overeating Are & It Can Be All Consuming

Even under normal circumstances (no COVID) the holidays can bring on some serious stress for many. Between seeing (or not seeing) extended family, and not always making the best food choices, it’s no wonder anxiety is through the roof over the holiday season. Throw a global pandemic into the equation, and you got yourself a down-right sh*tshow.

Certain things like your grandma telling the same story for the gazillionth time or your parents arguing over how to properly carve a turkey are out of your control. But there are things you can control and prepare for. Setting yourself up for success when it comes to staying on track with your diet is crucial. As the saying goes: “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.

Here is some advice on how you can slay the holidays and have a blast without feeling guilty:

  • Leave the “all or nothing” mentality behind: You don’t have to stick to salad without dressing and water all night, but the holidays are not a green light to eat everything in sight and say ‘oh well, I’ll just start my diet in January’. Be mindful of the quantity, but go ahead and enjoy the delicious food being served. Fill your plate with lean protein first, then add some veggies (think color) and finally add the carbs, which should occupy the least amount of space on your plate.

  • Set Boundaries: Support from loved ones helps you stay accountable and increases your chances of sticking to your plan. Let your loved ones know that you’re on a self-care journey and you need their support and understanding when you say ’no’ to a second helping of candied yams, or excuse yourself from a conversation that could be triggering

  • Take Charge: Bring a favorite healthy dish to dinner, or offer to make a delicious mocktail for everyone. This way you can enjoy the dish and a beverage without wondering how it was prepared, and show off your skills. (See mom, I’m perfectly capable of cooking things besides toast)

In the end, the most important thing is that you have fun! Even if you decide to do a quarantine holiday and spend it with people in your immediate household. This time of the year has a warm and fuzzy feeling to it. Look at old photographs together, tell funny stories, have a dance-off, or sing karaoke…enjoy the beauty of being here and celebrate how far you’ve come.


The Sober Curator’s Holiday Gift Guide features 12 selfie-care items for the sober people in your life who need to slow their roll with some good selfie-care downtime.

The Holidays can be a hard time to stay sober. If you or a loved one needs help, resources are available. 

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.