Supermom Amy Liz Harrison Gets Raw and Real About Overcoming Alcoholism

Amy Liz Harrison Sober Curator Interview

It was an honor to finally have my friend and fellow Contributor to the Sober Curator on the podcast! She is a delight. There is so much power in embracing your vulnerability as a human but most certainly as a mother when we want to raise emotionally intelligent and connected kids.  This Mother’s Day month of May tune into our conversation and share it with a mom you know might be struggling with addiction.  

Introduction: Authenticity in Recovery 

In a deeply poignant and stirring episode of the Wellness as a Way of Life podcast, I welcomed Amy Liz Harrison, a mother, bestselling author, and sobriety advocate, for a discussion that peeled back the veils on struggles with addiction, the transformative power of recovery, and the complexities of motherhood intertwined with these experiences. 

The Turning Point: A Mother’s Wake-Up Call 

Amy’s journey reached a pivotal turn when faced with a DUI while her four children were in the car. This moment wasn’t just a legal wake-up call; it was the beginning of an arduous journey towards self-realization and recovery. Initially resistant to accepting her condition as alcoholism, Amy’s journey from denial to acceptance exhibits the raw truth many face in admitting addiction. 

Amy Liz Harrison Sober Curator Contributor

Embracing the Twelve Steps: A Path to Spiritual and Personal Healing  

Twelve Step played a crucial role in Amy’s transformation. It provided a structured approach not only for abstaining from alcohol but also for spiritual growth and self-reflection. Amy’s experience highlights the importance of the program in giving individuals a framework to understand their behaviors and the spiritual deficits that often underlie addictive tendencies. 

Transparency with Family: Healing Through Openness 

Unique to Amy’s narrative is her courageous decision to be transparent with her children about her struggles. This not only fostered a healthier family dynamic but also prepared her children to understand and face their own life challenges. Amy’s approach underscores a poignant lesson: honesty within the family can build a nurturing environment where every member feels safe to express their vulnerabilities

Safe Spaces and Children’s Literature: Tools for Family Healing 

Inspired by her personal battles and recovery, Amy penned children’s books addressing heavy themes such as addiction, mental health issues, and the emotional discord these can bring into a family setting. Books like Mommy Goes to Meetings from her Kiss Your Brain series serve as gentle yet powerful tools for parents and children to engage in conversations about these difficult topics, emphasizing that it’s okay to seek help. 

#ADDTOCART: Mommy Goes to Meetings 

Amy Liz Harrison and Megan Swan
The Impact of Sobriety on Motherhood and Self-Perception 

Recovery brought Amy a new perspective on life and motherhood. She discussed how sobriety reshaped her interactions with her children and led her to redefine success. This part of her life’s journey sheds light on the profound ways in which freeing oneself from addiction can alter one’s role and identity as a parent. Amy’s story is a testament that overcoming addiction not only changes one individual but can transform an entire family dynamic. 

The Role of Wellness Podcasts in Promoting Recovery 

We also reflected on the role of platforms like our podcasts in spreading messages of recovery and wellness. These podcasts can significantly impact listeners by providing real-life stories of struggle and perseverance, illustrating that while the journey to recovery can be incredibly challenging, it is also laden with moments of triumph and profound personal growth. 

Conclusion: Carrying the Torch of Awareness  

Our dialogue illuminates the crucial aspects of dealing with addiction while managing the responsibilities of motherhood. It also encapsulates the importance of external support systems and internal resilience. By recovering out loud and using her voice and experiences to educate and support others, Amy stands as a beacon of hope and guidance for individuals navigating the tumultuous waters of addiction and recovery. 

This episode not only delivered powerful insights into the struggle against addiction but also reinforced the essence of wellness podcasts as a vital tool in the journey towards holistic health and well-being, one powerful story at a time. 

Listen to my conversation with Amy on her podcast, Prioritizing Wellness in Sobriety.

Recovery Podcastland by the Sober Curator

RECOVERY PODCASTLAND: Welcome to RECOVERY PODCASTLAND, your audio haven for all things recovery! With an overwhelming number of engaging podcasts constantly updating each week, it can be hard to keep up. That’s where The Sober Curator steps in!

We’re tirelessly curating and producing original podcast content with a focus on recovery, so you don’t have to wade through the noise. Sober Curator Pro Tip: Tune into our recommended podcasts while driving, dog-walking, working out, house-cleaning, crafting, prepping for the day, or cooking. It’s a perfect way to infuse your daily routine with a dose of recovery inspiration.

In the mood for some tunes instead? PLAY IT AGAIN shares songs that have impacted our recovery journeys.

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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