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- Sober Tarot Card Readings by The Card Divo for the Week of March 24th
Sober Tarot Card Readings by The Card Divo for the Week of March 24th

Curious about the week ahead of you? In less than a minute, Daniel G Garza, aka The Card Divo, will tell you what’s in store for the week ahead according to your Zodiac sign.
Sober Tarot Card Readings for the Week of March 24th
The Card Divo
Aries – Time to feed your Spirit.
Taurus – Follow your dreams.
Gemini – Find your happiness.
Cancer – It’s time to release connections.
Leo – This is your week to trust your power.
Virgo – Your body is ready.
Libra – Imagine more significant than you have before.
Scorpio – Take the next step with confidence.
Sagittarius – This will be a successful week.
Capricorn – Set the right intention into what you are doing.
Aquarius – Focus on your self-esteem.
Pisces – Safe week to move forward.
Please follow, share, comment, and like. See you next week with more horoscopes. I’m Daniel G Garza, The Card Divo #thecarddivo
For private sessions email [email protected]

THE SOBERCAST WITH SIX: March 2024 Sober Horoscopes: Analisa Six’s Astrological Insights « The Sober Curator

SPIRITUAL GANGSTER: Welcome to the ‘Spiritual Gangster’ wing of The Sober Curator, a haven for those on a sober journey with a twist of spiritual sass. Here, we invite you to plunge headfirst into a world of meditation, astrology, and spiritual reflection – all while keeping your feet (and sobriety) firmly on the ground.
Each month, our very own Analisa Six, better known as the Lady of Leosure, graces us with ‘The Sobercast with Six.’ It’s like horoscopes, but with less hocus-pocus and more sober reality checks for the coming month. And let’s not forget Daniel G Garza, or as we affectionately call him, ‘The Card Divo.’ He delivers snappy, under-a-minute weekly sober tarot card readings that’ll have you saying, “Hit me with another round…of cards!”
The newest star of this spiritual show? That’s Derek Castleman, our resident ‘Sober Stoic.’ After finding enlightenment in the Serenity Prayer and its connection to the Steps, he realized stoicism wasn’t just about keeping a stiff upper lip – it was a roadmap for leading a fulfilling life, no matter the roll of the dice.
SOBERCAST WITH SIX brings you astrology updates from our resident astrologer, tarot card reader, and Sober Curator Contributor Analisa Six.
THE CARD DIVO brings quick-hitting and intuitive horoscopes for sober people on the go. (Seriously, 1-minute once a week)
THE SOBER STOIC Sober Curator Contributor Derek Castleman is a writer, educator, scientist, data analyst, and philosopher. Struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism for over fifteen years while at the same time suffering from being bipolar, he was finally able to achieve recovery in 2018. From mental hospitals to rehab, county jail to sober living, 12 Step Programs would be his foundation, but he would eventually discover the path of Stoicism to be the key to his sobriety and sanity.

Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

The post Sober Tarot Card Readings by The Card Divo for the Week of March 24th appeared first on The Sober Curator.