SOBER SPOTLIGHT: Tonya De’Laine, Founder Of Soul Shack Sisters

We sat down with Tonya De’Laine, Founder of the Facebook Group Soul Shack Sisters to get the 4-1-1 on everything she’s up to and it’s a lot! Tonya is a woman in recovery (class of June 201😊8) that offers Wellness, Meditation, and Clarity Coaching. She’s got a SoulRenity Shop that carries handmade Chakra Balancing & Healing Bracelets (the proceeds benefit other women in early recovery) and she just started a brand new podcast called you guessed it…Soul Shack Sisters. 

Not only that, she does chakra readings, she’s an esthetician, she lives for her yoga time, she’s a wife, she’s a mom, she’s working on a book, and oh yeah her day job is in residential property management. Apparently, she’s also a skilled juggler as she keeps all these important “hats” that she wears flowing in a smooth and forward motion as she does it all with a smile on her face.


Ok, what is The Soul Shack?

Tonya explains the Soul Shack is a space to feel safe, regroup, and recharge with like-minded people that want the same natural holistic health, meditation time, yoga sessions, and a juice bar. Don’t call it a “She-Shed”, because Tonya built this little gem in her backyard long before “She-Sheds” became a thing on Pinterest. With a nod to the well-known book “The Shack” by William P. Young, Tonya says this space is simply a place for women to go to renew their souls.

The Soul Shack – yes, it’s a real place!

Tonya is committed to helping women find their voice, speak their truth, and raise their vibration to become the best version of themselves.  Her passion is to help women uncover and discover their higher selves.  Tonya explains…”God doesn’t make junk, he has a plan and we may not get to know what it is, YOU are his plan” and her mission and purpose are to ensure you know it. 

Tonya is the mother of three amazing children and a wife to her best friend and true soulmate. She is a master esthetician and future Ayurveda Practitioner & Yoga Instructor.  It was through meditation that she connected to her higher self and found her purpose and calling in life.  Recovery and Reawakening play a huge role in her life and she applies the lessons learned to her practice daily.  

You can find Soul Shack Sisters Podcast on Spotify

Sober Spotlight Q&A with Tonya

SC: What’s your favorite alcohol-free bevie of choice?

Tonya: Cucumber lime mint NO-jito

SC: What’s your fav #QUITLIT book?

Tonya: the Little Red Book, Living Sober, anything from Dr. Wayne Dyer, Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis, and anything and everything by Brene Brown

SC: Who’s your favorite music group/band?

Tonya: NKOTB she exclaims! Fun fact: Tonya was the President of the New Kids on the Block Fan Club. When they came into town 4-5 years ago (before she was sober) she purchased VIP backstage passes, VIP seats, and a meet & greet with Jordan Knight only to get too shit-faced and miss the entire thing!

(Raise your hand if you can relate! We see you!)

SC: Was it hard going public with your recovery and sobriety?

Tonya: Going public was REALLY hard. Looking back now I laugh. Once you rip the band-aid off, it takes so much pressure off, and no longer live in fear of being caught or discovered. You can truly be your authentic self.

I’ve been in residential property management for over 20 years and I had serious fears of losing a good reputation. But once I got it out, I didn’t care who knew anymore. To be honest, it was the most freeing thing I’ve ever done. I was pleasantly surprised at how many people came out to be supportive. I heard of a lot of “me too’s” and “maybe me too’s”.

It was no longer about me, it was something bigger, I was helping people. “Just do it” is Tonya’s advice. Once you take back your power and your story and live it out loud, it no longer has power over you. The lies, the mistakes, the resentments, all of it was gone.

SC: Are you open about your sobriety in your professional life?

Tonya: Yes! I told my boss and the company I work for was very supportive. I’ve had more promotions since I got sober. People trust me and rely on me for big projects with big properties.

SC: What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?

Tonya: Getting into bed too early, eating chocolate, watching dumb movies with my hubby. Being lazy is such a guilty pleasure, I just love it. (probably because she’s very rarely “lazy”)

SC: Who do you idolize?

Tonya: That’s easy. Gabby Berstein She’s got recovery, books, a speaking career, and an app! She’s like my spirit animal.

SC: What’s something that has transformed your life?

Tonya: The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. It’s been transformational for me. It’s easy to apply to my daily life.

SC: The New Year is right around the corner. How are you preparing for it?

Tonya: I did Rachel Hollis 90-day Challenge last year leading into 2020. It really laid the foundation for when 2020 went to shit. This year hasn’t been perfect, but I have done everything I told myself I wanted to do. I’m excited to see what’s next!

SC: What’s something that used to annoy you that you now embrace?

Tonya: The saying “One day at a time” was so annoying to me. But as I learned to raise my own vibration, found my voice to speak my truth, and realized I am worth my space, I’ve now embraced it as my daily mantra. Each day I ask myself, “What is one thing I can do today to make a difference?”

As we closed our conversation with Tonya, it became clear she can’t wait to see what happens next in her life. We’re pretty excited to see what she’ll do next too.

Do you want to be featured in our Sober Spotlight? This section of our site highlights extraordinary people in recovery. Sober small business owners doin’ their thing gives us all the feels. We also spotlight brands that cater to sober living and give back to recovery.

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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