SOBER SPOTLIGHT: Sarah Alaimo, Career Happiness Coach, Author of Pearls & Probation – Adventures of an Alcoholic Good Girl and The X Factor

Sarah Alaimo is a Career Happiness Coach, Healthcare Recruiter, Addiction Recovery Advocate, and Published Author. She’s also a Southern California native who is massively deprived of sunshine due to living in the Pacific Northwest. Sarah loves her black Pomeranian, Baron Von Pom, ice cream, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim baseball team, travel adventures, and her husband John. While she would love to say that she’s learned moderation since getting sober in 2015, the fact that she listed ice cream before her husband really says it all. Don’t let this pretty face fool you, this sober gal has a heart of gold, has earned her chair in recovery, and is a sober force to be reckoned with!

 Sober Spotlight Q&A with Sarah Alaimo:

What’s your Sobriety Date?

August 23rd, 2015

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage of Choice?

Diet Coke!!! (Sarah answered this question quickly and with much enthusiasm. It’s worth noting at this point I knew Sarah and I were destined to become new sober besties.)

What’s your favorite #QUITLIT Book?

I absolutely love Girl Walks Out of a Bar by Lisa Smith. There were so many similarities in her story to my own. When I saw her book on a shelf in a regular store, I couldn’t believe people actually talk about this stuff, let alone wrote about it, so publically. I’m also a huge fan of Elizabeth Vargas book, Between Breaths: A Memoir of Panic and Addiction. She wrote her book at two years sober, which gave me hope in early sobriety that I could get my life together without waiting for 30 years. That’s such an important message to have out there because early recovery feels like it takes forever.

Click here to read our review and interview with Lisa Smith, Author of Girls Walks Out of a Bar

What advice do you have for someone new to recovery?

Embrace the fellowship of the recovery community! The more you lean into all of the different people and their different stories, you will learn so much more, so much sooner. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you listen for the similarities instead of the differences.

How does your recovery benefit your career?

I’m a Career Happiness Coach. However, I would never have found career happiness without getting sober. I never dreamed I’d be a published author or that I would be coaching women on how to find the career of their dreams. The ultimate form of happiness is being of service to others. I’ve been in the recruitment space for over 15+ years. That said, the last 5+ years have been the most fulfilling.

How has recovery impacted your family life?

Oh my goodness! In so many ways! I have an amazing relationship with my sister that I would not have if I hadn’t made it into recovery. The biggest impact was meeting my husband at a 12-Step retreat in Mexico. One day we were chatting on the beach and the next night we sat next to each other at the speaker’s meeting. We’ve been together ever since.

Let’s talk selfie-care. What do you do to take time for yourself?

My dog Baron Von Pom is my baby. I love taking him for long walks around the lake. I also love reality TV, my Peleton, and baking banana bread and cookies.

Any guilty pleasures?

Hello! Reality TV! I actually tried out TWICE to be on The Bachelor. I guess they thought I was too sane?! LOL

Going public with your recovery can be intimidating. What tips or benefits do you have to share?

Early on, I was not comfortable sharing my recovery in any professional setting. However, I had an amazing boss who was also in recovery and he was incredibly supportive (and protective). Over time, as I got more comfortable with my newly sober self, I learned it was OK to share what and when I was comfortable. Anytime I felt pressure, I’d just put on my HR hat to navigate through the situation. Things happen before getting sober you know. DUIS, spotty work history, etc.

Someone from my past sent me a message after learning I was in recovery. This person was also in recovery, although I had no idea she was struggling too. I was amazed to receive the message because we weren’t that close. Recovery has a way of pulling people together in unexpected ways.

If you could go backward and give your newly sober self some advice, what would it be?

Ladies listen up! There is seriously something to the “suggestion” of not dating for the first year.

Do you have a favorite nonprofit that you support?

Peer Seattle. Their purpose is to provide peer emotional support and development services to Washington state residents impacted by temporary or chronic addiction, mental health, and/or HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Sober Pop Culture with Sarah Alaimo:

Do you have a favorite Sober Celeb?

Dax Shepard. His podcast, Armchair Expert, is one of my favorites. In fact, it was because of his podcast that my sister was finally able to accept my amends. In his very 1st episode, with his wife Kristen Bell, he breaks down the 12 steps.

What’s on your playlist right now?

I love country music! Blake Shelton, Keith Urban, and Tim McGraw. All of the other music on my playlist is from either my husband or my sister. (Techno for the hubs!)

What’s on your TV playlist?

I love Good Girls on NBC, 90 Day Fiance, and the new Cruella movie.

What’s your meditation practice like?

I pray all day to my higher power, who I call God. We have conversations throughout the day, many times these conversations are out loud. I also attend a church local to me and practice my faith through worship.

Favorite sober travel?

I took an amazing trip to South Africa with my sober bestie, but meeting my husband in Mexico was truly the best. We go back to the same conference annually each year to celebrate and rejuvenate.

Follow Along with Sarah Alaimo in all the digital spaces!

THE SOBER SPOTLIGHT: This section of our site highlights extraordinary people in recovery. Sober small business owners doin’ their thing gives us all the feels. Who is making a difference in your recovery community? If you know someone we should spotlight please connect with us at [email protected] or DM us on social media. 

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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