SOBER SPOTLIGHT: Lesley Klepac, Mother Of Four With 270K+ Followers & 4M+ Likes On TikTok, And Founder Of The Recovery Scene On YouTube

We are shining the Sober Spotlight on Lesley Klepac, Certified Recovery Coach, Wife, and Mother of four adorable kiddos ages 7 and 8. This Scottish Lassie will have you in stitches as she packs a powerful punch with her message of addiction, recovery, and hope. Lesley was very open with me about her Autism and living life on the spectrum as an addict. Sober since 2015, I was immediately charmed by her witty personality and brutally honest authenticity. In fact, I liked her so much I had to interview her twice!

Ok, the truth is my notes from our first interview were mysteriously corrupted, but secretly I really just wanted a chance to talk with her again. This sober gal has spunk! She didn’t skip a beat when I asked (with much embarrassment) for a 2nd interview. Why? Because Lesley is clearly a doer and doers are my kind of people. Lesley puts the “mox” in moxie and I for one am here for it.

Let’s get to know Lesley, aka @MamaK2_14

Let me set the stage for our 2nd interview. Lesley is wearing a thick, cream, fuzzy jacket, which she refers to fondly as her Llama Coat, as she’s locked in one of her bathrooms, the only place in the house she can get away from the kids for some privacy. She has four kids, Elora (named after her dad and their mutual love of The Princess Bride and Willow) who is age 8. Then she has triplets Dagny, Merida, and Alexander, triplets age 7. As a mother of one, I can not even imagine caring for that many little ones that are close in age.

When I asked Lesley what her sobriety date is, she laughed and said “Well, that changes.” I’m certain she could see the look of confusion on my face as she went into her story. She got sober on Super Bowl Sunday in 2015 and ever since then, she makes whatever day the Super Bowl ends up on her sobriety anniversary. My first thought was, ok why? Lesley was quick to explain. The church she attends throws a huge ass Super Bowl party every year. While Lesley enjoys football, she enjoys the party more. So ever since then, she likes to pretend the church is just throwing her a big old celebration with amazing food to celebrate her sobriety. This is the exact moment when I knew Lesley and I were going to be friends.

Levels of Sobriety According to Lesley

As we were chatting about our lengths of sobriety time, Lesley explained to me how to tell a persons “sobriety time” in Star Wars terms. (And this was the moment I realized Lesley and I would probably become best friends)

  • 0 – 5 years of consistent sobriety: Padawan, a Padawan is a learner or apprentice. The term can refer specifically to a Jedi apprentice within the Star Wars universe. It can also be used more generally to refer to a trainee, a beginner, or an inexperienced person.

  • 5 – 10 years of consistent sobriety: Jedi, a person who has an unexplainable power over people or things, or who seems to enjoy unusual luck and positive outcomes, as if able to exert the power of the Force to mystically influence the universe.

  • 10 – 20 years of consistent sobriety: Jedi Master, a rank in the Jedi Order given to powerful Jedi, many of whom were leaders within the Order. 

  • 20+ years of consistent sobriety: Jedi High Council is a fictional institution from the Star Wars film series. The Jedi Council are the strongest members of the Jedi Order and are elected to lead the Jedi.

SOBER CURATOR PRO TIP: Be on the lookout for our May the 4th be with you collab with Lesley! There will be lightsabers involved!

1st Responders of Addiction

Lesley considers all of us in recovery as the “1st Responders of Addiction”. We are the ones on the front lines and we have a responsibility to share our stories so that those suffering in silence will know they are not alone. She shares her story so openly and so honestly for two main reasons: as a warning and to give hope, showing that redemption is possible. For those that have not fallen down as deeply as many of us did, sharing our stories publicly may help someone stop sooner than they might have on their own.

Sober Spotlight Q&A with Lesley Klepac

Favorite Alcohol-Free Beverage of Choice: Hot, black tea. No-fuss, no muss.

Favorite QuitLit Book: I can’t say that I have just one favorite recovery book. I’m currently reading Kevin Parker’s new book Winning Against All Odds, Discovering the True Warrior Within. I’m on Chapter 5 and I just can’t get enough. If only there were more hours in the day to fit in all of the content. I also love You are a Bad Ass by Jen Sincero and Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. I also really like I Married a Junkie by Dr. Cali Estes.

When I asked Lesley if she dreams of writing a book one day, it was easy to see a smile spread across her face. She dreams of writing a collection of short stories about living life on the autism spectrum as a child born in the 70s. She knows she’s quirky and she wears it like a badge of honor. (as she should) I can only imagine the hilarious stories about how she tried to treat her autism with all of the drugs and alcohol she consumed.

Practicing Self-Care: I fit it in where I can. If I can’t make the time, I will steal it. Silent time, me time, just staring into space is a form of meditation for me. When I’m driving somewhere (alone) I love to turn on a podcast and just get lost listening to the stories. You’ve got to snatch that self-care time when you can, there is no such thing as “I don’t have time”. We are all given 24 hours a day, it’s your choice how to use those hours.

Podcast Loves: I am such a fangirl of Rachel Hollis. I will listen to anything she publishes in Audio Books. True crime is my jam. True Crime Daily is one of my current favs and my all-time favorite is This American Life. 

Where can we find your podcast? I started The Recovery Scene in 2020 with my first interview in November with Kevin Parker.

Recovering Out Loud

Tips on Going Public with Recovery: The way you react is how people will react to you. Lesley then went on to give me an example of a young couple that has just found out they are pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy. If they go to their friends and family excited, shouting from the rooftops “We’re going to be parents!”, most people in their life will be supportive. If this same couple goes to their friends and family with the same news but delivered in a way of uncertainty and worry, the people in their life will respond accordingly.

Just talk openly and positively. I bring it up frequently in bible study and then throw my hand up in the air for a high five. How you present information is how a majority (of course not all) of the people will react. I also really like to use the word “remission”. People celebrate when someone is in remission from cancer. It’s really not that different.

Giving Your Newly Sober Self Advice

When I asked Lesley what one piece of advice she would go back and give her newly sober self, she was quick to answer. “Do all the things”. Don’t let fear get in the way. Fear of change will only keep you from doing life-changing things. When you conquer those fears, you’ll realize there was nothing to fear in the first place. Be like Nike. Just Do It.

Giving Back

Favorite Non-Profit: The Alzheimer’s Association, I lost my father to this disease. People have asked me if it’s harder to lose a loved one suddenly without notice or with a long, drawn-out process. I lost my father five years before I really lost my father. Expecting his death and being ready for his death were two very different things. He was a good man. A good soul, and 12 years older than my mother.

Sober Curator Fun Fact: Lesley has been a sign language interpreter for over 20 years and she’s been signing her entire life. What an incredible way to be of service to others!

Sober Pop Culture Round

Guilty Pleasure: I love to binge-watch TV series, episode after episode after episode. Sometimes I even FaceTime with my bestie and we binge a show together. My favorites are Supernatural and the Golden Girls.

Sober Curator Fun Fact: Lesley dreams of living on a farm. They currently have 16 chickens and 1 Rooster at their home, which is located at the end of a cul-de-sac. She says her neighbors “love them” with a giggle. The Rooster is named King Julian from the movie Madagascar. She even named some of the chickens after the Golden Girls: Dorothy, Sophia, Rose, and sadly Blanch died. Their chickens are like their pets. They lay lots (and lots) of eggs and they give them away for free. They also are growing all kinds of produce in their backyard, including apple trees, peaches, blueberries, grapes, pomegranate, and one pineapple. Plus, they have a veggie garden!

Favorite Music: I listen to everything from Anthrax to Elton John. If it’s catchy, you will find me dancing along to the beat. I even get down to the country music at the Cracker Barrel, where I work one day per week just so I can get the discount.

What is Cracker Barrel? Cracker Barrel Old Country Store offers a friendly home-away-from-home experience in its stores and restaurants. Guests are cared for like family and enjoy home-style food and unique shopping – all at a fair price. I love the gift shop!!!!!! Right now they have an awesome nautical theme going and I really think I might need a lighthouse lamp. And just like that, my love for my newfound friend Lesley was solidified by her enthusiasm for #ADDTOCART

Keep checking back for updates!

By the end of our 2nd interview, I knew I had made a new sober friend in Lesley. I’m also pleased to announce that Lesley will be joining our ever-growing Sober Curator coalition? squad? sober army? Whatever this fast-moving sober train ride is, I know I want Lesley along for it as we collectively rise together to help smash the stigma surrounding addiction. One thing is for certain, we may be sober but we are most certainly not boring!


the sober curator is for people in recovery
Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.