SOBER SPOTLIGHT: A Casual Conversation With Ronny Morales “#wesobernow” Of Phoenix, Arizona On Getting Sober & Staying Sober On TikTok, He’s 1 In 7 Million!

Today we are shining a Sober Spotlight on Ronny Morales of Phoenix, Arizona on getting sober and staying sober on TikTok. A few weeks back at the start of the New Year, I had the opportunity to sit down for an hour with Ronny via Zoom and get to know the person behind all of the TikTok dances. (and let me assure you he’s got moves!)

Ronny’s sobriety date is September 30th, 2019. I was immediately charmed by how nervous Ronny was to be interviewed. Of course there was no need to be nervous, I reassured him. We’re just two recovered addicts getting to know each other. It was easy to see through his soft spoken mannerisms to the soul of the survivor that is living and breathing and fighting everyday for his recovery. He talked about how much addiction has opened his eyes.

We also immediately hit it off with our shared loved of media, journalism, and a deep appreciation for the arts. I explained to Ronny why we do the Sober Spotlight. This section of our site, which is in it’s infancy stage, highlights the stories of extraordinary people in recovery. It’s our goal to shine a light on all walks of sobriety and share the stories of the survivors that get up every day and fight for their right to party (sober).

Sober Spotlight Q&A with Ronny Morales

AB: Ok Ronny, I gotta know – what is your favorite go-to beverage of choice?

Ronny: Quickly exclaimed he’s a Bubbly’s fan and that BANG energy drinks are his jam

AB: I can see you have a lot of admirers on TikTok – what’s an account that you really admire?

Ronny: I really admire @RecoveryMike on TikTok. I heard him share and his story was so inspiring. He is someone who is so real and genuine via video. Not only that, he goes out of his way to be of service. I love how robust he is with his recovery.

AB: When did you join TikTok?

Ronny: I did only one video before getting sober. In November 2019 is when I started getting my dancing videos on TikTok. That was it, just doing the dances.

Ronny went on to tell me the story…then one day out of the blue he posted about sobriety and people started engaging with it. Ronny shared that being public about his recovery helps him with accountability. Something he didn’t have before the other times he’s tried to get sober.

AB: Tell me a little bit more about your recovery

Ronny: During some earlier attempts at getting sober, I acted like I was Super Recovery Man. (We both LOL’D pretty hard when he shared this story) I wore my proud time chips around my neck with pride. He went on to talk about how his relapses knocked him down, to places even lower than he’d ever hit before. Working a recovery program ruined my attempts to get drunk and use. I was chasing a high I could never get back to. I’ve made so many friends on TikTok now, I don’t want to let anyone down.

I could see in Ronny’s eyes he doesn’t want to let himself down either. He makes no claims on being a sobriety guru. He was quick to point out he’s doing this thing one day at a time. His passion for his recovery is palpable.

Ok Super Sober Man, let’s talk recovery and more social media

AB: Tell me something you do for yourself in your recovery

Ronny: I make a video diary every day. Sometimes I share them, many times I don’t. It’s really for me and a way to express myself. I love to create content that entertains as well as carry the message that we do recover.

AB: What do you like about TikTok and Instagram?

Ronny: One of the accounts on Instagram I follow that I really like is @Sobrennity who posts little motivational quotes. Seeing quotes like that throughout my day really helps. I always seem to see something that I really need to hear at exactly the right time I need to hear it. TikTok is so fun and welcoming and so family oriented. Everyone wants the best for each other. Someone can post their first video and everyone goes to support. It’s pretty cool.

When did you go viral?

AB: When did you go viral? (Then I asked him if that’s still what the kids were calling it these days, #oldtimer alert!)

Ronny: I was at the gym and did a sober talk with a rapper in the back that was ‘don’t mind me just watchin’ (that was his addiction). It showed how is addiction was doing push ups. It got 30K views and happened very close to his 1 year anniversary. He then decided to do a daily count down to one year and that is when his following really stepped up. Ronny danced right into his one year sober celebration in front of thousands (and thousands) of strangers on TikTok.

AB: Do you plan or strategize your posts ahead of time? (Ronny started laughing at me pretty hard)

Ronny: I do not plan anything. I just goes for it. Quick and impulsive is how I roll. Sometimes I see something else that is trending and I just jump on the Sober TikTok Bandwagon. I’ve even gotten up in the middle of the night if I have an idea I can’t get out of my head.

Ronny continued to gush about all of the amazing friends he’s made. They go to zoom meetings together. He talked about how he thought being an addict was a curse, only to realize it’s actually the biggest blessing in his life. He’s got friends all over the country (shout out to Maryland!), Canada, and the UK.

Let’s talk selfie care

AB: Talk to me about how you practice self care

Ronny: I find making TikToks very therapeutic. Especially with my journalism and theater background. It’s easy to get lost in it and just have fun. He goes to one in person meeting a week for in person connection. Lots of SLEEP. And comfort food – Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is his fast food drug of choice.

AB: Can you share some tips for our readers on going public with sobriety?

Ronny: Make sure to know not everyone is going to like you, you will get trolls, and while you do this make sure to stay connected with someone else doing content to bounce things off of – just shake it off – have fun with it

AB: Ok Ronny, what’s one piece of advice you would give to your newly sober self if you could?

Ronny: Baby, do the steps. Go thru your steps. Please know to do your best and stay in the moment. Stop overthinking. Don’t think to much. Stop always thinking of the worst and practice staying in the moment. One day at a time.

AB: Share something cool that’s happened as a result of your sobriety (Please note it was THIS next answer that made me fall madly and deeply in sober friendship love with Ronny)

Ronny: I am so happy that my mom can leave her purse in the kitchen out in the open and trust that I’m not going to steal from her anymore. MIC DROP. She knows he’s ok now. And he knows that she knows that he’s good.

(I’m not crying, you’re crying)

AB: What’s a nonprofit organization that is important to you?


Hit me with some Sober Pop! (sober pop culture that is)

Because at The Sober Curator we love all things lifestyle and sober pop culture, I had to close out our interview with a few questions that I need to know about all of my friends. And Ronny is 100% my sober friend now.

AB: Who’s your favorite Sober Celeb?

Ronny: That’s easy. Demi Lovato. She’s just so incredible!

AB: Ok my next question is who is your favorite Sober Musician and you can’t say Demi Lovato again.

Ronny: Ciara. She’s my everything. She never gives up and she just keeps going.

AB: Hit me with a show you couldn’t stop binge watching

Ronny: Nurse Jackie. I binged that show when I was going through withdrawals. It helped me stay sober because I would see some the scenes and I would know that feeling and didn’t want to go thru that again. Watching her portrayed working and getting high, along with the lying and manipulation, was just too close to home.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: The Sober Curator follows @ronnymorales. Be like The Sober Curator

We first featured Ronny in our recent TikTok Recovery Warriors post that listed the 29 Sober TikTok accounts. What caught our attention about Ronny is his authenticity, honesty, and humor.

Sober Spotlight – are you next? Do you have someone you want to nominate?

We love to shine a light on all of the good things that come from choosing a sober lifestyle. Check out these other Sober Spotlights here. Email us at [email protected] or DM us on social media if you or someone you know would like to be considered.

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