Sober Horoscopes by Daniel G Garza, AKA The Card Divo, For the Week of January 2nd

Curious about the week ahead of you? In less than a minute, Sober Curator Daniel G Garza, aka The Card Divo, will tell you what’s in store according to your Zodiac sign. Sober Curator Bonus! Daniel provides this enlightening and speedy info in both English and Spanish!

Horoscopes Week of January 2nd


Capricorn – Wait for the miracles 

Aquarius – Keep your serenity 

Pisces – What is your life purpose 

Aries – Time to heal 

Taurus – Memories haunting you 

Gemini – Why do you keep love away   

Cancer – Stop obsessing on your body 

Leo – Seek the joy 

Virgo – Give yourself compassion 

Libra – Make the connections 

Scorpio – You’ll need to adapt 

Sagittarius – Connect to your Higher Power 

For private sessions email [email protected] 

Horóscopos Semana del 2 de enero del 2023 


Capricornio – Espera el milagro 

Acuario – Busca la serenidad 

Piscis – Cual es tu propósito en la vida 

Aries – Tiempo de sanar 

Tauro – Las memorias te persiguen 

Géminis – Porque le corres al amor 

Cáncer – No te obsesiones con el amor 

Leo – Busca la felicidad 

Virgo – Ten compasión contigo 

Libra – Haz conexiones  

Escorpio – Adáptate 

Sagitario – Busca el ser de Mayor Potencia 

Para sesiones privadas manda correo a [email protected] 

SOBERCAST WITH SIX: Happy New Year, Sober Warriors!! Click HERE for your soberscopes for January 2023.


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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