Sober Carpenter Takes The Wheat Side of Their White Ale & Goes to Town When It Hits Your Lips

Whether you’re a logger or a flogger, you have likely seen Sober Carpenter in the wild. We’ve tried their Uber Hopped IPA, but we’re moving on to what’s next. Sober Carpenter comes from Canada to the U.S. by way of Vermont, to your local store by truck, and to your house via a 2007 Volkswagen Golf. Let’s open the fridge, grab a can and try it out, you hosers!

This week we are drinking White by Sober Carpenter. Why white? Is it racist? No, it’s a white ale! First, as usual, we must address the awesomeness of a 16oz can for my 16oz hands. I love me a big can—wink wink. As we have learned in the past, certain expectations come with a White ale, and Sober Carpenter makes a lot of promises on their can regarding those expectations, specifically noting the coriander and orange peel you’re likely going to taste. Let us also raise a glass to Sober Carpenter for the IBU count displayed on the can. Thanks, guys!

How Does It Pour?

When you crack the can and begin your pour, the first scent that hits your snout tubes is the coriander that Sober Carpenter promised. This is pretty standard in White Ales, and the real deciding factor is whether or not it’s overpowering. As far as just the aroma, it’s pretty much all you smell. We’ll be looking for that citrus sweetness and roasty malt flavor to balance it out. The beer pours a pale yellow, cloudy, with a thin, white head—all very standard fare for a White Ale.

How Does It Taste?

Sober Carpenter takes the wheat side of their white ale and goes to town when it hits your lips. Unlike expectations from the aroma, the overpowering flavor is orange. Instead of a full white ale flavor profile, it’s more like a watered-down Blue Moon with a generous-sized orange slice squeezed into it. The mouthfeel is light, and the beer is very drinkable.

Untappd gives this White Ale by Sober Carpenter a 2.7 out of 5. This seems about right. It’s not bad, but it’s not great, and when you are measuring up this beer to the awesome variety of greatness out there, it comes off as a little bland. I like Canada, though. Where are my Lorne Michaels fans at? Will Arnett? Johnny Two-Tone and the Baguettes?

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

HAPPY EVERY HOUR: Sober Curator Justin Lamb is dedicated to tasting great (and sometimes not so great) NA beers and showcasing his amazing collection of memorabilia from the ’90s.

RECOVERY PODCASTLANDWant more Justin in your life? We don’t blame you! Check out his podcast Friend Request Justin has in-depth interviews with people he follows on social media, as well as his own social media followers. Friend Request dives deeper than the likes and comments. With each episode, Justin tries to create a more meaningful conversation about each individual he’s connected with. Justin ties each interview together with the commonalities and struggles that not only are extremely relatable but also fall across the entire spectrum of the human experience.

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