Sober Biz Babe Breaks Down The Four-Step Process To Launch Your Idea

This article will offer helpful information to take your business from idea to reality through an easy four-step process that I learned while working on my business coaching certification. I use this process with my clients because it has given me incredible results in my own business. By the end of this process, you will not only have clarity and an idea of the following steps to take, but you will also have the beginnings of an epic business plan.

Hey Sober Entrepreneur!

My name is Brooke Robichaud; I am a certified entrepreneurial business coach with a graphic and web design background. Helping sober entrepreneurs launch their online businesses and feel confident building their empires is my jam! I do this through web design and brand coaching. I am beyond excited to be sharing everything I have learned over the years as a serial entrepreneur in recovery with The Sober Curator Community.

Four things I know to be true as a sober business owner

  • You can’t get where you want to go unless you know where you want to go.

  • Being in a community with other sober business owners is way better than navigating this thing alone.

  • We don’t know what we don’t know. This makes getting outside eyes on our business ideas extremely valuable.

  • Here is another truth: If you don’t take the time to turn your great business ideas into actionable steps, all you have is a good idea. The problem with good ideas is that if you don’t use them, someone else will. Have you ever had a brilliant idea that you didn’t act on to see someone else executing it two months later? You are not alone.

Ideas are energy, and they want to manifest; if you’re not going to breathe life into them, they move on to someone who will. Goal setting is the first step in allowing that energy to become something real. Through this article, I will give you solutions and tools that will help you address all three of these truths and get you on your way to building your thriving biz!

What is this simple four-step process, and why is it so important?

Do you run your business, or does it feel like your business is running you? Taking time to work on a big picture plan for your business will help you feel more confident about where you are going. This plan can be the difference between creating the life of your dreams and spinning your wheels running on empty, always playing catch up.

  • IDEA: Write your vision in as much detail as possible. There is no wrong way to do this. Make sure it makes sense to you. After you have written out your idea, take five mins to brain dump how your business will serve your clients and community. DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF! Just write and let it flow. Set another five minute timer and write out every way you can monetize your business; again, do not judge what you are writing. This is all about getting out ideas that are out of the box. One more time, set a five minute timer and write out every question you may need to ask when researching your business. This may include, “Who are my competitors?” “What are other similar businesses charging?” “Who is my target demographic and where do I find them?”

  • BRAINSTORM: Find a group of SUPPORTIVE people, preferably other entrepreneurs, that can go through your brain dump and help offer some solutions and outside perspectives to your business idea. Take every idea without judgment; you will take time, in the end, to decide what ideas to take action on. Again, we are looking for out-of-the-box ideas and thinking. This should feel a bit uncomfortable; if it doesn’t, you are still in the box.

  • RESEARCH: Take all of the questions from your brain dump, brainstorm, and start your research. Google, YouTube, social media, and sites like Answer The Public are going to be tremendous resources for you now. Research is probably the most skipped step when launching a new business or project. Most people do not take the time to get a good idea of the market they are entering. This is a huge missed opportunity for those people. Research is the most valuable part of this process. Through research, you will be saving you and your clients a ton of time and money because you will know exactly what to offer them. Instead of constantly reinventing the wheel, you will have excellent knowledge of what is already working in your industry, which will give you a head start. For a more in-depth discussion on researching your business check out this episode of The Sober Biz Babe Podcast.

  • ACT: This is where we start the goal-setting process. It’s time to develop a plan that will take you from idea to reality. My favourite (not a spelling mistake, I am Canadian) way to set goals from my biz is to reverse engineer. This means taking that big, scary, amazing vision for your business and working your way backward until you get to the next step in front of you. I seem to do well working one step at a time. Go figure?!?!

  • GOALS SETTING = Tons of Action + Measurable Results + The Ability to Scale. I have put out an entire episode on how todo this on The Sober Biz Babe Podcast.

This process can help you save THOUSANDS of dollars as a business owner; it can help you KNOW instead of HOPE that what you are creating can be a sustainable and profitable venture. And, it can help you create a better work-life balance, so you are not needlessly spending hours away from your recovery and your life because your business is running you instead of the other way around.

Expect another post from me here next month. In the meantime, feel free to follow along with me in all of the digital and social spaces!

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.