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  • Ring In The New Year In Our 1st Annual “Sobercast With Six” Astrological Forecast Predictions For 2021 Ay Analisa Six, Broken Out Each Month With A Sober Twist

Ring In The New Year In Our 1st Annual “Sobercast With Six” Astrological Forecast Predictions For 2021 Ay Analisa Six, Broken Out Each Month With A Sober Twist

“Sobercast with Six” brings you our 1st Annual Sober Astrological Forecast Predictions for 2021 by Analisa Six, our resident Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader. Broken out each month with a sober twist, this forecast has been curated just for those living an alcohol-free & drug-free lifestyle.

Happy New Year Sober warriors! 

Wow, 2020 is over. We aren’t out of the pandemic woods yet. As much as I want to feel a relief, cosmically we are only embarking upon the beginning of a very large shift for humanity.

You might be thinking …what the point is to understanding an entire year’s worth of astrology prior to events happening? Good question!

Need a good example? Think about the year we all just lived through. If you followed astrology prior to 2020, you were probably aware that astrologers for the last few years have been discussing what is known as the “Saturn-Pluto conjunction” and “Saturn-Jupiter conjunction” of 2020.

As astrologers, and astrology followers, we knew 2020 was going to be a significant year because both of these transits, which do not happen too often, were occurring in 2020.

While 2021 may not have these particular frequencies of energy, there is always a lot to dissect when it comes to observing the sky from an astrological lens. 

Joshua trees in Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California during the summer. Basically Analisa’s backyard

Get a reading or have your charts read

This is a general interpretation of the years transits in review and how it influences us on a collective level. To understand more of how these transits will affect you on an individual level, I recommend you have a reading with a professional astrologer. (Like me! You can DM me on Instagram at @Analisa.Six or email me directly at [email protected])

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

“Analisa read my star charts based on my birthday, time of birth, and geological birth location. I was fascinated to see in my chart around my sobriety birthday. It was well worth the time and investment to reaffirm things I knew to be true and to help keep an open mind as I move forward on exciting possibilities.”

— Alysse B.

2021 in review

People who have the fixed signs as their dominant placements will experience the most challenges this year. Those are the signs of Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo. If you have your top 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising,) or a lot of planets in any of these signs, you will experience the most challenging aspects throughout the year. 

Air signs such as Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini will experience an accelerated amount of positive growth.

Mutable signs such as Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius may feel confusion about what direction to go in life. 

Our Cardinal signs such as Capricorn, Aries, Libra, and Cancer will feel things calm down a tad bit compared to the lessons of 2020.

Mindfulness will be key this entire year.

January begs for structure

This will not be an easy month. That said, there are a lot of opportunities for us to have success with laying foundations for goals or intentions we set around our material well being. It is positive for us to focus on our health, financial stability, as well as daily structures and routines.

Mars in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn help to create a sense of stability when it comes to our goals. By the end of the month we have Mercury stationing retrograde and Uranus stationing direct which may have us feeling a bit ungrounded.

Sober Curator Pro Tips:

We know recovery from alcohol and drugs is not easy. Whether you are just starting out or you’ve been doing this deal for awhile now, DRY January is a great month to start a new year off with a clean slate and good intentions. Need to keep your palate wet? Check out these great recipes and product reviews in our Happy Every Hour section. Our glass is always half full, there’s just no booze in it.

When things start to feel rocky, pick up the tools you have collected in your recovery, whatever they may be, and lean into them hard. Phone a friend, go for a walk, listen to a recovery podcast, eat clean and healthy foods that make you feel good, meditate, drink lots and lots of water. Check out tips from @Nikithewellnesswarrior in our Enough is a Feast section or short meditations from The Daily Llama.

When all else fails, find someone else who needs help. It’s incredibly hard to feel sorry for yourself while you are being helpful to someone else. Need inspiration? Here are some awesome nonprofits in our Pay it Forward section.

February says “read between the lines, don’t sign anything!

February starts off a bit rocky with Mercury retrograde until February 21st, however we have some transits that lend towards a feeling of optimism with any projects that have been in the making. The month ends on a better note when our Sun enters Pisces and we experience some harmonious creative energy as we head into March.

Sober Curator Pro Tips:

Still in a state of quarantine at home? We’ve got ways to keep you entertained. Feeling creative? Make something with your hands. Check out our Curated Crafts section for inspirations. Is being lazy more your jam? We’re here for that too! Check out our Entertainment section for great podcasts recommendations, movie and TV show reviews, and music we just keep playing again and again. Quitlit reading more your style? We’ve got you boo.


March asks us to work on communication around what we want

Astrologically, March has its own challenges, but overall is the only retrograde free month. This month has great energy for moving forward in areas that we may have felt stifled in over previous  months.

While most of us should feel more momentum in March, tension and challenges when it comes to communication with others is a hurdle that we will be facing off and on.  March is an “action” month and we can utilize the energy to get things started.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

Looking to get your body into action? Check out this write up we did on The Phoenix, a national organization with a new approach to recovery. They offer free virtual classes!


April wants frugality

April is a mixed bag as we have just as many positive transits as we do challenging ones. Overall, April should be an incredibly productive month for most, but again, we do well practicing mindfulness with communication especially in regards to how we assert ourselves with others.

It isn’t wise for us to be taking risks when it comes to financial matters this month. We need to play it safe with money as there is a lot of potential for unexpected changes to our plans to take place in regard to finances and work.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

It’s ok to check out our #ADDTOCART section of awesome recovery swag and merch. We recommend you make a list of your favorite finds and save them for later. People always want gift ideas for birthdays, holidays, and special celebrations like proud time.


recovery newsletter
Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

May calls for simplification

With Venus and Mercury both entering Gemini this month, and our first eclipse of the year, we may question our perceptions and views of the world on both a deep and mundane level. There will be conflict in communication with others who share differing beliefs. We could see a large lack of discernment in others, as well as ourselves.

It is key that we find productive ways to stay grounded in what is factual, rather than getting caught up in beliefs that have no real factual evidence substantiating the claims.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

Check out our Spiritual Gangster section, where you will find additional posts from Sobercast with Six, weekday meditations from The Daily Llama, and a variety of Spiritual musings from Altar & Ego.

June calls for self-care

We may have been focused predominantly on the world around us in May. Come June, we are exhausted with the theater of it all. Most of us may be feeling emotional burnout and a need for some serious self care. We also may feel sensitive about what we share and who we share it with.

Additionally, there may be a desire to be validated with accolades, or find easy and fast ways for instant gratification. We need to find ways to work in some self love, and not have too many expectations from others when it comes to filling our own cup.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

Reminder, our glasses are always full, there’s just no booze in it! First things first. Easy does it. As always, we must put our recovery first. Anything else that you put in front of it, you will likely loose.

July demands a bite of humble pie

We have a lot of hard aspects in July that could have us kicking and screaming for validation. Especially true if we are feeling neglected by loved ones and family members. Many of the lessons we will be experiencing with the transits of July.

These will revolve around setting healthy boundaries, knowing how to tell people what we need, and learning how to give ourselves the love and attention we often seek from others. Healing resentments with friends and family members and finding healthier ways to communicate our needs will be a central theme.

August asks you to choose your battles wisely

August is one of the most challenging months of the year when it comes to communication and self expression. What was not accomplished in June and July will begin to dominate our mental space.

This will be a make or break month for many when it comes to patterns or dynamics that do not align with the way the self wants to be expressed. Anything that feels stifling will be unbearable. Big shifts and changes will begin to take foot this month for many of us.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

If 12-Step is your thing, we recommend you call your sponsor a lot. Not into church basements? That’s ok, just connect with people you trust and talk to them about what’s going on. You don’t have to work through all of this stuff alone. Secrets keep us sick.

Feel the need to get connected?

There’s a cool social platform called YANA, which stands for You Are Not Alone. YANA is an online community that makes finding a path to healthy living easy to start, simple to understand, and with recovery on your terms. Check out our review of it here.

September says it’s ok to change your mind

The overall frequency of September could have us feeling indecisive and confused about what direction to take in our lives for the remainder of the year. If August was a make or break month for us, we may know what we want to do, but we may feel some self doubt with how to get to where it is we want to go. This is a great time for gathering more information about what it is you want, before acting on it.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

It’s National Recovery Month! We encourage you to get involved, make a difference, use your voice! Here is our curated list, Pay it Forward, of National and select city and regional nonprofits that are doing great things in the world of recovery and mental illness.

October pushes you to live in alignment with your higher self

We may begin to question our values and beliefs in October. An emphasis for equality and a unified vision of the future within your friend group or familial structure will feel important. This could be a month where we say good riddance to any relationship dynamics that are holding us back from who we want to become.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

Friendly reminder it’s Sober October all month long. Don’t be bashful sharing your stories on recovery. When we collectively recover out loud, we help others not have to die silently. There is power in numbers. Rise up recovery warriors! There is much work to be done.

November seeks to reconcile

November starts out with an air of tension and a demand for justice.

Whatever we went through in previous months is potentially at the end of being sorted out. By the end of November we should feel a release of some kind. Ready to let go of the tension or frustration we have been working through. We may find forgiveness in our hearts, whether it be towards ourselves or another. If we were confused in the autumn months, we begin to feel a stronger sense of practicality and discernment as we head into the winter.

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

Let’s not forget this is Gratitude month. We recommend listing 10 things every day, yes, every day, that you are thankful for. Here is our Gratitude post from November 2020 that provides great tips on practicing gratitude that can be used year round.

Journaling not your jam? That’s ok, there is a bazillion apps that you can download and make gratitude lists in. In fact, here’s an article we featured on 9 Sober Apps, many have the option to track your gratitude.

December gives a flare of optimism and hope

Personal values and belief systems will be a central theme for the start of the month, and we may find ourselves singing a different tune as the year ends. Things we once found solace in may no longer bring comfort, but there is still a note of optimism when it comes to the path that is opening up before us.

By the end of the year we will be interested in setting clear and practical goals that align us with progress in our material world.

2021 Major Themes

Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius

Aquarius is the fixed air sign in astrology ruling the 11th house which represents community, politics, friendship, groups and organizations.

With Aquarius being a main theme over the next year, these themes are highlighted in our collective dialog. 

Some things we will be focused on as a people:

  • Social and political reform, seeing a new vision for future generations

  • Technological advancements that change the way we relate as a people

  • People taking the power back into their own hands, more non-profit organizations and community driven outreach programs to help people devastated from 2020

Saturn will be in Aquarius for the next two years, while Jupiter dances back and forth between Pisces and Aquarius for all of 2021. 

Saturn in Aquarius has a frequency of energy focused on progress for the future. The old ways become obsolete, and it’s time to build new innovative technologies and structures.

Jupiter in Aquarius is a visionary and humanitarian placement. While Jupiter is in Aquarius the majority of 2021, we will experience it in the early degrees of Pisces mid May-July. Jupiter rules Pisces traditionally and helps us to feel empathy for the collective. We may feel a need for meaning and purpose that goes deeper than what we can make sense of. Finding faith outside of the self will be a central theme during this time. Collective healing is a central theme during these months.

Pluto in Capricorn & Uranus in Taurus

The theme here revolves around economic changes in relation to health care, housing, and capitalism. Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign of the zodiac ruling the 10th house of career in the chart.

Pluto is the planet that is tied to death, rebirth, sex, transformation, and power. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and has a frequency of transformation when it comes to power structures in our material world. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we experienced in the USA a huge economic crash. 

Uranus is the planet of sudden change. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2019 and will be in the sign of the bull until 2025.

Interesting Fact: 

The last time Uranus was in Taurus we experienced the Great Depression.

Taurus is the sign that represents material security and stability as well as our connection to the earth. Taurus is the fixed earth sign and rules the 2nd house in astrology which represents our values around money and how we create a strong foundation in our lives. Uranus in Taurus is shaking up the comfort zones and moving us into new territory over the next 5 years.

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

This square will be an energetic frequency we are under the influence of all year. Squares in astrology are considered “hard” aspects. They symbolize challenges, friction, and conflict that push us to grow with challenging lessons along the way. 

A major theme for this square between Saturn and Uranus will be discussing environmental issues and how the fast changes our world is under is impacting our communities. More protesting and demands for our government to serve the people and help with the loss/ damages from 2020 will most likely occur, as well as a need for people to pay attention to factual data regarding our financial structures, environmental sciences, and health care systems. 

Cryptocurrency will also be a major theme of 2021 with Saturn in Aquarius making a square to Uranus in Taurus. Aquarius represents technological and cultural progress as well as advancements, and Taurus symbolizes money and material stability, it’s not a surprise that our view on how we exchange currency is evolving into even more of a digital era than it already has been.

Neptune in Pisces squaring North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius

The theme here is reformation around institutionalized spirituality as well as education. We may see more spiritual and religious organizations being outed for misconduct. Fake news and heightened conspiracy discussions could be something that gets more out of control as the year progresses. Fact vs. Fiction…what is “real?” 

Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011. The lunar nodes have been in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis since 2020. Neptune rules Pisces, which is the mutable water sign in the zodiac.

Neptune is known to create confusion or fog around an issue. It can be hard to see things as they truly are. Neptune is also an energy that enhances our creative and artistic abilities. It also is the planet that is often tied to drug use, alcoholism, and escaping reality. 

The Lunar nodes in astrology are related to karma we are playing out in life on a personal and collective level. With Gemini and Sagittarius being the theme for the nodes, the themes of Gemini and Sagittarius come up for us on a collective scale. What’s right vs wrong, what our collective values are as a society, what are the facts, vs what are the beliefs? Media outlets, religions, and education systems are highlighted.

2021 Moons & Eclipses


The Moon is tied to our emotional and subconscious realm of being.

It is where we work on things behind the scenes. Oftentimes the sign that the Moon is either new or full in, will mark specific beginnings and endings of cycles for us in our lives during the year.

It all depends on where the Moon is falling for you in your personal birth chart, and what the degree of the Moon is in regard to any other planets in your personal birth chart. Knowing what Moons are coming up for the month can help you to see what themes in your life are most prominent for that month.

New Moons

New Moons are categorized as seed planting times.

It’s when we are meant to set intentions. The sign that the New Moon is in will indicate what themes are present for the energy of the Moon. Where the New Moon hits in your personal chart, and what planets it is in aspect to will dictate the intentions that are best for you to set.

Full Moons

Full Moons are times for release and letting go.

But often both Moons can be used in manifestation rituals depending on what sign is involved and just what it is you are trying to manifest. We look at the Full Moon as a culmination/build up of energy that is on its way to being cycled out. The sign of the Moon and where it specifically is hitting in your chart will dictate how this Moon influences you.

Additionally it will show you what is best to be released for you during this time. It is important to understand how degrees work in your birth chart to understand how to utilize the energy appropriately.


Eclipses are considered energy gateways or portals that define the next 6 months of our lives.

The sign of the eclipse and where it is in your chart will tell you what themes are coming up for you with each year’s eclipse portal. The sign that the eclipses take place in change every 2 years. Right now in 2021 we are experiencing the Sagittarius/Gemini axis which started in 2020. The eclipses are in these two signs for 2021.

New Moons

Sober Curator Pro Tip: All times shown are PST

  • 1/12 New Moon 23 degrees of Capricorn 9 pm

  • 1/28 Full Moon 9 degrees of Leo 11:16 am

  • 2/11 New Moon 23 degrees of Aquarius 11:06 am

  • 2/27 Full Moon 8 degrees of Pisces 12:17 am

  • 3/13 New Moon 23 degrees of Pisces 2:21 am

  • 3/28 Full Moon 8 degrees of Libra 11:48 am

  • 4/11 New Moon 22 degrees of Aries 7:31 pm

  • 4/26 Full Moon 7 degrees of Scorpio 8:32 pm

  • 5/11 New Moon 21 degrees of Taurus 12 pm

  • 5/26 Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees of Sagittarius 4:14 am

  • 6/10 Solar Eclipse 19 degrees of Gemini 3:53 am

  • 6/24 Full Moon 3 degrees of Capricorn 11:40 am

  • 7/9 New Moon 18 degrees of Cancer 6:17 pm

  • 7/23 Full Moon 1 degree of Aquarius 7:37 pm

  • 8/8 New Moon 16 degrees of Leo 6:50 am

  • 8/22 Full Moon 29 degrees of Aquarius 5:02 am

  • 9/6 New Moon 14 degrees of Virgo 5:52 pm

  • 9/20 Full Moon 28 degrees of Pisces 4:55 pm

  • 10/6 New Moon 13 degrees of Libra 4:05 am

  • 10/20 Full Moon 27 degrees of Aries 7:57 am

  • 11/4 New Moon 12 degrees of Scorpio 2:15 pm

  • 11/19 Lunar Eclipse 27 degrees of Taurus 12:57 am

  • 12/3 Solar Eclipse 12 degrees of Sagittarius 11:43 pm

  • 12/18 Full Moon 27 degrees of Gemini 8:36 pm

2021 Retrogrades


Mark your calendars! Retrograde periods affect each one of us differently depending on the placements we personally have in our own birth charts. For some of us, certain retrograde periods can be incredibly rewarding as they give us an opportunity to reflect upon areas of our lives that require more attention.

For some it may feel good, for others it may feel incredibly frustrating and difficult. The most important thing to take from our lessons we learn during retrograde periods, is that everything is temporary, everything is constantly changing, and we are here to learn and grow from these times that sometimes feel stagnant, slow, or just plain confusing.

Not all planets station retrograde every year. Each planet’s cycle varies depending on its orbit.


Mercury is our planet that rules communication, technology, and often steals the show when it comes to retrograde news. This is because Mercury stations retrograde the most times in one year, and is also closest to us in regard to the planets. When Mercury stations retrograde, this can affect our communication with others, our technological devices, travel planets, relationship dynamics, etc.

They are unfavorable times for starting things or signing contracts, so it can be helpful to know when they are happening and avoid making any major life decisions if possible during the time they are retrograde, as well as the week prior and after the retrograde period.

Yes it can feel a bit over the top, but in the few years I have tracked these cycles, it is better to wait these moments out. Oftentimes the lessons we learn during Mercury retrograde are difficult, but they help us to make choices in the future that come from experience and wisdom gained. 

Mercury moves through an element every two years. We have been experiencing Mercury retrograde predominantly in the water element over the last two years. Over the next two years, Mercury will now station retrograde in the element of air.

Mercury will station retrograde in the following air signs on the these dates in 2021:

  • Aquarius: January 30th – February 21st

  • Gemini: May 29th – June 22nd

  •  Libra: September 27th – October 18th



Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and is currently in the sign of Capricorn where it has been since 2008. Pluto has an incredibly slow orbit from our perspective on Earth, so it stays in a sign anywhere from 9-30 years depending on where it is in its orbit.

It takes Pluto about 248 years to move through all 12 signs of the Zodiac!

When Pluto is retrograde it may have an incredibly transformative effect on us as Pluto is considered to be the planet governing death, rebirth, and transformation on a literal as well as metaphorical level.

Pluto retrograde 2021:

April 27th 26 degrees of Capricorn to October 6th 24 degrees of Capricorn



Saturn is the planet that rules the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. It rules structure, boundaries, rules, responsibility, and paternal energy. Saturn on its own tends to slow things down in our lives when we are under its influence, add a retrograde to that mix and sometimes it can feel incredibly heavy, like we are pushing through mud to get things going. Heavy Saturn transits can be tied to bouts of depression or consequences of previous actions coming to rear their ugly heads. Saturn is often tied to karma, and karma that is ancestral in nature. The consequences of previous actions may be realized or experienced during a Saturn retrograde cycle.

Saturn retrograde 2021:

May 23rd at 13 degrees of Aquarius to October 11th at 6 degrees of Aquarius



Jupiter in traditional astrology is called the greater benefic and is often tied to good fortune.

Jupiter represents growth and expansion.

When Jupiter is retrograde, we may experience benefits of its nature in that area of our lives for a longer time than if it was direct. It also could help us in growing or expanding passed previous limiting beliefs that we may have had about ourselves.

Jupiter retrograde 2021:

June 20th at 2 degrees of Pisces to October 18th 22 degrees of Aquarius



Neptune’s nickname is “the dissolver.”

Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and is seen as the planet that can cause us to feel foggy, ungrounded, confused, and lack practical discernment. Neptune is also extremely slow moving and stays in a sign for about 14 years. When we are under a heavy Neptune transit, we can feel confused about that area of our life.

On the flip side, Neptune is also tied to the ethereal and spiritual realms and can be an incredibly powerful time for spiritual work and transcendental meditation. Neptune retrograde may require us to reflect or rework a situation that has been confusing to us, whether it’s a relationship, health issue, or work situation.

We often benefit from getting another perspective from someone who is trustworthy or neutral to our situation when under this type of transit, speaking to an expert with experience can help us find the ground beneath our feet during a Neptune retrograde.

Neptune retrograde 2021:

June 25th at 23 degrees Pisces to December 2nd at 20 degrees Pisces



Uranus is dubbed “the destroyer” and co-rules the sign of Aquarius with Saturn.

Uranus in transit is tied to spontaneous changes that disrupt everything in an unforeseeable way. When we are under an intense Uranus transit, sudden changes that affect our lives in tremendous ways are experienced. When Uranus stations retrograde, we may be under the influence of these changes for the entirety of the retrograde period depending on what it is in aspect to in our birth charts.

Uranus retrograde 2021:

December 19th – January 29th 26 degrees Capricorn – 11 degrees Capricorn



Venus is the planet that is considered to be the “lesser” benefic in traditional astrology and rules the signs Taurus and Libra.

Venus is tied to money as well as relationships. When we are under a Venus retrograde cycle we may experience shifts or changes in current or past relationship dynamics with lovers, friends, co-workers, family members, you name it.

Venus retrograde in the sign of Capricorn may have more of an influence in our lives when it comes to material resources, the work we are doing, as well as the relationships we cultivate in relation to the work we are doing. We still need to look at where the retrograde is happening in our personal birth charts to know how it will influence us on a personal level.

Venus retrograde 2021:

December 19th – January 29th 26 degrees Capricorn – 11 degrees Capricorn

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read a brief review on the themes for 2021!  I hope that this information helps you in planning your year ahead.

Good news! “Sobercast by Six” will be coming to you in a monthly article breaking down each month’s specific astrology. You’ll want to stay tuned for a more in depth look at each month as the year progresses.

Make it easy on yourself! I recommend signing up for The Sober Curator newsletter to stay in the sober know to get alerted when great articles like this one get posted!

Also, I write a weekly astrology forecast over at themysticparlor.com, where you can also book a reading with me. My bookings for readings will be opening back up on January 23rd. Since they are currently done virtually via zoom, it doesn’t matter where you live. Let’s connect! As a bonus, our session(s) will be recorded (with you permission) so you can always replay the session when you need.

I hope you all have a blessed New Year! 


Analisa Six

Here are some resources for tracking the stars:


Resources are available

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.