Recovery Podcastland: Dopey Podcast – A Dark Comedy Of Drug Addiction

Dave and Chris, the Founders and Hosts of the Dopey Podcast, had collectively been through dozens of rehabs, spent years in jail, and overdosed 500 million times. The fact is they loved to laugh about it. That is until Chris tragically overdosed and died during the summer of 2018. This show was 80% debauchery and 20% recovery. Now it’s a little bit different.

Here is an excerpt pulled from their About Us section, which I encourage you to take a deep dive into at your leisure.

“One might say Dopey was born in those conversations, however, they have been happening for decades in the common areas outside of 12 step meetings, in the smoking pits of rehab, on the street between active addicts, or in chance encounters between two like-minded people. As the saying goes, the therapeutic value of one addict helping another is unparalleled, and for many of us the means to that therapy is comedy and identification.”

Where to Start Your Dopey Journey:

At the recommendation of Dave, I dipped my toe in the Dopeynation pool with the podcast This American Life: Two Dope Kings. Producer Dana Chivvis picks up the story of Dave and Chris and their show “Dopey”, a dark podcast comedy on drug addiction. I found it interesting that the first episode Dave hoped I would check out, wasn’t even from the Dopey podcast. I would soon find out why.

In a dopey-nutshell, this podcast episode will catch you up on how the podcast came to be and what happened between episodes 142 and 143 that changed everything. If the Dopey podcast is new to you like it was for me., I highly encourage you to also take a listen to this podcast first, before diving into additional episodes. At the time this post was published, there are a total of 324 Dopey episodes, with no signs Dave will be slowing down in his content production anytime soon.

Dopey Breaking News!

I was able to connect with Dave prior to this post publishing to ask him a few questions. During our call, he told me he has a new section of the Dopey YouTube channel coming this November for Gratitude Month. Each day, there will be a 5-10 minute video from Daily Reflections, a book by AA Members for AA Members, and I am here for it!

I also had questions about the Dopey artwork and logo. Dave explained that back when he and Chris started Dopey, Chris was living in a sober living house with a guy named Ryan who wanted to be a graphic designer. Between the three of them, no one can remember which one now, they agreed they wanted the O in Dopey to be a graphic of a man nodding out. Ryan took to Google I found an image of a man nodding out on the subway and the Dopey logo was born. Of the many things I dig about this podcast and website, it’s the clever and somewhat snarky artwork that is a nod to the artwork that has been created by the fans of the Grateful Dead over the decades.

More Questions for Dave

I asked Dave some harder questions, like what is it like running all of this by himself now. He admitted it’s not easy and has its challenges, but he has met a few people that help him out with consulting and social media. When I asked Dave if he had a favorite episode, he was quick to respond to it as the first 142 episodes with Chris. Dave also added the first time that his friend Todd called into the show and didn’t know he was being recorded was a real stand-out.

As for a more recent favorite episode, Dave mentioned really liked episode 300 featuring Patrick Radden Keefe, The Sacklers, talking about tough topics that included oxyContin, death, addiction, recovery, and family. Dave’s wife is also a guest on this episode.

Knowing that the ritual for recording the episodes changed greatly after Chris’s passing, I asked Dave if he has a new ritual for preparing to record an episode. Dave mentioned that he works around his guest’s schedules and that nothing is recorded too late these days. (IE no 1 am recordings like in episode 142) There is one tradition that remains between episodes with Chris and without and that’s the no-pants rule. Chuckling, I asked Dave to explain. “I don’t like to wear pants when recording the podcast.” Dave went on to explain it’s important to be comfortable and for him, that means changing into PJs or sweats.

“I don’t like to wear pants when recording for the podcast.”


Additional Fun Fact

Finding out that Dave lives in New York, I had to know if he’d ever been approached by a Dopey fan IRL. (in real life) Dave told me he once at a 12-step meeting and a woman that was secretarying the meeting came up to him afterward and pulled up her skirt. Eyebrows raised, I continued to listen intently. What Dave saw next was the Dopey logo tattooed on her upper thigh. Over the years, Dave has heard from a few dozen people that have tattooed Dopey someplace on their body.

In my opinion, this shows how dedicated the Dopeynation followers are and the profound impact this podcast has had on many people’s lives over the years. And while I’m not yet a big enough fan to follow suit with a tattoo, I will be listening to many more Dopey episodes and hitting up the merch section of the site. After all, shopping is my cardio and I love supporting people that have chosen to recover out loud. Be on the lookout for a future Sober Spotlight on Dave and I hope you’ll spend some time tuning into this podcast.

Here is a Curated List of recent Dopey podcasts you might enjoy:

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Check out the Dopeynation merch, it’s dope!


Check out Dopey in all the places:


Recovery Podcastland: There are so many solid, binge-worthy podcasts out there. But with new episodes coming out weekly, it’s impossible to keep up.  The Sober Curator is here to help. Recovery Podcastland lets you in on our favorites.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: For a quick hit of recovery, listen to our recommended podcasts when you’re driving, walking your dogs, working out, cleaning the house, working on a craft project, getting ready in the morning, or making a meal. 


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