Sober Curator Brandon Shares His Recipe For Sobriety During A Global Pandemic

Today’s recipe is entirely self-made:

I had a few of the ingredients at home but had to outsource a few from my local grocery.


• Substance(s) of misuse *quantity varies 

• Desire to change 

• Pandemic (COVID-19, Racial Injustice – to name a few) 

• Community Support • Coping Skills (Journaling, meditation, therapy, exercise)


Step #1

Have an “AH-HA” or “movie trailer” moment that sparks a change; something that caused reflection. It is a moment where you look in the mirror and say, “This isn’t who I’m supposed to be”. My moment was sitting in the back of a police car at 4 AM after a three-day stint of intense drug use with no food or sleep.

“Have a movie trailer moment”

Baker’s Tip: Please do not skip Step One: It may be months or years before you have self-realization that something needs to change.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Speaking of movie moments, we’ve reviewed a few good ones. You can check them out here. 

Step #2

Decide what help and support are needed. This includes various levels of care: inpatient treatment, outpatient, group therapy, family support, etc. (the list is endless)

Baker’s Tip: Since it’s 2020, and there isn’t a shortage of pandemics, you might have to use a bit of creativity when seeking treatment. For example, I chose a virtual outpatient program via The Gateway Foundation 

Step #3

Establish a sense of structure and routine. Think about creating new habits and positive associations; this could also include “unplugging” from the news or social media

Baker’s Tip: I have a daily goal of watching the sunrise. I wake up early, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and spend time reflecting while the rest of the world is still sleeping

Step #4

Find a sense of community and recovery OUT LOUD! SHARE your story. OWN your story. Take comfort and solace in knowing there’s a community (like this one). We are all walking the same path of recovery.

Baker’s Tip: I still attend virtual support group meetings – especially if I’m feeling triggered or stressed

Step #5

Combine ingredients and place in baker’s dish of choice. Insert into the pre-heated oven

Baker’s Tip: Baking times, results, and nutritional benefits may vary, as this recipe for sobriety is never complete. Repeat steps as necessary.

Nutritional Benefits:

• Renewed mind, body, and spirit 

• Healthy Relationships 

• Financial Security 

• Sense of accomplishment 

• Forgiveness • Coping Skills

Help is here if and when you need it

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.