My Secret To A Life Well Lived: DNA Analysis

When I discovered that I was a little off, in my 2nd year of recovery, and when I say off… I mean, my circuitry wasn’t quite firing. My hormones were not regulating my cycle, mood, weight, sleep, all of it. My hair was falling out; my skin was a strange tint of yellow, and my eyes were red; it was odd… The good news was I was sober and had the grace and nerve to ask for help. I sought out the best doctor’s advice, and to no avail, they returned with a stamp of A.I.D.S., which meant Auto Immune Disorder Syndrome. I was one of the first to be recognized with this syndrome. I needed more answers, I began studying everything, and this was when I discovered hormones, leading me to my DNA!

Have you ever wondered what your genes say about you? I do and have always questioned this! I stumbled upon SelfDecode several years back when they first began their journey into this wild west DNA health field. They are dedicated to uncovering your genetic predispositions and providing lifestyle recommendations to optimize your health and wellness. My entire life changed due to my understanding of my DNA; yours can too!

But how does it work? Well, that’s where the science of DNA analysis comes in!

What is DNA?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acids, is our genetic material’s building block. Although only composed of 4 nucleotides (A/C/G/T), these little guys encode all of the functions that make us who we are. Like my likeness to be introverted, yep, that’s the truth, and I have an increased capacity to remember things, a fact again!

Our cells carry precious information, and they know it. DNA is stored in the central organelle of our cells, known as the nucleus. It’s a tight squeeze in there; in fact, if our DNA from a single cell were to be laid flat, it would stretch about 5 feet!

All of that genetic material has to be stored in a space about 6 microns in diameter, which is about one-twentieth as wide as a strand of hair. This is done by some pretty smart packaging into coiled structures called chromosomes. In total, we have 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs.

We, humans, inherit our unique genetic code from our parents: half from our mother and half from our father. The genes we receive determine traits like our eye color, hair color, how tall we will become and even personality traits – hello, enneagram 4!

Encoded traits our parents pass on to us are a roadmap to the types of proteins we produce and the possible predispositions to disorders common within the family. I’ll come back to this a little later.

How does DNA analysis work:

In 1990, a group of researchers set out to accomplish something that no one had ever thought possible, discovering the complete blueprint design for Homo sapiens (us humans). The project was termed The Human Genome Project (HGP) and was completed in 2003 [R].

For the first time, we could determine the entire genome that makes us…us.

As a part of the human race, everyone has the same genetic code. Isn’t that a little creepy? The small changes in our code that allow for varying traits make us a diverse society.

These slight variations in the genetic code are called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). This means that one nucleotide in the genome sequence is exchanged, leading to a different expression of your genes. This is where it gets exciting and what I love most about sharing with my clients when we analyze their genes! Here is an example:

As I mentioned before, you inherit your DNA sequence from your parents. Let’s say your mother has brown eyes while your father has blue eyes. There are sequences in your DNA that determine which eye color will prevail in you, called the phenotype. One phenotype is usually dominant, while the other is recessive. If a dominant phenotype is present, it will usually be represented over the recessive counterpart.

In this example, brown eyes are usually dominant over blue, so you will likely be born with brown eyes. The only exception is if there are recessive genes in your mother’s family tree. You can carry the recessive gene but still present with the dominant phenotype – “heterozygous.” You can only inherit your father’s blue eyes. You receive a recessive gene from both parents – called “homozygous recessive.” (That’s Me!)

These small variations in genes for eye color can determine what eye color you will actually have. This is a VERY oversimplified explanation, and most of my clients have me at their side to go over this all with – but basically, SNPs can influence your genes.

How do I determine the variations I have in my genetic code?

The answer lies in DNA analysis. It’s simple when you know how to approach it.

Every cell in your body contains the exact copy of DNA, so retrieving the sample is quite simple. The most common types of DNA collection are from your blood, skin cells, or saliva. For example, SelfDecode needs a bit of your saliva to get all the critical information – no needles!

After the lab receives your DNA sample, they remove all the stuff we don’t want (everything but the DNA) in a process called DNA purification. After they have the good stuff, DNA analysis can be performed to identify SNPs in your unique genetic code that can explain traits and predispositions towards diseases.

How does DNA influence your health:

Once you receive your DNA analysis results, how in the world do you interpret them?

Luckily, SelfDecode does the grunt work for you. They utilize over 60 MDs, Ph. D.s, and NDs to comb through scientific literature and your genetic code to identify SNPs that influence your health, both physically and mentally.

Some SNPs, like eye color, are benign and don’t affect our health outcomes significantly. On the other hand, other SNPs can have noticeable effects and lead to suboptimal health.

Examples of variants:

  1. For example, gastrointestinal disorders prevent many people from living everyday lives. Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, in particular, are gastrointestinal diseases due to an improper inflammatory reaction in the gut. A variation in a gene that helps with the autophagy of gut cells has been linked to gastrointestinal disorders [R]. Autophagy is the proper removal of defective cells from the body, failure to do so can lead to bacterial build-up and inflammatory response [R]. Variations in ATG16L1 (rs2241880 and rs10210302) caused by an exchange in one nucleotide lead to an overabundance of GI Paneth cells and increased inflammation.

  2. As we know, heart disease is one of the leading killers in the western world today. Both hereditary and lifestyle factors can put you at risk for developing heart disease; let’s explore how your genes can predispose you. One of the gene variations that SelfDecode analyzes is PON1 (paraoxonase 1), an enzyme that aids in clearing fat and detoxifying your bloodstream [R, R]. Two SNPs (rs662 and rs854560) can influence the risk of fat build-up in your arteries and your overall cardiovascular health outcomes [R].

Understanding your genetic code and how it influences your health is a self-discovery process. SelfDecode can help you identify SNPs and take lifestyle steps to optimize your inherited genetic deck. You can get started quickly here! Genes are the general roadmap to your health, but that does not mean they are absolute – lifestyle interplays with genetics to determine your overall wellness.

One easy way to use SelfDecode is through their Specialized Wellness Reports:

SelfDecode makes DNA analysis easy by condensing the material into categorized reports, complete with actionable steps to cater to your needs. They provide you with possible lifestyle modifications that interplay with your genetics to optimize your overall health.

SelfDecode has a variety of wellness reports to give you valuable insight into your genetic makeup and why you have certain tendencies – Get started decoding your health now.

Amazing options for reports:

  1. If you are interested in your mental health, you can check  SelfDecode’s anxiety, mood, and stress reports. (This is where I begin with most of my clients.) Unlike other DNA companies that only look at a couple of variants, SelfDecode’s scientists dig through over 800,000 genetic variants in the Anxiety report alone to give you a comprehensive picture of your mental well-being.

  2. Physical fitness is an in-demand topic in the health and wellness field. But did you know your genes can influence it? SelfDecode’s Weight DNA Report takes a deep dive into the literature and investigates over 455,000 genetic variants linked to weight management! One gene, in particular, is more well known than others – FTO. It has been associated with increased eating and undesirable food cravings [R, R]. SelfDecode also offers DNA reports on other topics that can help you stay in top shapes, like joint pain and heart health. Find out more about how you can modify your lifestyle habits to give you the tools to combat a genetic uphill battle.

  3. Gastrointestinal distress is common. SelfDecode has a comprehensive Irritable Bowel DNA Report that analyzes over 390,000 variants to determine your risk for experiencing irritable bowel symptoms. It is estimated that genetic factors comprise about 60% of the determinants of what type of IBS you have [R]. An example of a possible genetic variation that can influence your gut health is within the gene HTR3E (5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3E), which can promote nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting [, R]. Many medications improve IBS symptoms by inhibiting this gene from being expressed. There is no cure for IBS, but you can learn how to manage your symptoms.

How are all of these personalized reports possible? SelfDecode is the ONLY company using AI in genomics to give you the most accurate and science-backed results! Using genetic imputation, they can analyze up to 83 million variants from a typical DNA file!

SelfDecode doesn’t just analyze your genetic code to pinpoint variations that can make you susceptible to specific ailments. They go a step further by outlining evidence-based diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations tailored to work best with your unique genetic makeup, potentially reducing your risk of developing disorders. For example, if you had a genetic variant in RGS2, you may be more likely to experience anxiety symptoms, so increasing vitamin D and fiber intake may be beneficial [R].

Now I know what you’re thinking: Will SelfDecode break the bank? The answer will make your wallet happy. Their prices are competitive with other competitors, and they give you abundantly more. The subscription service with DNA reports starts at under $100 a year! Check out membership options here!

I realize you can’t put a price tag on your health, and SelfDecode is ready to help you achieve your optimal wellness goals by taking advantage of your unique genetic makeup at such a crazy low price.

Understanding my DNA profile has changed how I live, and as I face and move into the second half of my life, I pay attention to the genes that may affect my cognition, mobility, and memory! I love this so much. If you’re a GENX woman struggling to find answers about your health, mood, sleep, or so much more, this may be the next part of your journey. And the good news for you is I’m here to help if you don’t want to go it alone.

YOU’RE SOBER! NOW WHAT? With over 35 years of continuous sobriety Tamar Medford & Lane Kennedy teach sober women over 40 how to feel ten years younger, do what they love everyday and live their best lives. Discover how you can create your dream life through mindfulness, meditation, science and spirituality.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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