Meet Koura Linda of Space Dream Productions

Space Dream Films is a part of Space Dream Productions, an independent film and music production company grounded in the idea that all storytellers are ambassadors of humanity, tasked with sharing our voices.  Filmmakers have the added responsibility of creating visual worlds around these stories.  For this reason, they focus on films that they feel will not only entertain, but aim to showcase pieces of humanity.

Since Sept 2016, over 50 projects have moved (or are moving) through Space Dream Productions.  About 30 completed projects have received over 50 film festival acceptances internationally. While carrying out the mission of amplifying stories that may not always be front and center in large studio projects, films produced by Space Dream Productions hope to continue to highlight hard-working otherwise unknown or relatively unknown exceptional artists in music and film from all walks of life.

After reading about this company, I was very excited to sit down and Zoom with Koura Linda, the sober woman behind Space Dream Productions.

Meet Koura Linda

President, Director, & Founder, Space Dream Productions

Within the first few minutes of my Zoom call with Koura, I knew I’d made a new, sober friend. Two hours later, we were laughing at poorly designed awards we’d both won over the years and contemplating best friends’ tattoos. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, people in the recovery community have the unique ability to jump straight into really hard and usually very intimate conversations after meeting each other within a matter of minutes. As if we speak our own language, the knowledge of shared sobriety identifies us with each other as survivors.

No one loves designing and throwing an elaborate party more than I do… except for maybe my new friend Koura. She talked about her love of designing parties from her childhood, which is how she fell in love with art and design. Our creative minds and open hearts bonded immediately, as she started to talk to me about those last days before getting sober. Like mine, hers were also dark and full of painful memories.

These days, when I get to know a new woman in recovery, I’m much more interested in her stories of how her journey has developed and shifted after getting sober, than hearing about the dark and stormy years spent at the bottom of a bottle. Those of us that have survived hell, are working very hard one day at a time, to create the future we’ve always dreamed of. As I listened to Koura talk passionately about her love of filmmaking and the projects she’s worked on, it became clear that this was a woman with a clear vision and gritty determination. And now that she’s powered by sobriety, her career is excelling at a rapid pace.

So far, Koura and Space Dream Films & Productions have received 80 award nominations and 31 awards, including “Best Director” (awarded to both Koura Linda and Spaceship for 3 different films), “Best Animation,” “Best Drama: Short” “Best Short”, and “Best Picture.” Sobriety looks really good on Koura and I have zero doubts we are going to continue to see great things coming from her and Space Dream Productions.

Below you will find information about her podcast, Filmmaking Actually, along with trailers and music videos highlighting just some of her work, along with exciting information about an upcoming new project.

Sober Spotlight Q & A with Koura Linda

What’s your Sobriety Date?

January 1, 2014

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage of Choice?

I can’t get enough of Root Beer and Ginger Ale. My Fave mocktail is a virgin Moscow Mule (again with the ginger! LOL)

What’s on your Podcast Playlist?

It’s not a recovery podcast, but I love The Office Ladies podcast. For recovery podcasts, I’ve started diving into lists curated by The Sober Curator! I love the wide selection of podcasts out there and recommend the curated lists provided by The Sober Curator to find some great ones.

Favorite TV Series or Movie with addiction/recovery as part of the storyline?

I actually loved Switched at Birth because there are several characters that deal with different addictions in different ways as subplots but also authentically.

Favorite Sober Celeb/Musician?

My husband!!!! LOL But beyond him, I have a bunch! People like Eminem and Ringo Starr, live in a world literally drowning in drugs and alcohol but choose and work to stay sober.  My all-time fave is Robert Downey Jr. just because of the absolute mess his life was in and how he turned it around and continues to do amazing things when no one would have faulted him for giving up.  He was totally done for – but look at him now!

Advice To Someone Newly Sober

Life is a journey – just because you hit a bump doesn’t mean you failed and need to give up now.  It is ok to slip and fall – you just need to keep getting up again.  You can mess up, just don’t give up.  keep going – you got this!


On the Filmmaking (Actually) podcast, award-winning indie filmmaker Koura Linda talks about all things indie film, from project development to navigating the festival circuit!

With over 20 completed projects under her belt since late 2016 and over 50 acceptances to international film festivals, Koura gives the nitty-gritty of what it takes to make a film.

From finding (or writing) a good story to casting and auditioning, getting funding, planning for post-production, utilizing festivals to grow your network, and everything in between including travel tips and any other random related topic.

Names on the Wall

Presented by Space Dream Productions and Directed by Koura Linda, Names on the Wall is about two soldiers fighting on opposite sides of the Vietnam War finding themselves faced with a choice, somewhere between where humanity ends and the war begins…

Ships to Venus Music Video

It’s here!! The long-awaited collaboration of the musical masters, Spaceship X Alyssa Suede in full technicolor magic as SHIPS TO VENUS! You might know the classic Disney song “Let’s Get Together” from the original Parent Trap released in 1961, but you have never seen (or heard!) it like this before!! Space Dream Productions (in association with Nash Cats) had a blast coming together with Ships to Venus to bring this song to life! Check it out here, and, as the song says, let’s come together

Gone Gray Trailer

This film is being produced for the #arise challenge put on by the Organization of Independent Filmmakers! As a challenge, co-directors Spaceship and Koura Linda had a minimal crew (they were Writer, Director, Producer, Production Designer, Director of Photography, On-Set Stunt Coordinator, Gaffer, Sound Mixer, Prop Master, Set Designer, Wardrobe Stylist, Special FX Makeup, Casting, Editor, and Colorist). Thanks to the amazing prep assistance of Megan Spencer and Jazmine McGeoch, and their help on-set along with Amber Martin and Dick Colligan, they are VERY proud to present to you the official trailer for “Gone Gray!”

What’s Next for Space Dream Productions?

Koura and team were recently awarded a grant from the Montana Film Office towards producing Comic Relief, a feature film that shows everyday people who have hopes and dreams but who are themselves struggling, those who on the surface seem to have it all together when in fact they are about to explode. The main storyline follows a children’s party entertainer who is chasing her dreams while struggling with even increasing alcoholism and depression.

SOBER SPOTLIGHT: This section of our site highlights extraordinary people in recovery. Who is making a difference in your recovery community? If you know someone we should spotlight please connect with us at [email protected] or DM us on social media.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.