Live A Healthier Life with Flossie’s Turmeric Tea

It’s common for people in recovery from alcohol and substance use disorder to acquire a real focus on health. If you’re looking to live a healthier life, I’d like to introduce you to Flossie’s Turmeric Tea. Flossie is a personal friend that I have come to know through Tamar Medford, our Canadian Sober Curator. A few weeks ago, Tamar was down visiting for a week and told me that Flossie had shipped us some samples to try her Turmeric tea. You guys, I was so skeptical. Call me Judge Judy, because in my mind, it sounded way too healthy, which meant it wasn’t going to taste good. Ironically, in my drinking days, I never drank for taste. I am thrilled to admit that I was wrong, so very wrong. Not only does it taste delightful, but it does make me feel better. I drank one a day for a week and my mind was blown away at how much better I was feeling.

As a practicing healthcare provider and founder of Simple Life Healthier You, Flossie has learned through her own health journey that knowledge and research paired with consistency are powerful tools especially when going back to the basics. Simple food and lifestyle choices play a huge role in our wellbeing. Back in 2014, Flossie knew she needed to change her lifestyle and regain her health. The diagnosis of a dreadful auto-immune disease was going to be her downfall unless she did something and FAST. So, she did a 360-degree turn. This is when her passion for juicing was born.

You can read more about Flossie’s journey here.

See How Flossie Reversed Her Autoimmune Disease

In this video, learn how Flossie Njama cured her autoimmune disease “Sarcoidosis” through healthy eating.

About Flossie’s Turmeric Tea:

TURMERIC – The golden orange root spice which delivers golden results. Flossie has combined it with four other freshly ground spices to deliver to you a powerhouse TEA of health.

Made with love, Flossie’s Turmeric Tea is cooked with five freshly ground spices that build up an array of health benefits. The light orange beverage oozes flavor with its first sip and instantly gets you hooked. Hooked for health benefits is the way to go! Who said you couldn’t drink your medicine? In order to build a healthier body, the foundation (cells) must be healthy and strong.

Turmeric tea does help these cells to keep nourished and boosted. This boosted immune system, which is your body’s security iron door/gate/your inner doctor may be maintained by this amazing natural beverage.

Not to forget the CURCUMIN in the turmeric that takes care of the inflammation. Inflammation is the course of the disease. In addition, there are numerous other health benefits that turmeric tea offers. These five spices together work like a charm as they bring the body to balance. Health is wealth and anyone can and may claim it.

Happy Every Hour: Flossie’s Turmeric Tea Review

Currently Flossie is offering two flavors of her fabulous tea – original and mint. If I had to pick a favorite, I would go with the original, but they are both delicious. For those of you counting calories, you’ll be happy to know a serving is only 45 calories. In addition to fearing it was going to taste too healthy (which again it does not), I was also afraid the orange flavor was going to give me heartburn. I’m happy to report I was wrong here too. Good thing I don’t let fear run my life anymore or I would be missing out on the JUICE!

For those of you ordering online, the price point after adding tax & shipping works out to a little over $8 a bottle. If you have a knee jerk reaction to the price point, I’d like to remind you that you can’t put a price on health. Your health and energy management effects literally everything else. And let’s be real. This is basically what a drink at Starbucks costs these days. You’ll also be supporting a woman minority owned business. In my opinion, these are all the right reasons to purchase Flossie’s Tea – it tastes great, you’ll feel great, and you’re supporting a small business. When it comes to Flossie’s Turmeric Tea, the juice is worth the squeeze!

Sober Curator Pro Tip: I love sipping Flossie’s Turmeric Tea ice cold. I try to always jazz up my drinks at home with fun glassware and my favorite glass straws. Glass straws are THE best and environmentally friendly. Click HERE to #ADDTOCART.

We know we mix a mean mocktail. HAPPY EVERY HOUR will keep you updated on the latest and most significant trends in NA craft beers, mocktails and zero-proof beverages.

TRIGGER WARNING: People in early sobriety may want to proceed with caution. Always read labels. Please hydrate responsibly … because drunk never looks good.


Do you love Non-Alcoholic Craft Beers and the 90s? Then you’re in for a treat! Sober Curator Justin Lamb is dedicated to tasting great (sometimes not so great) NA beers and showcasing his fantastic collection of memorabilia from the ’90s.

NA Bevies & Mocks brings you mocktail recipes, NA beverage reviews, along with NA wine & spirit alternatives

Manic Monday got you in a panic? Fear not! Tonix Mocktail’s brings you Just a Merry Monday MOCKTAIL recipe, review, and how-to section bring fun and clever mocktail treats and tips to customize your at-home zero-proof bar. 


Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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