Laughing Without Liquor: Kevin Hart’s Eleven Most Hilarious Moments, Ranked!

Here I am again on this quest to share my favorite eleven! This week, I am rolling out the red carpet for the comedy king himself, Kevin Hart. His moments are like fine soda water – bubbly, refreshing, and they hit just the right spot! I friggin love Kevin Hart!

I draw so much inspiration from Kevin’s ability to find humor in every situation. Sobriety hasn’t just given me clarity; it’s sharpened my wit. I do not need beer goggles to see the funny and absurd in life! Some people struggle with my cavalier, no-nonsense approach to life, and that’s okay with me because, like Kevin, being me and showing who I am is all that matters when I place my head on my pillow and go to sleep sober. I’m not lying about who I am, not keeping secrets, not telling myself that I will be different one day, or fantasizing and gossiping about it all. No, I’m committed to showing up as myself, and I hope you are too! There is only one Kevin Hart, and there is only one YOU!  Show all of yourself, even if you’re 5’2!

So, buckle up (safely, of course, because we’re all about that responsible life) as we count down eleven moments guaranteed to make you laugh harder than trying to find your phone when it’s in your hand.

#1 The Ostrich Story 

Kevin’s encounter with this long-legged bird is infinitely relatable to anyone trying to outrun their not-so-sober past.

#2 Scared of Roller Coasters

Kevin’s fear of roller coasters had me clutching my mocktail with sympathy giggles.

#3 Spelling Bee Debacle

Remember a time when spelling ‘anonymity’ felt as hard as Kevin Hart trying to spell ‘nephew’?

#4 Broke Bank Account

Kevin’s jokes about his bank account are like looking at life without bar tabs; surprisingly positive! Click HERE to view this video.

#5 The “My mom told me to tell you…” bit

A classic Kevin Hart line that’s as memorable as the first day I chose to live booze-free.

#6 Dance Battle with Usher

This showdown is as epic as the battles we have with temptation—only way funnier.

#7 High School Kevin

Hart’s high school stories will take you back to the days before ‘adulting’ and ‘responsibility’ became a thing… just like before we had to navigate socializing sober.

#8 “Help Me”

His desperate plea in any overwhelming situation is a vibe every time we walk past a bar.

#9 Laugh at My Pain

He turns his pain into comedy, much like we turn our journey to sobriety into a lighter, laughter-filled path.

#10 The “Alright, Alright, Alriiiight” Catchphrase

Just like our pledge to keep it light without the liquor.

#11 Making Fun of His Own Height

Kevin Hart pokes fun at his stature just like we poke fun at the idea that you need a drink to enjoy life. The lie detector is amazing!

Don’t forget to check out our book, “Laughing Without Liquor: A Woman’s Guide to Living It Up Without the Booze”! And for your regular dose of tips and tricks on leading a healthier, alcohol-free life, make sure to subscribe to the Self Preservation Lifejacket newsletter.

Ready for my joke of the week: Why don’t some fish drink alcohol? Because they don’t want to swim under the influence! 🐠

Keep living that laugh-loving, booze-free life, and remember, in the words of Kevin Hart, “Stay true to yourself and never follow someone else’s path. Unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.”

Listen to the podcast.

A woman’s guide to living it up without the booze

Meet Tamar Medford & Lane Kennedy, hosts of the podcast, Laughing Without Liquorboth living in long term recovery with over a combined 37 years of consistent sobriety. (We’ve had no breaks since day 1!) Ladies let’s stir up some fun without the spirits! Our show is all about blazing new trails and having some good, clean fun that doesn’t revolve around alcohol. We’re not just focused on immediate enjoyment, but also on long-term recovery, happiness, and satisfaction. We’re here to show you that true fulfillment comes from meaningful connections between women, minus the hangover and the haze. Trust us, when you’re not tipsy, you’ll discover a newfound wit and engaging charm within yourself.  Who needs alcohol when you have a bunch of amazing ladies to connect with? So, let’s raise our glasses filled with sparkling water and toast to building real, lasting bonds that bring us lasting joy and fulfillment!

Follow along if you want to laugh.

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