How to Rise Up Against Addiction to Make a Difference with Shatterproof

The recovery community walked it out loud with Shatterproof‘s Rise Up Against Addiction Walk in Dallas, TX. It was awesome to experience the event in person. Dallas is an extremely generous city. We show up full force for cancer, the heart association, leukemia, veterans, domestic violence, and arthritis fundraising events. However, recovery awareness events are still few and far between. It was nice to spend the morning with like-minded individuals focusing solely on addiction. Shatterproof is one of the only national organizations fighting to shatter the stigma surrounding addiction. The group lobbies for reforms in treatment, insurance, and laws. Gary Mendell founded Shatterproof after tragically losing his son, Brian, to addiction and the stigma surrounding it. He and his staff work tirelessly to transform our healthcare system and society, so we prevent and treat addiction with science and compassion- the way we do with any other illness. Shatterproof strives to build a future where those touched by addiction don’t experience shame and stigma.

Rise Up Against Addiction Walks Across the Nation

Annual Rise Up Against Addiction Walks take place in 7 major cities across the US.  People can raise funds by recruiting team members and encouraging donations from friends, family, coworkers, and corporate match programs. The event offers a way to recover out loud within community and includes sponsors, recovery speakers, DJs, team tents, and photo backdrops. There is also a recovery wall to add the reasons why participants are walking and a memorial tent for those lost to the horrendous disease of addiction.

Phoenix, a nonprofit that focuses of fitness in recovery, did the walk warmup. Read more about Phoenix here.

Why it Matters

With the sober movement gaining momentum, progress has been made. However, when faced with statistics, it is impossible to deny that much more is to be done.  Gary Mendell’s son had been sober for 13 months when he tragically took his own life.  Even though he was back on track and in recovery, The stigma surrounding his disease was too much for him to bear. He said in his note that he did not feel human. This is heartbreaking. And True. 

Shatterproof and The Hartford co-developed the Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index (SASI) – a first-of-its-kind measurement tool designed to assess attitudes about substance use and people who use substances from the public. These are some findings: 37% of Americans don’t want a person in recovery to move next door, become a friend or marry into their family. Most Americans believe that addiction is a character flaw, not a disease. 3 in 4 respondents do not believe that a person with a SUD is experiencing a chronic medical illness. Almost 3 in 4 respondents find someone currently using substances to be untrustworthy. Over half of the respondents indicated that a person’s SUD is caused by bad character or lack of moral strength. This stigma perpetuates addiction and is often a barrier to treatment. People with substance abuse disorders face the judgment that often continues into recovery long after the abuse stops.

Where There is Help, There is Hope

Shatterproof offers hope. And they are making real progress. The organization created ATLAS Addiction Treatment Locator, Assessment, and Standards platform to help people find resources and treatment. They have advocated for and passed the Collaborative Care Model and enacted opioid settlement legislation in many states. Wondering what you can do to help or how you can get involved?  The Shatterproof website has you covered. It’s jam-packed with resources, ways to let your voice be heard, information on how to change your language to reduce stigma, and ways to donate.

This is my third Shatterproof walk. These events celebrate recovery while providing an impactful reminder of the severity of the addiction crisis we face. Many teams have pictures of their lost loved ones on lanyards buttons or t-shirts and Gary Mendell, generously shares the story of the loss of his beloved son from the stage. We also hear stories of hope from those in recovery. This year we got to hear from a blogger fighting against mommy wine culture and celebrating 7 years of sobriety. 

Me and Gary Mendell, Founder and CEO of Shatterproof

Support From Friends is Everything

I was humbled and blessed to have 9 of my “normie” friends join me at the walk. They have all seen me at my drunkest and have supported me along my sobriety journey every step of the way. These friends joined my walk team, showed up on a chilly 45-degree morning in Dallas and listened intently to all the speakers. Like so many of us, they too are affected by addiction. Besides having a close friend who is a recovering alcoholic (me), several of my friends have family members who have lost the battle or are still suffering from the disease of addiction.

Witnessing the Shatterproof event and hearing the speakers positively impacted all of us. I was reminded of the seriousness of the stigma surrounding addiction and inspired to start advocating for change.  Some were reevaluating relationships with loved ones battling addiction, and some were surprised by the lack of resources, research, and limited access to treatment. Still, others were unaware of the seriousness of the disease or that it is a disease. These observations made my heart happy because THIS IS HOW WE SHATTER THE STIGMA!

Me and my tribe at the 2022 Shatterproof Rise Up Against Addiction Walk in Dallas, TX

Thank You, Gary Mendell

I am incredibly grateful for Gary Mendell and his willingness to act despite his devastating loss. When he searched for resources to help people like his son and could not find any, he created Shatterproof, which helps millions. I am forever grateful for a kind group of amazing friends who do not treat me differently because of my addiction. They include me and still want to spend time with me doing sober things.  And they are 100% supportive of my sobriety. This type of compassion and support means everything to me and makes all the difference for people battling addiction. 

I am also grateful that Shatterproof provides multiple ways to help ourselves by getting out of ourselves and taking action to end the stigma and fight addiction. I hope you experience at least one of these events if your lifetime. Participating in a national movement like this adds a whole new layer to sobriety.  And it’s not too early to start building your walk team for 2023. No Shatterproof walk in your city? Make a weekend out of it and #sobertrip it with your favorites in recovery and recovery supporters. I’d love to have you join my team in Dallas next year!

 Sober warriors banding together behind the cause will help improve how addiction is treated and perceived.  It is already happening and can only get better.  With our continued support, it will get better faster, and more lives will be saved. Visit for information on events and volunteer opportunities. For information on more recovery-related nonprofits, check out Pay it Forward

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Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.