How To Make a Peeps Diorama: 28 Days the Movie Starring Sandra Bullock

There’s always been a whimsical desire within me to craft a Peeps Diorama. If there existed a DIY wishlist, this charming activity would undeniably claim a top spot on mine. Does such a list truly exist? I can’t say definitively, but I’ll certainly delve into a Google search later on. (Let’s face it – Google is my go-to workout routine!)

A few weeks back, I set out on a mission to track down a “Peeps Diorama Addiction Treatment Center.” Unfortunately, the only marshmallow-coated diorama I stumbled upon depicted a Sugar Rehab facility. While intriguing, it didn’t quite align with the imaginative vision I held for my creative project. Nonetheless, a stroke of serendipity graced me as I ventured into the realm of “tiny chairs.” It was a moment of revelation.

*Please note: This craft project and article was originally posted in April 2021, during aka “The Pandemic Years”. It has since been updated.

“Sugar Coma Rehab,” created by the staff and clients of Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute at United Hospital.

Once I Googled “Tiny Chairs” – I Knew That Was It!

Upon Googling “Tiny Chairs,” it was like a lightbulb moment for me – that was the missing piece! As the vision took shape in my mind, I found myself gathering a diverse assortment of miniature craft supplies, all the while revisiting one of my treasured movies, 28 Days starring Sandra Bullock. This film chronicles the odyssey of a big-city newspaper columnist who, after disrupting her sister’s nuptials and embarking on a rather questionable escapade involving a purloined limousine, finds herself obliged to enroll in a drug and alcohol rehab center. The storyline resonates deeply with me, drawing uncanny parallels to some aspects of my own life – though thankfully minus any wedding-related mishaps!

Confront Me if I Don’t Ask for Help!

When it comes to seeking aid, I’m all for it. However, when it pertains to crafting, I revel in losing myself in an array of DIY projects sourced from the vast realm of Pinterest. While many of these ventures end up as charming Pinterest Fails, this sugary masterpiece emerged as a delightful exception. Initially, my ambition soared to recreate the musical sequence from the movie’s finale, where Gwen (portrayed by Bullock) finds her liberation from the treatment center. I envisioned painstakingly reenacting the soap opera performance set in Santa Cruz; yet, alas, my crafting fervor eventually waned. Perhaps had I contemplated entering this whimsical candyland creation into a state fair contest, I might have summoned the fortitude to elevate my crafting skills to new heights. Nonetheless, I opted to approach this artistic endeavor with the motto of “One Peep at a Time.” #seewhatididthere

Here’s to fanciful creations and the sheer delight they bring!

Items Needed to Create 28 Days Peeps Diorama:

  • Peeps – lots and lots of Peeps!

  • Tiny Folding Chairs

  • Tiny Living Room set (purchased at Hobby Lobby)

  • Scrapbooking paper for wood floors, grass, wallpaper, etc.

  • Tiny Limo

  • Tiny Dog

  • Tiny Horse

  • Baseball stickers

  • Find small cardboard boxes of various sizes

  • White Chalkboard pen

Sober Curator Curated Crafts

CURATED CRAFTS: You got sober, now what are you going to do to keep your hands busy? And no, you don’t have to take up knitting. Although, if you enjoy it, then get your knit on homie! Art therapy is a technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being. Maybe you’re the next Sober Picasso or maybe you’re the next big Pinterest Fail. Either way, you’re creating something with your hands and hopefully getting out of your head. That’s a great way to relieve stress and express your feelings.

MOVIE NIGHT WITH THE SOBER CURATOR: Welcome to movie night with The Sober Curator! No need for booze or drugs, we’ve got your entertainment cravings covered. This corner of our site is dedicated to recommending movies and documentaries that are sure to captivate, inspire, and entertain. So, grab some popcorn, whip up your favorite mocktail, and indulge in your go-to sweet treats as you cozy up for a cinematic treat.

Need NA drink ideas? Our HAPPY EVERY HOUR section is brimming with non-alcoholic beverages to quench your thirst.

If a Netflix marathon is more your speed, check out THE MINDFUL BINGE for a list of TV series that get our sober seal of approval!

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