Head Back To School With A Sober Girls Guide Academy And Business Training

Have you been thinking about leveling up on your recovery journey? Do you feel inspired and called to help other women find out what life is like once putting the bottle down? Are you passionate about helping others with personal growth? Is the timing right for you to start a successful side hustle or even find a new career path entirely? Ok, cool. Now that I have your attention, I encourage you to keep reading and find out how to make these dreams a reality.

Sober Girls Guide Coaching Certification and Business Training

A Sober Girls Guide Coaching Certification and Business training is a custom-designed program for women in recovery who want to turn their passion into a successful career and profitable business. This is the course you have been waiting for. It will allow you to reach unimaginable levels of success and fulfillment. It’s time for you to finally bridge the gap between your passion and your profitable career!

Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • Are you ready to take your passion for helping women to a whole new level of confidence so you can start doing what you love ?

  • Are you ready to transform lives through the healing powers of sobriety and recovery?

  • Do you want a marketing system that attracts clients to you rather than having to hunt them down?

  • Do you have big goals and dreams that you know would be within reach if only you had the right guidance and support?

  • Are you ready to feel empowered, motivated and capable of taking on the world as a certified Sober Girls Guide?  

Features of the Program:

  • 8 Online Modules over 4 weeks

  • Proven Templates, Guides, Documents, and Checklists

  • Anytime access to full online training

  • Assigned Accountability Coach

  • Personalized Community Experience

  • Win Big!

About the Founder, Jessica Jeboult

A Sober Girls Guide is your one-stop-shop for women in recovery. Here you will find honest conversations about mental health, self-development, wellness, and spirituality and how they influence your recovery journey. Jessica Jeboult is the Founder & Head Sober Girl. Her mission is to provide you with the tools, guidance, and motivation to help you navigate through recovery and propel your personal & small business growth. Inspired by her own sobriety and wellness journey, she aims to spread the wealth of her knowledge.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: If you haven’t already, you are going to want to check out her podcast and her merch. 

Testimonials From Seven Women Who Have Been Through A Sober Girls Guide Coaching Certification and Business Training

I recently connected with seven incredible women that have already been through A Sober Girl’s Guide Coaching Certification and Business Training. Not only that, I’m currently taking the course myself and have two weeks of classes and homework under my sober belt. If you have been thinking about taking a course like this, I encourage you to keep reading and learn what these seven sober gals have to say about it from their own personal experiences.

Meet Tommi Hanley, Founder of Pure Power Coaching

Located in Toronto, Canada, Tommi was inspired to take this course after starting a life coaching business. Pre-pandemic, she was working in corporate events. This all came to a halt in the spring of 2020. Sober since April 9th, 2007, Tommi was eager to pivot into a coaching career to be of service to others. With her own experiences in recovery, Tommi knows firsthand that removing alcohol and substances is only part of the problem. Once that has occurred, many people realize what they actually have is a “living” problem.

With 12-step practices as part of her background, she knows many people don’t make it into the rooms and pointed out her coaching is not going to be specific to sobriety only. Whether it’s food, shopping, relationships, or codependency, Tommi works with her clients to achieve and improve their overall health. Tommi has a deep understanding that she’s not in the business to “fix” people. She aims to guide them, provide support, and give them the tools so they will learn to be self-sufficient over a short period of time. Her ideal timeline for coaching someone is somewhere between three to six months.

“Overall, the group had great synergy and it was apparent everyone was there to grow personally and professionally.”

Tommi Hanley


Tommi recapped with me that she made some great connections with the other women that were taking the course. “Overall, the group had great synergy and it was apparent everyone was there to grow personally and professionally.” They started following each other on Instagram and forged a great (business) support system.

Tommi thought the investment in the course was reasonable and priced appropriately. She enjoyed the feedback and constructive criticism she got from Jessica. Tommi has gone on to build out a YouTube channel, Instagram, and Facebook group. She’s also working on her own website and an App.

You can follow along with Tommi in all the social places!

Meet Ellisa McCoy, Founder of Goddess Growth

Ellisa has been sober since February 2020, but her sobriety journey really started back in 2016. Not a fan of 12-step, she chose to go the spirituality route, with an emphasis on yoga, tarot, and astrology. Ellisa enjoys learning new things about herself and went to school for business management. Don’t be fooled by this pretty face. This sober gal knows how to do oil changes like a pro. Her first job sober was for QuickLube. She’s been with them now for over five years and was recently promoted to be the Admin for VP of Operations.

Back in October 2020, Ellisa became certified in meditation practice, taking courses from Natalie Benson, Founder of the Conscious Babe Biz School. Taking on her own goddess, this course helped her with her own confidence. This sober girl is obsessed with personal growth and development.

“I would have paid more! I feel like this course was a HUGE value for the tools I received to run my business.”

Ellisa McCoy


It was easy to see how much Ellisa loved taking this course. In fact, she claimed she would have paid more! She felt like it was a HUGE value for the tools she received to run her business. It really helped her learn structure and meeting once a week was the perfect length of time for her busy schedule.

Ellisa also enjoyed the homework assignments and thought it was great to be matched up with an Accountability partner to practice with. Ellisa loved the feedback she got from Jessica. One of the things she loved the most was working in a group of women that were similar in their desire to live life alcohol-free, but also from different ages and walks of life. Ellisa enthusiastically exclaimed if anyone is thinking about doing this program – just go for it! The one-on-one time with Jessica alone is such an incredible value.

You can follow along with Ellisa in all the social places!

Meet Suzanne Dobrescu, Founder of The Sober Studio

If you found yourself coveting Suzanne’s eyeglasses in the picture above, I can assure you she is just as cool IRL. (in real life) Suzanne took her last drink in December of 2017 and hasn’t looked back since. Sobriety has taken her on a wild ride of self-discovery, healing, and a pivot. This turn gave her a deep and overwhelming desire to help other women on their road to sobriety. She has also completed the Sober Girls Guide Certification & Business Training and is a Certified Sobriety Coach.

“When like-minded women get together and build connections, amazing things can happen.”

Suzanne Dobrescu


After losing so many friends after she put the bottle down, Suzanne turned to the online sober community and realized she wasn’t alone. Connection is a really big thing to her and she found that by taking this course and business training. Suzanne admitted she signed up on a whim and just thought to herself “I am doing this.”

Even though she didn’t think twice about it after making her decision, she admits it was a little scary to go through the exercises with another partner. She felt very vulnerable during those exercises, but she also claims they were wildly rewarding. Suzanne learned so much about herself in the process and found it incredibly healing.

When like-minded women get together and build connections, amazing things can happen,” Suzanne explained to me. How true that is! She was paired with another woman who had over 15+ years in recovery and they both had a great time learning from each other.

Follow along with Suzanne in all of the social places!


Meet Kristin Fuller, Founder of Forward Progression

Kristin took her last drink on December 26th, 2020. It was shortly after that she decided to lean into bravery, and deep-dive into learning everything that she could about recovery from alcohol and other substances. That’s when she decided to use her knowledge and experience to teach others how to live an authentic, complete, and fulfilling life without numbing their pain with substances. Her passion is teaching her clients how to navigate through their lives feeling the full and colorful range of emotions that will help them live a life with purpose, and drive them to strive toward their goals and ambitions. 

“Everything I learned was very usable and applicable in running my business in the day to day. “

Kristin Fuller


As a self-proclaimed Lesbi-Sober, Kristin had six months of outpatient rehab under her belt, where she learned coping skills and education about trauma. She was nervous she might already “know it all” prior to starting this course. However, that didn’t end up being her experience.

Kristin loved how down-to-earth Jessica is and gushed about how easy she is to talk to. She also really admires Jessica’s brass tacks on the business end of things. Kristin found it very helpful to go through the exercises of defining her ideal client. Not only that, Kristin learned how to run a successful business. Including tips on how to handle invoices, payments, setting up a zoom account, and so much more. Her favorite part was being paired up with another student and she thought the value of this course was far beyond other courses she’s taken that were thousands of dollars more.

Everything I learned was very usable and applicable in running my business in the day to day,” Kristin told me. She also went on to talk about how curious Jessica is and how great she is at asking questions to really make you think. Kristin could tell that Jessica was fully invested in helping all of the women in the group learn what they were gravitated towards, along with helping them grow and stretch themselves out of their comfort zones.

Follow along with Kristin in all of the social places!

Meet Rebecca Holland, Founder of Next Level Sobriety

Rebecca, now 35, struggled when her son was born in 2014 with postpartum depression and insomnia which led to her alcoholism. Admitting she wasn’t necessarily emotionally healthy from the “get-go”, this pivotal moment in time in her life feels like a solid do-over. With abuse and trauma in her background, Rebecca tried 12-Step but didn’t feel like it was the right place for her. Finding A Sober Girls Guide website felt like a much better fit for the recovery community she was seeking.

“Jessica does an incredible job of simplifying something that would be really easy to complicate.”

Rebecca Holland


Rebecca really appreciated that Jessica explained at the beginning of her course the difference between a sponsor and a coach. Although Rebecca has done a lot of intense therapy multiple times a week for several years, her newly found sobriety has really lit a fire underneath her and pushed her towards the needed changes in her life. Rebecca went on to explain that Jessica does a great job at marketing exactly what she has to offer. She found the group set-up very collaborative and she also enjoyed working with a partner.

Rebecca admits she’s a perfectionist and can really get down on herself at times. I think many of us can relate to doing this and to how counterproductive that is, am I right? In this course, Rebecca learned how to give herself credit where credit was due and she found this very empowering.

“Jessica does an incredible job of simplifying something that would be really easy to complicate,” Rebecca shared with me. She went on to explain that she thought the investment of her money and time was well spent on taking this course. Rebecca also found that the homework really brought structure and intentionality to the course. For the first time in her life, Rebecca feels like she’s exactly where she needs to be. After taking this course, she feels armed and ready to serve the Nashville recovery community.

Follow along with Rebecca in all of the social places!

Meet Andra Newsham, Founder of Awaken You Coaching

Andra started drinking in college as many people do. However long after her friends moved on to other things, she found that she was lagging behind as her drinking continued. Using wine as her bestie, Andra talked about how her relationship with alcohol really escalated during the global pandemic and lockdowns. “It was a real wake-up call when I started googling “how to get sober” and “sober groups”.

That’s when Andra came across This Naked Mind, by Annie Grace and she broke up with alcohol in October 2020, over a year ago. After joining multiple Facebook groups that offered recovery coaching and doing one-on-one coaching, Andra realized how much she liked it and wanted to become a coach herself.

“Jessica organizes a What’s App group, which keeps the group communicating over the four weeks and beyond of the course. I didn’t realize I’d also be making new best friends!”

Andra Newsham


Andra was quick to explain that she loved that the price point for Jessica’s course was so approachable compared to other courses that are out there. The course teaches the basics of what you need to know to start your coaching business. Andra was also a bit nervous about the role-playing but realized that it actually flows very easily.

In fact, Andra also said if Jessica was offering additional courses, she’d be one of the first to sign up! “Jessica organizes a What’s App group, which keeps the group communicating over the four weeks and beyond of the course. I didn’t realize I’d also be making new best friends,” Andra exclaimed.

Follow along with Andra in all of the social places!

Meet Melissa Clowers

Back in January of 2019, Melissa’s son’s father passed away and she realized she wanted and needed to stick around for her son. In fact, the day I connected with Melissa at the end of September she was celebrating 600 days of sobriety. Mel went on to explain to me that taking this course was a spur-of-the-moment choice. She was lying on the couch, scrolling through her Instagram feed when Jessica posted about the new course she was offering.

“This course taught me what direction I should be going in.”

Mel Clowers


Mel explained there are lots of courses out there and it’s hard to know what you’re going to get for your investment. She found the price point of this course both affordable and approachable. In fact, when she reached out, Jessica called her back, which Mel was very impressed by. Mel has been involved in a life coaching group since February 2021 and realized in addition to her own experiences, she’s been helping other people her entire life. So why shouldn’t she do this and get paid for it?

This course taught me what direction I should be going in,” Mel explained. She wants to go beyond the typical “mommy wine culture” daily drinker, and customize her coaching program to be geared towards serious trauma and healing. Mel describes her own personal background as a bit more gritty and intense. She hopes going forward she will be able to make an impact on other women who can relate to her.

Follow along with Mel in all of the social spaces!

A Sober Girls Guide Academy

The A Sober Girls Guide Academy is an online platform curated for small business owners, entrepreneurs, aspiring influencers, and anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of brand strategy, marketing, content creation, digital storytelling, and more. It’s filled to the brim with all of Jessica Jeboult’s tried, tested and true systems, proprietary templates, methods, and trade secrets!

These resources will teach you and help you with everything she struggled with along the way of starting and managing her business. The goal is to keep you motivated, organized, and engaged through knowledge and by building solid systems and implementing them. These are the keys needed to start, run and maintain a successful business. 

Sober Curator Pro Tip:

Check out her Instagram Template Packages that will help you shine and be more efficient with your brand. And did I mention her merch? Well then, I’m going to mention it again because shopping is my cardio and I’m obsessed with her Sober Girl Swag!

Check out SOBER POP the Playback podcast from 10/06/21



I hope you enjoyed learning from each of these women about their experiences with A Sober Girls Guide Coaching Certification and Business Training. I’m only two weeks in and I’ve already made some good discoveries about myself and the direction I’d like to head towards with my recovery advocacy work. I’ve also had the honor of being a guest on Jessica’s A Sober Girls Guide podcast, which you can check out here. 

If you are feeling inspired to help others on their recovery journeys and you are interested in starting your own coaching business, I would encourage you to sign up for one of Jessica’s future courses. In my own personal experience, there are few things on earth that feel as good as helping another woman find her better self.


#QUITLIT: This Naked Mind, Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness, and Change Your Life by Annie Grace

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.