Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: Getting Started with Crystals

Welcome back! In case you missed part one of this series, make sure to go back and read it here. In part two of this series, we are going to explore the science behind crystals, how crystals are experienced, and how to select the right crystals for you. There are many ways to incorporate crystals into your daily recovery lifestyle. Below, I will cover some important things that will help you succeed in using crystals.

1. Selecting the Right Crystals

Not all crystals are created equal. Consult with a crystal healer or conduct research to identify crystals that align with your specific needs in recovery. When I was around 17, someone said we don’t choose our crystals- our crystals choose us. I have to say that I believe this to be true on many different levels, but pay attention to the crystals that resonate and those that you feel drawn to.

2. Setting Intentions

Before using crystals, setting clear intentions for your healing journey is crucial. Whether overcoming cravings, finding inner peace, or fostering self-love, stating your intentions can amplify the effectiveness of crystal work. Intention alone is more powerful than I had ever known. Throw in your favorite crystals, and you will have some results for yourself.

3. Cleanse & Charge

Crystals can absorb negative energies over time. Regularly cleanse them using methods such as running water, sunlight exposure, or smudging with sage to maintain their energetic purity. While doing so, visualize yourself washing away darkness and watching it evaporate or go down the drain. If you are like me and cannot visualize as a result of Aphantasia, you can use a narrative within your head to complete the processes.

4. Incorporating Them into Daily Practices

Make crystals a consistent part of your daily routine through activities like meditation, carrying them in your pocket, or placing them strategically in your living space. Consistent interaction with the crystals can deepen their impact on your recovery and life. I have been pleasantly surprised by how I connected with my crystals. I am kind of obsessed now, so be careful not to replace one addiction with another. (Wink wink.)

The Science Behind Crystals

I must note that while crystal healing has been extremely beneficial to me and has gained popularity in alternative and holistic circles, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. The use of crystals is often rooted in metaphysical and spiritual experiences and beliefs rather than empirical scientific data. I believe the scientific need to quantify the crystals’ benefits may be something we haven’t yet discovered.

Despite my belief, I include below an overview of the science and a discussion of why people are drawn to crystal healing:

Crystal Structure

Crystals are minerals with a repeating atomic structure, creating a unique symmetry. This structure is believed to contribute to the stones’ energetic properties. The structure of crystals is an intriguing and foundational aspect that contributes to their unique characteristics. At the heart of a crystal’s composition is its crystal lattice—a meticulously ordered arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules extending three-dimensionally throughout the entire material. This lattice imparts a sense of symmetry and geometric precision to crystals, giving rise to the familiar shapes and facets that captivate our eyes.

Crystals can be categorized into different crystal systems based on the symmetry of their lattice arrangement. These systems, including cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral (trigonal), hexagonal, monoclinic, and triclinic, offer a framework for understanding the diverse structures in the crystalline world.

A repeating unit known as the unit cell exists within the crystal lattice. When replicated in all directions, this cell forms the complete crystal structure. The arrangement of atoms or ions within this structure is specific to each type of crystal, dictating its physical and chemical properties. Different bonding types, such as ionic, covalent, metallic, and van der Waals forces, contribute to the overall bonding landscape of crystals.

Crystals can display isotropy or anisotropy, meaning their physical properties may be uniform in all directions or vary based on orientation. Crystallization, the growth of crystals from a liquid or gas, is a natural occurrence in which molecules or ions come together to form an ordered structure.

Furthermore, crystals may contain defects or impurities, influencing their properties. Defects, such as vacancies or interstitials, contribute to crystals’ overall behavior. This deep understanding of crystal structure is pivotal across scientific disciplines, guiding researchers in predicting and explaining the multifaceted properties that make crystals such versatile and valuable materials in fields ranging from materials science to geology.

Piezoelectric Effect

Some crystals, like quartz, exhibit the piezoelectric effect, where mechanical stress generates an electrical charge. I recommend trying this because it is quite perplexing. Take two pieces of quartz, shut off all the lights, and begin rubbing them together. You will see a light coming from the friction, which does not create heat. No matter how long you keep at it. The crystals do not heat up. It’s beautiful to witness, and I still do it occasionally.

Vibrational Resonance

Crystal healers, like myself, often refer to the vibrational resonance of crystals. This concept suggests that the unique vibrational frequency of each crystal interacts with the body’s energy field. However, this idea lacks empirical evidence in mainstream scientific literature.

As I mentioned above, the core of every crystal lies a highly ordered lattice arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules, forming a three-dimensional grid that extends throughout the material. This precise arrangement creates a stable and repetitive pattern, manifesting vibrational frequencies within the crystal. When subjected to external stimuli such as heat, pressure, or even the energy from human touch, crystals respond by vibrating at specific frequencies corresponding to their inherent lattice structure.

These vibrational frequencies give rise to the distinct energies associated with different crystals. In metaphysical and holistic practices, it is believed that these vibrational energies interact with the energies of the human body, influencing individuals’ physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This concept aligns with the broader understanding of vibrational medicine, where the subtle energies emitted by crystals are thought to harmonize and balance the vibrational frequencies within the body, promoting a state of equilibrium and overall health. Whether harnessed for meditation, energy healing, or simply as decorative elements, crystals’ vibrational resonance inspires awe and exploration in the realms of science and spirituality alike.

Side Note Regarding Rigorous Studies

Scientific research on crystal healing is limited, and the existing studies often lack the methodological rigor required for conclusive findings. Well-designed, controlled studies are necessary to determine the true efficacy of crystal healing practices. I can only say that they made profound changes in my life, and I believe in them so much that I became a certified crystal healing practitioner.

Photo by kimora lopez on Unsplash

How Crystals Are Experienced

One of the first things I researched (googled) when I realigned with crystals after many years was if there was a crystal that caused an instant and undeniable reaction in people. Surprisingly, I found a crystal that causes a physical response in those holding it. It’s called Moldavite.

Moldavite is a unique and rare gemstone believed to have extraterrestrial origins. It was formed by the impact of a meteorite that crashed into the Earth approximately 15 million years ago in the southern German region. This impact created intense heat and pressure, causing the local sand and minerals to melt and fuse into a green glass-like substance known as moldavite. The gem is often found in the southern German region and parts of the Czech Republic.

Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash

My Recommendations for Crystal Healing in Addiction Recovery

Moldavite is renowned for its distinctive olive-green color, captivating surface patterns, and purported metaphysical properties. Many individuals who work with moldavite report experiencing intense sensations or reactions when holding or wearing the gem.

These reactions are often described as a warm or tingling sensation, increased energy, heightened awareness, vivid dreams, or even a spiritual connection. This reaction has been coined “the moldavite flush.” A rush of excitement causes your face to flush and butterflies in your stomach.

Below are some common beliefs about how crystals are thought to work in metaphysical and holistic practices:

Energy Alignment:

Advocates of crystal healing often suggest that crystals emit energy that interacts with the energy fields surrounding the human body. This energy alignment is believed to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy centers, also known as chakras. After working with my Chakras and using crystals daily, I am just so zen now. I used to stomp around the house and get so angry about messes or whatever, and I am just so…. chill now.

Vibrational Resonance:

As mentioned above, each type of crystal is said to have a unique vibrational frequency. It is believed that when a person comes into contact with a crystal, the crystal’s vibrations resonate with the individual’s energy, influencing their emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Chakra Activation:

According to some Eastern spiritual traditions, crystals are often associated with specific chakras, which are energy centers in the body. Placing crystals on or near these energy centers activates and aligns the chakras, promoting a free energy flow throughout the body.

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Did you see my series on Chakras? If not, you can get started with that series here.

Amplification of Intentions:

Many practitioners of crystal healing use crystals as tools for setting and amplifying intentions. The idea is that crystals can magnify the power of one’s thoughts and intentions, aiding in manifestation and personal growth.

Protection and Cleansing:

Certain crystals are believed to have protective and purifying qualities. They are often used to create energetic shields, clear negative energies, and promote a sense of well-being and safety.

Holistic Healing:

Some holistic practitioners suggest that certain crystals may have healing properties supporting physical well-being. For example, amethyst is often associated with calming energy, while citrine is believed to promote vitality.

Holistic healing with crystals is deeply rooted in intention, personal belief, and the symbolic nature of these beautiful gems. Incorporating crystals into mindfulness practices can be a meaningful and reflective way for individuals to explore their holistic well-being.

Studies exploring the effectiveness of crystal healing often face challenges related to the placebo effect. When individuals believe in the healing properties of crystals, their perception of improvement may be influenced by psychological factors rather than the crystals themselves.

The experiences reported by individuals using crystals for healing are often subjective and can vary widely. Objective measures, such as physiological changes or clinical outcomes, are challenging to quantify in crystal healing.

Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash

3 Reasons Why People Use Crystals

People use crystals for various reasons, drawn to their aesthetic beauty, symbolic significance, and metaphysical properties. From a holistic perspective, crystals are often associated with intentions, meditation, and chakra work, serving as tools to enhance focus, relaxation, and spiritual connection.

Additionally, some individuals turn to crystals for their potential calming, energizing, or protective properties, viewing them as supportive elements in their journey toward physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. While the efficacy of crystal use is subjective and not scientifically proven, the practice remains a popular and deeply personal aspect of various cultural, spiritual, and holistic traditions. Here are some more reasons why people use crystals.

1. Cultural and Historical Significance

Crystals have been revered for their beauty and perceived mystical properties throughout history in various cultures. This historical significance contributes to their enduring popularity. Our ancestors knew what they were doing because they were taught these things. We should seriously consider their beliefs and rituals because they hold credence.

2. Holistic and Spiritual Beliefs

Many individuals are drawn to the holistic and spiritual aspects of crystal healing. The idea that crystals can positively influence one’s energy, emotions, and spiritual well-being aligns with certain belief systems.

3. Complementary Practices

Some people use crystals as part of a broader approach to well-being, incorporating them alongside meditation, yoga, and other holistic practices. I use crystal alongside my Reiki, vibrational, and sound healing practices for clients and myself. Crystals are powerful, but throw in a complementary practice, and whoa…

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash


Crystals, with their ancient allure and mysterious properties, offer a unique and complementary approach to addiction recovery. While they are not a substitute for professional medical and therapeutic interventions, I know many individuals, including myself, find solace and support in the energetic properties of these natural wonders. Whether at the beginning of your recovery journey or well into it, exploring the potential of crystals may provide additional strength and resilience, fostering a holistic approach to healing that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit.

If you can keep an open mind and integrate crystals into your daily life, you will be thanking me a little down the road. They have the potential to make all the mishaps of the past suddenly not seem so crucial because suddenly you KNOW that you do GOT this, and you do! Metta, friends!

SPIRITUAL GANGSTER: Welcome to the ‘Spiritual Gangster’ wing of The Sober Curator, a haven for those on a sober journey with a twist of spiritual sass and a love of woo-woo. Here, we invite you to plunge headfirst into a world of meditation, astrology, and spiritual reflection – all while keeping your feet (and sobriety) firmly on the ground.

Each month, our very own Analisa Six, better known as the Lady of Leosure, graces us with ‘The Sobercast with Six.’ It’s like horoscopes, but with less hocus-pocus and more sober reality checks for the coming month. And let’s not forget Daniel G Garza, or as we affectionately call him, ‘The Card Divo.’ He delivers snappy, under-a-minute weekly sober tarot card readings that’ll have you saying, “Hit me with another round…of cards!” Teresa Bergen shows us how to get bendy with mindful yoga practices and Samantha Bushika teaches us everything we need to know about chakras, crystals, and all things woo-woo.

The newest star of this spiritual show? That’s Derek Castleman, our resident ‘Sober Stoic.’ After finding enlightenment in the Serenity Prayer and its connection to the Steps, he realized stoicism wasn’t just about keeping a stiff upper lip – it was a roadmap for leading a fulfilling life, no matter the roll of the dice.

SOBERCAST WITH SIX  brings you astrology updates from our resident astrologer, tarot card reader, and Sober Curator Contributor Analisa Six.

THE CARD DIVO brings quick-hitting and intuitive horoscopes for sober people on the go. (Seriously, 1-minute once a week)

THE SOBER STOIC Sober Curator Contributor Derek Castleman is a writer, educator, scientist, data analyst, and philosopher. Struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism for over fifteen years while at the same time suffering from being bipolar, he was finally able to achieve recovery in 2018. From mental hospitals to rehab, county jail to sober living, 12 Step Programs would be his foundation, but he would eventually discover the path of Stoicism to be the key to his sobriety and sanity.

ALTAR & EGO explores topics surrounding recovery, spirituality, and mental health. We hope you will consider this section of our site as food for your sober soul. Brought to you by Sober Curator Contributor Staci DesRault

THE DAILY LLAMA brings you short, one-word weekday meditations for your complete wool-being! Brought to you by Sober Curator Contributor Staci DesRault

SPIRITUAL SUBSTANCE Lane Kennedy’s new column, coming monthly, will explore the intersections of mindfulness, science, and spirituality.

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