Happy Every Hour With Justin Lamb: Ceria Brewing Company Is One To Savor


Ceria Brewing Company was founded by former national brewer, Keith Villa. With the goal of challenging himself to create something amazing in the non-alcoholic beer world, Ceria Brewing was born and their two flagship beers began to hit the shelves. Under a partnership with Sleeping Giant Brewing in Colorado, Ceria Brewing has put out two great beers with sky-high standards for their ingredients and even higher standards for flavor.

Ceria Brewing Company’s Indiewave is described as a flavorful brew that perfectly balances cascade, citra, and Amarillo hops with light caramel malts for a smooth citrus flavor. 

How Does it Pour?

Indiewave by Ceria Brewing Company pours like a classic India Pale Ale. The color is a dark copper, thick with hoppiness, and the head matches the profile with a cream color, far from the stark white you find in lighter IPAs on the market. The head sticks around and provides a surprising aroma of malt first, but the real surprise awaits you when you get to put that sweet non-alcoholic nectar to your lips.

How Does it Taste?

Indiewave immediately hits like an IPA should. Hop forward with a beautiful balance of the three hop varieties finding the tiny corners in your mouth and providing an overall coating of tastiness. The beer has a heavy mouth feel. Not quite as much as a stout or anything, but definitely a fullness of flavor that may fill you up quicker than you anticipate. The heaviness of the beer is another surprise considering it’s only 99 calories, somewhat light for an IPA. 

Overall, I wish I had savored the first five beers of my six pack as much as the last one. This is a well-crafted IPA in all respects and Ceria Brewing Company did a great job providing their customers with a perfect replacement for those alcohol heavy brews that just aren’t as cool as they used to be. Untappd gives Indiewave a 3.14 out of 5, and I would probably rate it even higher in the NA beer market. 

Ceria Brewing Company is available for purchase at many local stores, including Amazon! Just make sure you don’t accidentally buy their Cannabis-infused beer and have a night of regrets and confusion. 


ICYMI: Justin Lamb is ALL About NA Brews

Love what you just read? Check out these additional posts from Justin. He’s working on curating the Ultimate NA Brew list. 

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