Happy Every Hour: Seltzer & Health Can Go Hand In Hand – TARTA Is An All-Natural Beverage Infused With White Balsamic Vinegars

It’s always Happy Every Hour somewhere and with TARTA™ seltzer and health can go hand in hand! We’re always being told to “trust our gut”, right? Then don’t you think you better make sure your gut is in optimal health? After years of boozing and drugging, we’ve been so hard on our bodies. But we sober now, which means we care about the things we are putting in our bodies.

About TARTA™


Let’s break it down

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – centuries old and a recent darling in health media, we know it’s good for us, but that taste! WOOF! TARTA™ has figured out how to create the same effect and make that pucker not so punchie by using natural sweeteners and fruit! Can we get an AMEN?!?!

  • Bubbles with Benefits – We’ve always believed that bubbles should be for everyone. It’s ok if you love yourself some soda from time to time, but we know it’s not that great for us with all those empty calories and chemicals. TARTA™ figured out a way to make it good for us! Hellz yeah!

  • Helps Refine Complexion – Um hello, let’s not bury the lead here. We all want a younger, clearer looking skin. Reduce breakouts and inflammation? Yes please!

  • Helps Aid Digestion – Prebotics + Probotics = happy & healthy gut, look it up!

  • Helps Lower Cholesterol – This tasty seltzer contributes to better heart health and that gives us all the warm fuzzies

  • Promotes Weight Loss – It’s like metabolic miracle in a can

  • Naturally Detoxifies – Detox that gut and help your body naturally reset

  • Helps Stabilize Blood Sugars – It helps stabilize blood sugars, which will keep your energy steady and you won’t get as tired. Don’t mind if I do!

  • Promotes Energy – Put a little fizz in your steps so you can do more of what you love

  • No Gross Stuff – TARTA™ keeps it real and keeps it fresh

Meet the Founder of TARTA™

Jessica Craig is a proud Philadelphia native, wife, mother, fitness enthusiast, and entrepreneur. A proponent of family, fizzy drinks, and a healthy lifestyle, she hopes Tarta™ makes your life a bit better and guilt-free. Check out her full story here, we hope you’ll find it as fascinating as we do!


TARTA™ is perfect for game night!

In late March, my adult son Jakob (he’s 24) and I had decided we had been isolated for long enough. Basically, we were really tired of looking at just each other. I think even our dogs were getting tired of us. Since we are both people with pre-existing conditions, we’ve taken extreme measures of safety during the last year of the pandemic. Jakob has two close friends, Sara and Andrew and as it turns out, they don’t go anywhere either, for similar reasons. My brand new Goonies Monopoly had shown up a few weeks before and I was itching to have someone to play with. Strange, but Jakob didn’t want to play it with just the two of us. Go figure.

The building we live in has an outdoor rooftop patio that is partially covered and includes a cozy gas fireplace and lots of comfy seating and tables. Fresh air and game night, could it get any better? I’m a gal that just can’t get enough ginger, so I opted to enjoy the TARTA™ Orange Blossom Ginger. I enjoyed the taste, it had the perfect mix of orange and ginger for me. I believe it did give me a little pep in my step to take on the young people in our cut-throat game of Monopoly.

Feeling fancy? Add some sparkle!

Because I was feeling oh-so-fancy, I added a little bit of Brew Glitter to bring a little sparkle to the table. It’s hard to see it in these pictures, but it makes any drink oh so sparkly! And don’t worry, it’s kosher, vegan, gluten and nut free. It’s also tasteless, so it didn’t change the experience at all of the Orange Blossom Ginger. I am a firm believer that being sober does not mean being boring. Thanks to amazing brands like TARTA™, I can enjoy game nights with a special drink just for me that’s also good for me!

Game Night Fun Fact: I am a HUGE Goonies NERD! I’ve watched the movie over 100 times (easily), I’ve been to the house, the rock, and all over Astoria, Oregon.

We know we mix a mean mocktail. HAPPY EVERY HOUR will keep you up to date on the latest and greatest trends in the world of mocktails and zero-proof beverages. TRIGGER WARNING: People in early sobriety may want to proceed with caution. Make sure to read the labels. Only you know what’s right to put into your body. Please hydrate responsibly … because drunk never looks good.

Resources are available

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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