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  • Get The Full Scoop On This Month’s Astrological Vibrations And The Timing On When To Slow Your Roll As Sobercast With Six Explains What’s In Store For February 2021

Get The Full Scoop On This Month’s Astrological Vibrations And The Timing On When To Slow Your Roll As Sobercast With Six Explains What’s In Store For February 2021


The Sobercast with Six may help shed a light on why you feel the way you do and how the planets play apart of it. Love is in the air, so settle in with your favorite zero-proof beverage and cozy up with this article on everything you need to know about the sober month ahead of you!

Blessings sober warriors!

Analisa the sober resident astrologer here to give you the scoop on February’s main astrological vibrations! 

We start February off with Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury will be retrograde until February 20th. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, technology, short distance travel, and the way we perceive the world around us. When Mercury is retrograde, it is advised to not start any life altering projects, sign any contracts, or move forward on any business deals. It is also wise to use caution on the roads, be mindful with how we are communicating with others, and to observe the challenges that arise as lessons to learn from.


Aquarius energy is a major theme for the first half of February as not only do we have our Sun and Mercury in the fixed air sign, but we also have Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus here as well. All of these planets will make what are called conjunctions over the coming days, enhancing Aquarius themes in the weeks ahead.

Aquarius is the sign that represents social progress and revolution. It is the sign of the activist, humanitarian, team player, societies misfit, and rebel with a cause. With this enhanced vibration of Aquarian energy this month, we may feel more passionate about social justice issues, our political and socio economic climate, and the people in our community.

Aquarius is a great energy for bringing people together around humanitarian causes. We could feel passionate about social justice issues that are important to us in the weeks ahead. 

Some famous Aquarius individuals who have made waves in society:

Oprah Winfrey, Franklin Roosevelt, Michael Jordan, Dr. Dre, Bob Marley, Charles Dickens, Yoko Ono, Thomas Edison, Rosa Parks, Jimmy Hoffa, Galileo

February 2021 Main Themes

  • Communication in relationship dynamics with lovers as well as friendship circles

  • Being open to learning new things and seeing things from a different perspective

  • Making moves in business and work, but not taking any financial risks

  • Keeping a cool head when things get tough

  • Remaining optimistic and having gratitude for when things are going right 

January 1st Article: Ring in the New Year in our 1st annual “Sobercast with Six” Astrological Forecast Predictions for 2021 by Analisa Six


Sun in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus

Venus enters Aquarius

The Sun represents vitality and life, while Mars represents passion, assertion, and action. With our Sun making a hard aspect to Mars, we feel tension in the air when it comes to how we present ourselves in the world. Despite this, we could feel some sort of determination to make progress in our lives, despite the obstacles that are standing in our way. This transit is also often associated with inflation of ego. We need to be extremely mindful with how we present ourselves to others right now. 

Venus joins the Aquarius party today, giving us a soft spot for humanitarian causes and potentially inspiring us to reach out to friends we miss. We may also feel inspired to change something about the way we present ourselves, whether it be a new haircut or outfit. Also a great time to meet new people or reach out to old friends. 

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Looking to get involved with some great recovery nonprofits? We’ve curated a list for you and you can find it here.

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Venus makes a conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius 

Our relationships, commitments, and responsibilities are up for review during the next couple days with Venus making a conjunction to restrictive Saturn. We  benefit from taking a practical approach to any challenges that come up with others. It is also possible that we may feel a need to carve out some alone time. Take a break from social media. 



Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus

Venus makes a hard aspect to Uranus which could have us feeling impulsive, irrational and reactive in our relationship dynamics. There is also the possibility for unforeseen expenses to arise in the coming days. We do well slowing down where we can, but rolling with unforeseen events.


Our Sun makes a conjunction to Mercury retrograde in Aquarius

How we express ourselves with others is up for reflection today as we may be feeling some way about how we are perceived by those we value. We may begin to see things from new perspectives while also having a hard time letting go of the perspective that gives us the most comfort. This is a good time to think about changes you wish to make with how you communicate as well as your world views. It is possible that we could end up on a soap box if we are not careful.


Mercury retrograde in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus 

Communication conflicts are likely today and we may end up frustrated or hot headed if we aren’t mindful. This is not a good day to move forward on any projects as it is likely to not go the way you had intended. Accidents on the road, or miscommunications about plans are likely. Slow your roll and be careful. 


New Moon 23 degrees of Aquarius

Venus makes a conjunction to Jupiter in Aquarius

New Moons are a powerful time for setting intentions towards things we wish to manifest in the future. With our New Moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, we may feel like we wish to set intentions towards making progressive changes in our lives moving forward when it comes to how we are of service to our community, the ideologies we follow, and the people we keep around us. 

With Venus and Jupiter teaming up today, we may also feel a sense of optimism in the coming days when it comes to our future plans and relationships with others. 


Mercury retrograde makes a conjunction to Venus in Aquarius

We could feel overly social in the coming days with our planet of communication teaming up with our planet of relationship. Mercury, however, is still in its retrograde motion, which means that things may not move smoothly, but Venus being a good fortune and loving frequency of energy could soften any conflict and bring a more peaceful resolution to any challenge we face. This is a positive time for forgiving or making amends with anyone we have unresolved tensions with. This is a great energy for writers and creatives. 

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Check out this post on an old Seinfeld episode and how NOT to make amends.


Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces 

Mars makes a harmonious aspect to Neptune today which enables us to have good intuitive insights when it comes to moving forward on projects related to work, health, and finances. We benefit from trusting our gut but moving slow. Make sure you have a practical plan for any big goals or dreams.


Mercury retrograde makes a conjunction Jupiter in Aquarius

Typically this transit is great when it comes to travel, but with Mercury still retrograde, we should still use caution with any travel plans we may have. The frequency of a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction is also great for teaching, writing, public speaking, and educational pursuits. We could feel motivated and inspired when it comes to learning something new. 

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Check out these great sober travel tips from @thesoberbuddist




Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus

Saturn makes a hard aspect to Uranus today which could have us feeling ungrounded and uneasy about our sense of structure and stability in the world. This is not a favorable time to take any financial risks.


Our Sun enters Pisces

Happy Birthday Pisces!

Pisces is the mutable water sign of the zodiac ruling the 12 house. This zodiac sign is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune.

Pisces is the sign of the dreamer, the artist, the poet, the psychic, the addict, and so much more. In Pisces we often feel an almost godley connection to all things and it can have those of us who have strong Pisces placements, spinning into existential crisis quite often. Pisces rules the dream world, the imagimal realms, the hidden world of subtle spiritual energy. 

In Pisces we learn that we are connected to all things, that universal love brings us all together, and that a healthy level of discernment is important for keeping ourselves grounded. 


Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus

Tension in relationships is likely today with Venus making a hard aspect to Mars. We could feel short tempered and easily irritated. On the flip side this could be a good day to channel any frustrations into creative/passion projects. 

Sober Curator Pro Tip: Check out our Curated Crafts section and keep your hands and mind busy with art therapy!


Mercury stations direct in Aquarius

Mercury finally stations directly after 3 weeks of retrograde nonsense. Don’t get too excited though, typically the tricks of Mercury are especially brutal on the day’s it stations. 

Be extremely mindful today and don’t try to force anything that does not seem to be going your way. Let go, and let it flow. 


Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn 

Today is a positive day for taking action in areas of our lives that have to do with our mundane reality. This could be work, or personal responsibilities that need our attention. Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, anything that we have been putting off could begin to require our attention. If something was delayed during the Mercury retrograde period, we could begin to see more momentum now. 


Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus

Venus enters Pisces

Our Sun makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This could experience a positive change today that in some way enhances our ability to feel enthusiastic and creative with the work we are doing in our lives at this time. This is a good day to potentially move forward on anything you have been working on.

Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces, meaning that it gives a positive and fortunate vibration when moving through the mutable water sign.The house that Venus is in for you during the time that it is in Pisces should be a beneficial and fortunate time for you. Venus will be in Pisces until March 22nd. 


Full Moon 8 degrees of Virgo

Virgo is the mutable earth sign ruling the 6th house in astrology. The 6th house represents how we are of service in the world, our daily routines, and the way we take care of our health. In Virgo, we learn the value of repetition and order. Full Moons are often a time where we do best focusing on what we wish to release in our lives. It is also a powerful time for manifestation. In the sign of Virgo, we are called to reflect on our daily routines, structure, and order of things. If we have goals but no plans on how to achieve those goals, then Virgo is a sign we do well calling on. 

This Moon will also be making a trine to Uranus in Taurus. This may require us to reflect on what changes we need to make when it comes to the structure of our lives. Especially when it comes to health and finances. Our work life may be a big focus right now. Life / work balance and how we manage our resources is coming up for reflection and review at this time. 

Be “Virgo-like” by weighing out various options of whatever problem or ideas you are facing. Try to mitigate as much risk as possible by planning for all potential scenarios. 


There you have it everyone! A glance at the Astrology of February 2021! 

If you would like to dive in more on how this months transits will play a part in your life, feel free to book an astrology reading with me over at themysticparlor.com 

Analisa Six


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Love is in the Air. Celebrate with 8 Epic Love Songs

Enough of Silly Love Songs? We think not. Love is in the Air and we are here to help you celebrate it with 8 epic Lovesongs from some pretty amazing artists. Check out the full post here with a Spotify playlist curated just for you!

Resources are available – use them if you need them!

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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