SOBER SPOTLIGHT: From Finding Freedom While Locked-Up To Any Length Retreat, Robert White Has A Story To Tell.

I had the pleasure of spending some zoom time with Robert White, owner of Any Length Retreat in Austin. This guy has a true servant’s heart and honestly walks the talk. His passion for recovery and helping men build a lasting foundation is undeniable. 

It wasn’t always like this for Robert though. The consequences of his drinking and drugging landed him in prison for a 30-month sentence. His struggle to remain sober and be completely honest throughout was a challenge.  But by the grace of God, he’s come through, made it to the other side, and now works in the recovery industry.  We discussed this and so much more. 

Robert White’s Story

Let’s jump in with a bit of Robert’s story. At one point, Robert was struggling with his sobriety. He relayed how Macklemore’s Starting Over Lyrics inspired a lightbulb moment.  (This is how I know this Spotlight is meant to be.) He credits Starting Over for helping him realize that this experience is an asset.  He recalled the miracle of feeling completely free while working a recovery program even though he was locked up. Let this sink in. He felt completely free in jail. This is proof to him that it works.   

After being released from prison, he was finally able to get completely honest about his drug use.  The freedom that came from this is a lesson he holds dear and something he shares to help others. He explained that he still gets nervous when sharing his story.  But God’s gift in this is that every time he tells his story, he says more is revealed about his life.

Macklemore’s Inspiring Starting Over Lyrics

If I can be an example of gettin’ soberThen I can be an example of startin’ overIf I can be an example of gettin’ soberThen I can be an example of startin’ over

Going Public with Your Story

So many of us in recovery have dark pasts and this can make going public with our stories intimidating. Robert’s advice: Be yourself. Be authentic.  My dark past and addiction have become my greatest asset. I get to use those experiences to help others emerge from the darkness and insanity of their own addictions. Being open and honest about my life has allowed others to approach me with real vulnerability about their struggles. Talking about my addiction openly was uncomfortable at first. But once I realized how powerful it was to be authentic and share my experiences with others it removed the fear of being judged.

This true desire to help others led Robert and his family to open several sober living houses.  Eventually, Robert had the desire to do more. This evolved into Any Length Retreat.   

How it All Began

Lisa: How did Any Length Retreat start? Robert: After running sober living houses from 2012-to 2016, Any Length Retreat opened on 4/28/16 (his 4-year sobriety birthday). The idea of having a residential retreat came out of seeing men from treatment centers enter sober living. There still had to be a lot of time spent on creating a tribe and a true culture.  But now everyone at the retreat center begins by living the Any Length way. The retreat gives them the foundation and then sends them off to sober living as recovered gentlemen. 

Staying true to the established values of being compassionate, lively, empathetic, authentic, and recovered serve as Robert’s North Star and dictate how he runs the business. His commitment to vales and to his mission was obvious throughout our entire conversation. This is Robert’s take on running a successful live-in recovery center.

Q: What advice would you give someone new to recovery who is also a business owner?  A: Don’t get distracted by the shiny stuff.  Stay true to yourself.  Figure out who you are, what you do best and focus your energies on that. Create core values for your business and hire and coach your team based on those values. Take care of your team and treat them like family. Surround yourself with people that will keep you humble and challenge you to grow daily. Keep recovery number one in your life no matter what.

Gratitude and Authenticity

Q: How does your recovery benefit your business?A: Recovery has taught me what​ ​gratitude really is. I am grateful that I get to wake up every day with a purpose and that purpose is to serve others.  This doesn’t even feel like work to me.  Recovery is the foundation of my business􏰂 It allows me to be authentic and lead by example. 

Q: What are you most proud of in business or in recovery?A: Without a doubt, I am most proud of the Any Length Retreat Alumni, the men who walked into our treatment center hopelessly addicted and walked out 60 days later with new hope in recovery.  I have seen some men come through our doors whose lives were ravaged by this disease. They were at the end of their ropes but they had a willingness to go to any lengths to achieve recovery. Those same men are now reconnected with their families and children, holding down steady jobs, owning homes, contributing to society, and most importantly, reaching out to others with the disease of addiction so that they too can recover.

The Any Length Difference

Q: What are the main differentiators for your business? A: We have no patients at Any Length Retreat. When you walk through our doors, you are family.  That sense of we are all in this together is what makes the recovery community such a vital part of our journey and we strive to bring that same community support to every aspect of life at Any Length Retreat. We also can empathize with what our community is going through while they are in treatment.

Every member of our staff from our mentors and counselors to our business development and communications team has all recovered from their own personal battles with addiction. Our treatment practices always incorporate that experiential knowledge and expertise. The fact that we have all been there, so to speak, allows our guests to open up to be truly vulnerable about their experiences without fear of judgment. Lastly, we have an established Alumni program where our graduates actively participate in the Any Length community and continue to share their experience, strength, and hope with current guests and those still suffering from this disease.

Community is Essential

Lisa: What is the secret to the community and keeping people coming back, keep them engaged in the community? Robert:  Leading by example making sure they are walking out the values of being compassionate, lively, empathetic, authentic, and recovered,  Showing up as recovered gentlemen is how they are living. Also being authentic about their struggles and mistakes shows others how to walk through their mistakes. 

Q: What initiative would you like us to mention?A: In truth, we are not here to sell a service. Yes, this is a business and at the end of the day, it would be nice to keep the lights on. But, we do this because we love to do it. The disease of addiction claims countless lives each year and by the grace of God, we made it to the other side.  We know there is a permanent solution, we are living proof and our only vision is to carry the message of that solution to those who still suffer. Our model is simple. Mind, body, spirit. By seeking out and treating the fundamental causes of addiction as it pertains to those three areas rather than just treating the symptoms of addiction triggers cravings, etc. we can achieve sustainable, lifelong recovery. And we believe we are the best at what we do because we do it for the right reasons.

Giving It Away to Keep It

Q: Does your business participate in cause marketing?A: Absolutely.  We are always partnering with like-minded organizations and contributing to addiction and mental health-related philanthropies. Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World and we have found that there is an overlap here between the musician community and those struggling with a substance use disorder. We work with SIMS Foundation, which provides mental health and substance use recovery services for musicians. In March, we are also teaming up with a few other local Austin organizations to host an event for Addiction Awareness Week.

Lightning Round

Q: Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?A: Water. Boring I know. 

Q: Favorite QUITLIT recovery or sobriety book? A: The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous 

Q: What are your favorite nonprofits? A: Not A Glum Lot Their mission is to provide opportunities for growth to addicts and alcoholics who are new to recovery and to teach them that joy and satisfaction are possible in sobriety not glum.

Q: What is your favorite guilty pleasure? A: Chocolate. Anything chocolate. I also love Oatmeal Cream Pies.

Q: ​Favorite pop culture moment?A: I’m a big fan of Eminem so it was really monumental for me when he went public about his sobriety.

Q: What’s on your playlist right now? A: Bands: Nahko and Medicine for the People, Lil Nas X, old Lil Wayne, Red Hot Chilli Peppers Podcasts: Gary Vee Audio Experience and Danger Talk with Russell Wilson

On Meditation

Q: What is your go-to meditation? A: ​I love the teachings of Ram Dass. His meditations integrate bhakti devotional love and karmic spiritual service methods. Both of which really resonate with what I have learned in my recovery. Currently, I am listening to his meditation called I Am Loving Awareness

Q: What do you do to take time for yourself?  A: Meditation is very important. My specific morning ritual to start off each day consists of quiet time, guided meditations, YouTube videos on spirituality, and readings from the Big Book of AA. Taking care of my physical fitness each day with swimming and CrossFit workouts with Chase Christian, our Fitness Nutrition Director at Any Length Retreat’s onsite gym is important.  I also enjoy wake surfing and listening to YouTube videos on Texas football, Gary Vee Stefan James for goal setting.

Closing Thoughts from Robert White

No one ​wanted to have a life-threatening addiction. No one wanted to go to treatment. This wasn’t your childhood dream.  We get it.  You didn’t see your life turning out this way. Neither did we. Not by a long shot. But here you are. You can make that fateful decision to become willing and use this moment as the foundation for the rest of your life. You can use your past as an asset and move forward with a new purpose.

Overcoming addiction is simple but it’s ​not easy. It shouldn’t be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. Recovering from this disease is the hardest thing I have ever done by a million miles, which is why it is also the best and most beautiful thing I have ever done by a million miles. Beauty and difficulty are always and forever linked. It is the best decision I ever made for myself. It’s worth it. You are worth it. 

Any Length Retreat Mission Statement

At Any Length Retreat addicted men and their families find lifelong recovery through the application of the 12 Steps. We are a nationally respected recovery center, where men and their families find lifelong freedom from addiction. We believe in unwavering ethics, the healing power of the 12 steps, and is exceptional in all facets of our lives.

To connect with Robert White, contact him at Any Length Retreat at (512) 746-7036 or @anylengthretreat through their Facebook page.

Resources are available. Please ask for help

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


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