TOST Is A Non-Alcoholic Effervescent Drink Made Of White Tea, Cranberry & Ginger

TOST is an alcohol-free, effervescent beverage made of white tea, cranberry, and ginger. I’m not going to bury the lead here. You’re going to love the taste. I think it’s delicious. Bubbles are for everyone! This drink has no problem standing on its own.

And stand it does! The packaging on this drink is just as good as the taste itself. The bottle looks and feels elegant. Their logo has a clean, effortless design. You will carry this bottle with pride coming into the holiday season. It’s the perfect alcohol-free option for any gathering that might end up on your calendar. They also have some pretty great mocktail recipes on their site. You can check them out here.

Sip! Sip! Hooray! That’s just one of the many notes you’ll find on the TOST website from their customers. If those don’t convince you, head on over to their media page and see what The New York Times and the Washington Post had to say about TOST. Or you can save your time and listen to me when I tell you this is the drink for your every occasion.

“TOST…this is the drink for your every occasion.”


Refreshing is just one word I would use to describe this bubbly beverage. The white tea, cranberry, and ginger work well together. Each taste holds its own but does not overpower the other two. Last weekend, I drank a bottle by myself and binge-watched The Home Edit on Netflix. I do love a good “Me Party”.

(If you’re a Home Edit fan, send me a picture of whatever you organized! I really want to see it! I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!)


Side note, it felt a little funny to write the words “I drank a bottle by myself.” In this case, there were no consequences. Well, other than a happy palet. (Thank you TOST!) Back in my drinking days, well that would have been another story. There were always consequences.

If you’re in recovery from alcohol too, then you know what I’m talking about. After 14+ years alcohol-free, I have many other things I would rather talk about versus my drunk-a-log. Trust me, I qualify. When I start drinking, I can not stop. I can’t stop until I blackout, run out, or pass out.

This is why I choose to celebrate brands like TOST. Giving up alcohol was the very best decision I ever made. A decision I protect at all costs. That said, I still want to celebrate. Having options of tasty alcohol-free beverages is really (really) important for a gal like me.

When I first got sober, there were no options outside of the typical water, coffee, or tea at events and gatherings. Alcohol-free beverage options have always seemed to be an afterthought. Want to know how that translates to a non-drinker? Our needs don’t matter.

There is a sober-curious movement happening and it is just as real as the global covid-19 pandemic. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, both are very much happening. Sobriety or sober curious living started trending last year, as noted in the New York Times article we referenced earlier.

If being sober is on-trend, then high-five to me! If being on-trend means that more and more options, like TOST, become available then I am all about that life. Everyone likes to have options. Everyone (hopefully) has moments in their life they want to celebrate with a toast!

Some days are hard. (Like maybe every day of 2020?) I gave up alcohol, but sometimes I still need the ritual of making a tasty beverage. The ritual of just sitting, sipping, taking deep breaths, or talking with a friend. and reflecting on my day. These days, I just want to do all of that without the buzz. Beverages like TOST allow me to socially celebrate with others or just feel fancy at home and I will cheer for that!


CHEERS! It’s your lucky day! For an additional 15% off your order, use the code “CURATOR15”


Sober Curator Pro Tip: prepare for the bottle to blow! There is no cork, but that doesn’t stop the twist-off lid from blasting white bubbles in every direction. Super fun! (assuming you enjoy the element of surprise)

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Need to talk to someone? Resources are available. You just need to know where to look.

Resources Are Available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.