Burnout Is Not A Badge Of Honor

Despite what society wants you to believe, being overwhelmed and burnt out isn’t normal and no, not all the cool kids are doing it. Being burnt out can have a negative effect on our health. It can cause elevated stress, insomnia, depression, memory issues, increased irritability, weakened immune system, and lack of productivity, just to name a few.

Who knew that trying to overwhelm yourself with more tasks can actually yield opposite results! Before you know it, you’re snapping at your loved ones, can’t remember where you left your glasses (have you checked the top of your head?) and your lunch consists of leftover coffee from this morning and that Nature Valley bar you’ll be cleaning out of your keyboard for weeks (because omg the crumbs!). You’re telling yourself that you just have to get through this week and next week will be better…on an endless loop. Sound familiar? You’re not alone, and there’s help! Finding balance is key. You can be a hard-working boss a$$ baddie and also have space for taking care of your mental andphysical health.

Here are a few tips on how to do that:

Have You Tried Boundaries?

They’re great! Boundaries help you protect your time and energy. You absolutely do not have to say ‘yes’ when you really want to say ‘no’. You can (and should) speak up if you feel like you have too much on your plate. You don’t have to over-explain yourself for fear of offending someone. People’s reactions to your boundaries are a “they” problem and not a “you” problem.

Create a ‘To-Do’ List

Lists help us stay organized and are super helpful in preventing burnout. Here is what you do: Create 3 columns. In the first column, you will list your non-negotiable items. Non-negotiables are things that absolutely MUST get done that day (psst: some form of self-care item needs to be in this column too…i.e.: read a chapter of a book, go for a walk, exercise, get nails done, meditate, self-development. You get the point).

In the second column, you will list things that require your attention but can wait for another day (they can and probably will make their way into the non-negotiable column eventually).

In the third column, you’ll list the things that can be either delegated or deleted from your life…at least for the unforeseeable future. Cleaning between the couch cushions doesn’t need to make it onto the to-do list. It will only add to your stress because it’s an extra item on the list, but relatively unimportant. We all know we should clean between the couch cushions, but do we NEED to? Probably not. We can probably get away with doing it once or twice a year. (Seriously does anyone do it more than twice a year? I legitimately want to know, send me a DM and tell me!)

Recharge Your Battery

If you’re feeling burnt out, chances are you’re running on empty and in need of recharging your battery. Recharging your battery simply means disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of life and doing things that bring you joy and relaxation, or my personal favorite, doing nothing at all.

Here are some ways you can recharge:

  • Get out in nature

  • Take a mental health day from work

  • Get off social media for a day

  • Take a vacation (weekend getaways count)

  • Take a relaxing bath

  • Take yourself on a date

  • Get some sunshine

It’s entirely your call how you choose to recharge, but the important thing is that you do. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, and what recharges my batteries might not work for you. So find something that takes you from feeling depleted to revived and do lots of that!

Self-care is not selfish, and burnout is not sexy. If you’re noticing changes in your behavior (elevated stress, increased irritability, etc) or you just haven’t felt like yourself lately and you’ve been grinding away, it’s very possible that you’re burnt out. Make sure you find ways to feel balanced and take time to unwind. If you have concerns about your physical and/or mental health, speak to a medical professional. This article isn’t intended to diagnose or treat any health or mental conditions. Its intention is to simply help bring awareness and help you live a more balanced life with less stress and burnout. If you feel like you’re burnt out and are looking for additional help and guidance, I would be happy to help you create a plan that works with your busy schedule. For more tips and guidance on how to recover from burnout, follow me on Instagram @nikithewellnesswarrior

In Health,


Addicted to TEDx? Yeah, We Are Too

Please enjoy this curated list of TEDx videos on burn-out. Just please promise us you won’t get burnt out watching too many videos on burnout, okay?

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

Resources are available

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.


or to participate.